(12-04-2011, 07:29 AM)smash Wrote: [ -> ]hi Subliminal Team,
it has been a while since I was posting last time. Have had some great success with your subliminals and would like to know, if there are any limitations due to subliminals.
For example:
A subliminal for winning a lottery would be programmed. What would happen? Will you win the lottery?
Or in other words: how specific / unspecific should subliminals be?
If I (for example) I want to be the lover of Jessica Alba and a specific subliminal for this reason would be created - what would happen? Or I want to have a women with brown hair, 90-60-90 bmi, intelligent, authentic, ...?
Will subliminals "just" enhance the possibilities of achieving targets?
I am looking forward for the answers of subliminal talk team!
Maybe this question seems to be strange, but my mind would like to have the answer of an expert ;-).
I got my own opinion on that but highly appreciate the answers of the subliminal talk team!
Thanks in advance!
Here's how it works behind the scenes.
There are two major considerations as to what a manifestation subliminal can do. The first is the amount of energy it would require to accomplish the desired goal, and the second is the life choices that each person has made.
Presuming you have a huge goal in mind, it will require either a huge amount of energy in a short time, or a lesser amount of energy for a longer time. The amount of energy does not change.
As for the life choices... this is based on my understanding of how things work, and basically deals with the karma (major life lesson) you chose when you were born. If your major life lesson requires you to be, for instance, poor to understand what that is like, there is nothing you are going to do that will overcome that karma because it's "hard wired", and in most cases, will not be avoidable. Likewise, if your life lesson happens to require you to be rich and famous, you will not be able to avoid that either. In either case, things will "just happen that way", regardless of what you try to do otherwise.
If and when your major life lesson conflicts with your efforts to manifest something different, it will always result in either a temporary success that is ultimately overcome by the life lesson, or complete failure. This depends on the degree of urgency of the life lesson. In my case, there is zero play; in most people, there will be some wiggle room. For instance, if your life lesson is being poor, you might succeed in winning the lottery, but would have it taken away from you some how... taxes, theft, spending it too freely, death, whatever. It might even be allowed as a way to emphasize the lesson of being poor by giving you some contrast.
Okay, so now let's say you want to be Jessica Alba's lover. If I created a subliminal for that, would it work? That depends on whether or not your life lesson conflicts with it... and whether hers would, also. And whether you apply enough energy.
In most cases where you have a very famous person, their karma will be involving being wealthy and famous. If yours is significantly different, it becomes very unlikely.
Furthermore, you will never get me or anyone else who actually understands the laws of the universe to make such a subliminal, because that would be effectively taking away the specified person's free will - which is a VERY serious no-no. The cot of doing such a thing is way more than I am willing to take on, and way more than you would want to accept if you fully understood it. And since we would both be taking on the cost (you for taking away their free will, and me for enabling you), it's not gonna happen.
So... can you win the lottery using a manifestation subliminal? Sure. As long as enough energy is expended, and it does not conflict for whatever "life plans" you chose before you were born. Most people do not choose to be wealthy, or to win the lottery. For most it is an option, if they choose it, but not for everyone.
I realize that not everyone sees things the way I do concerning making these choices before birth, or karma, etc. and you don't have to believe what I do. But that is my best understanding of how this works.
Manifestation subs don't just enhance the possibility, they can directly manipulate your reality, but they cannot manipulate the limitations of your reality. If you try to manifest a naturally redheaded lover, and you don't have anyone within a reasonable distance who would fit, the best choice will be brought in, but it may take a long time to gather the energy required - making it appear to fail.
My initial experiments were sometimes ridiculously specific - 19 things at a time, once - and they all manifested. It's possible, but it takes enough time and energy. Given that, just remember that your perfect naturally redheaded lover is a lot easier to specify than the natural redhead with long, wavy, flame red hair who has full lips and medium sized breasts, and is a freckly girl with inverted nipples and is a 22 year old virgin who is sexually compatible with you and and and... (those were my last experiment to see how specific I could get and still manifest her). There's a reason I do things the way I do.
Incidentally... the redhead who showed up for those 19 points fit them all... but she lived in Australia. I'm in the United States. It didn't work. But the manifestation did.