(10-17-2019, 01:49 PM)DarkPlouf Wrote: [ -> ]@Shannon , how do you know specifically and with certainty that the performance issue with DMSI is due to fear, or broadly speaking, "resistance"?
This is a discussion we've had in the past but it's still not obvious to me why you always come to the conclusion that resistance is THE issue and not any other problems that may come into one's mind: a problem with DMIS's approach, a subcliminal<->subconscious communication problem, purely the limit of current's technologies, and so on.
Because I know what is in the script. I know what it's designed to do. I have spent a long, long time figuring out what's going on under the hood. I have traced the problem over years and many, many people. I have observed what happens each time I make a change. That's how I know that it's based in fear.
Quote:Was resistance the reason why Full Body Massage didn't perform as you wanted? From the look of it, it was something else.
No, the reason behind FBM not achieving what I wanted turns out to be that the required instruction set is too complex and specific for a focus fire subliminal. It's simply a matter of communicating the right specifics.
Quote:It has been I think 3 or 4 releases ago where you went all-in against resistance, and this led to modules and techs like FRM, The Wall, and a few others I forgot, but I (personally) do not see them paying off. The Wall, for example is all forgotten now, despite it being really hot and a promising answer to DMSI's issue back then. Now it is FRM. And before The Wall it was something else.
Just because people have forgotten about a particular component, doesn't mean it isn't a stepping stone to our success. The Wall is still in place and still in play, because it makes a significant and important contribution. I've gone as far as I can with it and it does it's job well, but there are other issues to deal with. We won't need the Wall at all once we have FRM working properly. The reason I am so focused on FRM is that it is the source of all the challenges we face.
You don't see them paying off because as each one pays off you stop noticing the results it gets (people naturally acclimate to things quickly and forget about them, and the Naturalizer enhances this to some degree). The thing is, fear is an extremely complex regenerating octopus of a beast. It grows new tentacles that become new and different kinds of fears that generate new and different problems, which generate new fears and new problems. Chop one off and it either regrows (if you let it) or a new one grows to replace it (if you let it). The Wall is working, but it's only stopping some of the symptoms, the responses to fear.
We need to figure out how to end the source of the fear. That is something many have attempted through history, but I am doubtful that anyone has ever really pulled it off; and even if they have, what I am doing is very different. I'm not trying to end fear for and within myself only. I'm trying to end fear within anyone and everyone who uses my subliminal. That is exponentially more difficult.
Quote:I just wonder if narrowing ALL the issues to "resistance" is truly the right approach.
My concerns, and note that they are purely my opinions, are that you may be fighting against a non-issue, or not as big as we think, and that these modules are actually taking away some focus from the goal of the program. I'm saying that last bit because USLM without FRM performed much, much better for me, and so is DMSI. Some interesting things that were happening with DMSI 3.1 are not happening right now with FRM enabled. Now, this may not mean much, but the lack of progress after times and times again targeting "resistance" makes me wonder.
We have narrowed all this down to FEAR. Resistance is a response to fear, and therefore fear is the root cause of the reason for failing to achieve the goals of a program. I didn't arrive at this conclusion because I'm just throwing darts at a chart looking for what to do next. This conclusion and focus is the result of decades of interviewing my customers and experimentation. Why does this happen? What happens when I do X, Y and Z? What does that mean? It was in 2011 that I really started realizing that the underlying problem was fear.
That is why I started working on 6G: originally I wanted it to be powerful enough to overcome the fear, but fear is an extremely brilliant chess player. So we need to approach fear and fear removal in a very different way than just overpowering it. Brute force isn't the answer. We need more power to match that of the fear, which I am currently providing, but we also need the right strategy to dealing with it, responding to it and turning it off. That strategy, FRM 4.8 in current form, is showing signs of being effective, but not finished. There is something we are still missing. Research is ongoing.
Regardless, this is where the empirical results have taken us. It's not a non-issue; it's that I made my subliminals so powerful and effective that they touch parts of you that other subliminals producers can't touch.I have two options: I can go do what they're doing (basically go back to 4G tech) or I can solve the challenge and fully unlock your true potential for achieving ALL of the goals of the program FULLY.
Its been more than a decade of work on responding to the results that 5G and up get. Going back to 4G tech isn't going to cut it. There is a reason nobody else is walking this path, and that's because it's a hard path to walk. It's frustrating, expensive, time consuming and challenging in the extreme. But when I achieve the goal, it will put my subs on a level that nobody else can touch for a long, LONG time.
