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Listened to 2 extra loops and the calm effect has just kept increasing and then stuck. Super relaxed. Will need to see how the girl did during work when she gets home.
Had ums and sleep aid on loop last night and the full head feeling lasted most of the day. Girl is reporting great stuff at work with her coworkers and boss, and much less anxiety.

Both the girl and i seem to be responding best with sleep exposure, so im going to be setting up sleep playlists for us that is 1 loop of USM and then a bunch of sleep aid loops. Normally i wouldn't mix the two but without sleep aid after UMS the girl wakes up and has a hard time falling back asleep due to thoughts. I do want to keep using it at night, though. Her work is going better than it ever has for her, i just got hired for a new job, multiple things are coming out of nowhere to help us out.

For awhile i was going with however many loops were needed to make my head feel full, but I'm going to step away from that and go with once a day as im feeling like that has been beneficial for any obstacles we needed to overcome initially but I'm looking for a more settled long term pattern now.

Started new job.  Girlfriend's boss is talking to her about a promotion.  Things are going well.

What we've been doing is 2 loops sleep aid, 1 loop ums, repeat

I know that this ends up giving us about 3 loops a night (sometimes 4 if we sleep in) but it also seems to be making us sleep better.  Have been pretty positive and high spirited.

Been using UMS consistently. Sometimes for multiple plays a day. Haven't listened to it since last thursday (today is tuesday) and major resistance is coming out. Didnt catch it at first but it has been slowly building to where over the past couple of days have been wanting to switch subs. Thats usually a good sign in my experience as it means something is being worked on and is making me very uncomfortable.

Money situation has basically been pretty steady with the new job. The girl has gone on a couple of trips and spending too much which has bit us in the ass but nothing extremely bad. If anything we are doing surprisingly well with us being rather irresponsible with our money.

Figured I'd drop an update while the resistance is happening to keep track.
Dec 1 I switched to AM.  I had been experiencing that constant on the cusp feeling of getting over a block for over a month on UMS and it had began driving me insane.  I had switched up listening styles and all of the usual stuff.  Took mini breaks.  Whatever.  It drove me crazy feeling like that and so the beginning of this month I switched back to AM for a 6 month run.  Within a few days I've already began feeling better.  AM is also booming and people are already commenting, which is a nice wake up call as i felt like I was in a decent place already.

I didnt take the recommended time off between subs either so there will be some conflict but honestly I don't care.  That constant on the edge feeling was nerve wracking.  After 6 months of a 5g, maybe 12 not sure, I'll give the later gen subs another go.
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