So I'm dealing with an issue of resisting doing anything productive lately, and I realize this has actually always been a problem. Right now, all I wanna do is lie in bed and do nothing. It's hard getting myself to do anything. So I was wondering what everyone's experience is with the Ultra Motivation and Overcoming Procrastination parts of LTU5? How well have they been working out for you?
Some days I want to be unproductive and not do much, but other days I just do stuff. I'm not motivated then, I'm not fully happy and sometimes I'm not even fully there with my mind. It's like I do stuff on autopilot. While I'm in my head discussing if I should do it or do something else, I start doing small things that lead to bigger things.
Even if the task is to big for the timeframe available I start doing a bit for it, then a bit more. And the next time it's already less to do.
I think it brings me from the victim state "I can't do anything about it, I need help from outside, maybe someone else can do that" to the action taker "It is not doing itself, if I do it, then I can decide how it is done".
So, if 0 was "it is not doing anything" and 10 was a "now procrastination is non existent", I say it is between 5 and 8. If I can get to a 8 or above constantly then the 600 bucks were worth it.
But as Saltymeatballs said in his thread, the modules seem to work for everybody differently. I don't feel all the modules working so it might just be that you feel the self esteem or the happiness, you might feel the healing but nothing else.
It would be interesting from the others if they also just see a difference in 1-3 modules of the 13. (with modules I mean the target areas of the modules)
Thanks for your feedback. I'm hoping that when I finally get LTU5, it'll get me off of my ass.
From my experience on LTU5, I'm finding the "why" of my motivation. I own OP in 4G, and have sporadically used it in times past. It'll get me up with that edgy "get it done now" compulsion.
But with LTU5, I credit USLM4 with going straight to my reasons why I'm motivated to do something, and that pushes me. USLM is like rocket fuel for motivation for me.
I've compared it to running ASC for confidence vs. running AM6 to gain confidence. Shannon said one will make you confident just to be confident, while the other will run deeper and tell you why you are confident. And from many user's reports, the latter stays with them for years.
I feel USLM hitting deep, and it motivates me to think about them, be honest with myself, and follow through when the desires are real. I've found a lot of reasons why I want or don't want some things. It definitely keeps me active.
I don’t necessarily “feel” motivated since running LTU5 but I’m getting sh*t done. I’ve learned it’s not necessary or probably realistic to always have that great feeling of being motivated as h*ll. On LTU5 I don’t always feel amazing but when things need done to further my goals I get them done.
it's definitely better than the UMOP sub, in my opinion, I am growing towards getting things done, I'm not there yet completely but I notice a stronger inner drive. I believe it will be solved with LTU over time.