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UMS Day 4 - Hybrid FLAC headphones

I started UMS last Friday.  I was very curious about the new tech since I have been operating on DMSI 3.3.1 for a little while.  I was particularly curious about the latest FRM.  Then I noticed in the product page that E3 and USLM v4.1 were free add-ons, and I became so curious that I bought it.

Here are my general impressions and experiences in bullet points:
  • I am excited about the new FRM.  It's very smooth, yet very effective.  I feel like a boss, but very ego balanced.  More like a successful confidence in the way I carry and present myself.  I continue to be polite and respectful towards people and love expressing gratitude.
  • I feel like I am not resisting the program.  I had bouts of anger on DMSI, especially the more powerful current versions.  I have felt no anger at all on this version.  I feel like I am letting the program take me more it wants to.
  • It's incredible how much people want to help me and are rooting for me to succeed.  On a date, I casually mentioned that I tutor, and my date went on and on about she could help me get business.  This without an solicitation on my part.
  • I feel a very positive vibe about my future.  I sense that they're things going on "underneath the hood".  I'm just going with the flow on this.  I feel entrepreneurial and creative and very open to various income streams.  I have an image in mind of me driving a convertible along the California coastline enjoying life, blasting music.  I am have a vision of where I want to live, what I want to wear, what my place would look like.
  • I feel very directed and energetic and purposeful.  I feel that my hard work will pay off and that is very motivating.
  • I am loving the Auric Shield.  I feel the people in my life are rooting for me.  I haven't felt any negativity or jealousy about my success.
  • On Sunday, I answered a couple of adds on Craigslist for tutoring.  Craigslist is very hit or miss, but I thought let's try.  Well my results astounded me.  A tutoring agency called me saying their lead math tutor left and they needed to someone to fill in immediately for summer work and beyond (Luck Magnet anyone?).  I negotiated a very good rate and he set me up with three new clients this morning.  Those sessions went so well he set up with five more new clients this week, a total of eight new clients and 10 very lucrative hours of tutoring this week.  The 10 hours is likely to continue for the foreseeable future as these are SAT/ACT students prepping for the fall.  We are talking potentially a huge windfall from one email.  
Overall, I think that there has been a HUGE advancement in the tech.  I look forward to seeing good results here and the implementation of the tech in DMSI down the road.
Nice! Congrats on your success! I expect that UMS will pay for itself many times over for most people who use it. Sounds like you're definitely on the way to achieving that!
UMS Day 14 - Hybrid FLAC headphones

Hello fellow bloggers and thank you Shannon.

After following the 1x1, 7x0 protocol, I read on the Forum that we could experiment with every day.  So, for the last week I tried every day (7x1).  After further reading on the Forum, I have decided to adopt 3x1, 7x0.  I am now starting my 7 day rest period.

Since my last note I have worked steadily at my new part time job.  I am now up to 15 new clients in the space of two weeks!  My boss told me that I am the highest paid tutor and that he wants to extend the relationship to the school year.  I have also had some of my own private clients tell me they want to work now in advance of the school year.  All this is VERY unusual as tutoring has historically been dead for me during the summer.  Things are going great, and I feel I am close to my initial monetary goal.  As a result, I have decided to raise my goal.

As a side note, during my seven day run, I did a five day water fast.  I know there is a Detox Module in there somewhere, so perhaps I felt motivated to overhaul my system.  I am experienced with fasting, so I felt comfortable doing it.  I was surprised, however, at how easily it went; I worked and exercised the entire time will no ill effects.  I had no detox headaches, no fatigue, no irritability, etc.  My energy was super.  It went surprisingly smoothly considering that I was running the sub every day during the fast.  I lost 11 pounds and 2% body fat.

My motivation remains high.  I am investigating other teaching opportunities for the fall which is low stress considering I have a job that I like.  Overall, I feel healthy and optimistic.  I am also highly interested to see what the new sub protocol will do.