And how do you know that the 7 wasn't manifested by DMSI? The decision is still up to you. I just said it doesn't make sense to run the sub and refuse sex at all.
Sure it does, before DMSI I could get laid with 6-7 easily but I just don't want to. Where does it say you need to take all chances to fuck ugly girls when on DMSI? What if DMSI manifests a 1 out of 10 for you, will you fuck her?
Dude, you just said before that you would do everything to improve execution which also seems to include sex which didn't make any sense to me running a sub with sex as goal. You don't need to fuck anyone, it's up to you.
Who said having sex with ugly girls improves execution?
DMSI manifests ones (out of ten) / ugly chicks???
I thought DMSI had snipers and stuff to attract hot chicks!
what makes you believe having sex (with 6-7 e.g. ugly girls to me) improves execution
Shawn said:
"to improve execution which also seems to include sex"
(03-03-2019, 06:14 AM)Mr Confidence Wrote: [ -> ]@Shawn
what makes you believe having sex (with 6-7 e.g. ugly girls to me) improves execution
Shawn said:
"to improve execution which also seems to include sex"
Ok, classic miscommunication. What I really meant that you said you would even refuse to have sex to improve execution which didn't seem to make sense to me with having sex as goal. And at that time you didn't say anything about 6/7 (which by the way isn't ugly to me, that's everything below 5). That's the reason of my initial post.
Other than that I don't think nofap is necessary to execute, but fapping a lot definitely wouldn't be favourable. But that's also simply my opinion and if you think nofap is beneficial to you then maybe that's your way.
(03-03-2019, 01:54 AM)Mr Confidence Wrote: [ -> ]Who said having sex with ugly girls improves execution?
DMSI will keep on manifesting girls it can vary from 1-10 scale. But you are free to choose whichever girl u wanna fuck.. Whichever you find attractive.
(03-03-2019, 05:00 AM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]DMSI manifests ones (out of ten) / ugly chicks???
I thought DMSI had snipers and stuff to attract hot chicks!
You really need to increase your reading comprehension.
(03-04-2019, 07:12 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (03-03-2019, 05:00 AM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]DMSI manifests ones (out of ten) / ugly chicks???
I thought DMSI had snipers and stuff to attract hot chicks!
You really need to increase your reading comprehension.
Would you please clarify Shannon. As I understand it DMSI increases general attractiveness, therefore attracting all kinds of women 1- 10 at the same time it has snipers e.g. to especially attract women 70% or higher of maximum attractiveness
(03-04-2019, 11:47 PM)Mr Confidence Wrote: [ -> ] (03-04-2019, 07:12 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (03-03-2019, 05:00 AM)MasterEnki Wrote: [ -> ]DMSI manifests ones (out of ten) / ugly chicks???
I thought DMSI had snipers and stuff to attract hot chicks!
You really need to increase your reading comprehension.
Would you please clarify Shannon. As I understand it DMSI increases general attractiveness, therefore attracting all kinds of women 1- 10 at the same time it has snipers e.g. to especially attract women 70% or higher of maximum attractiveness
DMSI increases your baseline attractiveness, but it makes you more attractive to a woman the more attractive you find her. It also increases your perceived attractiveness by 1 to 3 points on her scale. Women who rate 1-4 on your attractiveness scale will not be interested, unless you rate 1-4, because these factors mean that you are out of their league almost automatically, and because women of higher attractiveness and therefore social ranking will be showing interest also.
So yes, it does have snipers and stuff to attract hot chicks, and it does exactly that. Interest from women under about a 5/10 on your scale will not be from DMSI in most cases for the reasons outlined above.
The more attractive she is, the more you will snipe her, and the more her attention will be aroused. Whether or not she acts on it, that's another matter.