Quote:I was away from IML a while ago but decided to try the newer version of DMSI. Well, I do not think we are truly progressing. To be blunt I don't feel anything, both internally and externally.
While I was away I tried another vendor's program and the results were quite good, on par with Self Esteem, the only 5.5G IML program that truly worked for me. The vendor has no concept of "resistance" and is not fighting tooth and nails with the subconscious mind. Seeing that different approach had made me wonder more. Maybe it boils down to me at a personal level. After all, I've never truly believed in "resistance".
Anyway, just my two cents.
If you don't think we are truly progressing, you are welcome to use other producers' programs to achieve this goal.
As for that vendor's "no concept of resistance", I would have to say I have seen them contradict themselves on that. Thy claim there is no resistance, and in other places they talk about dealing with resistance to their own subliminals.
They'd like you to believe that what I am doing is fighting tooth and nail with your subconscious, but that's not really what's happening. I am creating a script that requires full execution. The power level of the script is such that it will touch some incredibly deep and primal parts of your awareness, as I said before. Those parts are very difficult to deal with because of how they understand things. They react by fighting tooth and nail out of fear, and they block the execution as a result. That is not the program fighting you, that is you fighting the program.
The program is just a set of static instructions. Those instructions have to be able to deal with the reactions of several different types and layers of awareness, all with different points of view, cognitive abilities, types of logic and beliefs. That is why I had to invent polymorphic scripting.
It also has to be "everything to everyone" in terms of accomplishing its goal with ALL of those layers, which may have entirely different points of view, sets of beliefs and resulting responses. The reason for this is that my programs are so powerful and advanced. The 4G stuff didn't get this deep, didn't trigger the fears because it didn't have the potential to create real, lasting changes. That quest for permanent results was part of what led me to create 5G, actually. So I contend that what you're seeing from "other vendors" is an approach that simply isn't powerful enough to trigger that sort of change, which apparently represents an existential threat to the deepest parts of the subconscious if it is not presented correctly, which triggers fear, which results in resistance. I only need to figure out how to present it properly at this point, and we should be done.
I find it amusing that you have "never truly believed in 'resistance'". You display it in spades. If Self Esteem is the only 5.5G+ IML program that truly worked for you, then you obviously refused to execute the script of the others. That is a simple, indisputable fact. If that is the case, and resistance doesn't exist, then... why are other people executing? Why are you not? And why Self Esteem? What it sounds like to me is that your subconscious has created an elaborate game for you to play with logic here in order to avoid having to face the real reason you're not executing most of my subs so far.
If you "don't believe in resistance" while resisting the execution of the majority of programs, what does that logically get you? A free pass to blame someone or something else for the lack of result? It's not you resisting because there's no such thing? Maybe if you accepted the idea of fear based resistance, it would lead to something that you're afraid of, like discovering how to execute? Logically, if I set in front of you a set of instructions and you refuse to execute them, you are resisting the execution of those subliminals.
By Mirriam-Webster's dictionary definition, which is:
Quote:Definition of resist
(Entry 1 of 2)
intransitive verb
: to exert force in opposition
transitive verb
1: to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat (he resisted temptation)
2: to withstand the force or effect of (material that resists heat)
So, notwithstanding self delusion and/or self deception, resistance logically does exist, it is logically within plain view of all of us, and it is logically a response to fear (at some level) of the results of executing.
Your point of view on this can only come from irrational thinking and some degree of self deception. Self deception is a form of resistance that is used by the irrational subconscious to defend itself from a perceived threat. Deception being the reverse of truth, and there being a polarity here where a thing is either true or false, we can safely presume in response that the deception is an attempt to defend from the truth. And logically, the truth is, executing the script would achieve something that some deep and instinctual part of you believes is a threat to it's existence, and therefore something to be feared and resisted at any cost. Therefore, it must deceive your conscious mind into believing that "there is no such thing as resistance" because you can't change what you believe doesn't exist.
That said, if you get results from someone else's subs, by all means, use what works for you. Mine are in a transitionary state right now. They don't work for everyone at the moment. But you can't be serious telling me there's no progress to see when even CatMan is seeing some progress.
Whatever works for you. Go get 'em.