It is my understanding that as we age, our ability to hear high-frequency sound is diminished.
Given this, is the ultrasonic version of a subliminal program of any effect on such a man?
I'm 44 years old, and am currently listening to the masked version of "Absolute Self Confidence" and "Ultra Motivation" for approximately 8-10 hours daily, plus nightly until my MP3 player's battery runs out in my sleep.
I ask about the effectiveness of the ultrasonics, because I'd like to be able to put it on my home stereo system, and use my MP3 player (actually an Android phone) to listen to my favorite podcasts during the day.
I think the answer you'll hear most is that the subs are effective even though you cannot actually "hear" the audio.
I'm 40 and I listen to both masked and silent.
I believe both the silent and the masked versions are effective.
(12-22-2011, 05:24 PM)JAYCEE Wrote: [ -> ]I think the answer you'll hear most is that the subs are effective even though you cannot actually "hear" the audio.
I'm 40 and I listen to both masked and silent.
I believe both the silent and the masked versions are effective.
Thanks for the reply.
Just a few moments ago, I tried an experiment with my 8-y/o son:
I played the first few moments of the ultrasonic version of "Absolute Self Confidence" through my computer speakers. Son said he could hear what sounded like "a cricket chirping really, really loud." While I could hear nothing at all.
And therein lies my confusion. In order for subliminals to be effective, one must be able to hear some "noise," whether intelligible or not? To date, I have stuck with the masked subliminals. However, I'd like to find something in the way of confirmation re: the ultrasonics, and their effectiveness; as that would enable me to take the earplugs out.
Ron, it is true that high frequency hearing diminishes as we age. However, you are in luck, because it diminishes consciously, but my research shows that it does not diminish sufficiently to make ultrasonics ineffective unless you have certain forms of "hard" deafness. Ultrasonics, in fact, may actually be the only kind of subs that can be used by people with some types of full deafness! (I haven't verified this, but I have read about this being posited as the results of other people's experiments.)
Ultrasonics will work for you, even if you cannot consciously hear them, as long as you have otherwise good hearing.