06-05-2015, 07:33 PM
(06-05-2015, 11:12 AM)maxx55 Wrote: The advice you got on the other thread is solid.
To be more specific though, if you want to see more noticeable results quickly just to prove that the subs will work for you, I'd say go with Absolute Self Confidence. I did it for a month and I didn't notice it affected until I looked back (the subs are so natural that you may not even notice a difference consciously, but if you check your recent behavior, you find it is different)
If you want to go straight to what I believe would be most beneficial, I'd say to start with Emotional Pain Relief and Healing Aid (it's free) and run that for 6 months. There is an updated version that is supposed to come out soon and it WILL be even more effective at removing emotional garbage that holds you back. It will also help boost self-esteem and help you become more internally validated. I'd recommend getting the paid one either when it comes out or when you believe the free EPRHA does help you.
After that 6 month run, I'd recommend doing Life Tune Up for 6 months to 12 months or more. It'll improve confidence, self-esteem, help you focus on positivity, etc.
Then maybe Ultra Success or the Weight loss sub (whichever you think would best fit at that point in time).
In short: EPRHA (6 months. paid version preferably when it comes out) -> LTU (6-12 months) -> Ultra Success/Weight Loss
You can also find plenty of helpful books about self-esteem and self-improvement. Start reading just a little bit a day or listening to the audiobooks. YouTube also has plenty of motivational speakers.
As for eating healthier, I recommend eating Primal. You can go to a site called mark's daily apple and learn all about it. I tried it for a few months and I felt the healthiest I've ever felt during that time. If you can, just start to go for a walk every day. It doesn't have to be long or anything. Just make sure that you stick with it.
If you don't know what you want to do for a career, just mess with some things that interest you. I'm sure you'll come up with something!
Good luck
Maxx55 fantastic thank you

I seriously appreciate it
I'm seriously now thinking about focusing on EPRHA too and beginning my journey from there. Even though it focuses mainly on baggage does that somehow also automatically help with everything in a way without even starting any other sub. I mean I had a thought of it being a mental cleanser which would help dissolve procrastination or lack of motivation etc just a thought
You mentioned "internally validated" what does that mean?
6months of EPRHA ill do but will thay be permanent or would I need more months after?
okay I have this little confusion about life tune up. it seems to focus on confidence and fears etc as you mentioned. Is it equal though to the individual subs such as the confidence once? or is it maybe 70% as powerful as that? cos I'm thinking LifeTune is so packed up with subs that maybe the individual subs are better and way more powerful perhaps
Self help books I have read many from Think and grow rich to stuff by Brian Tracy to bob proctor to LOA stuff etc. What they all tend to have in common I found was that we must work on our inner space/inner game/ internal subconscious beliefs. They do that by utilising visualization and affirmations. I had all that planned out to do and do it from the start after having failures from using hypnotherapy or other affirmation techniques etc. It was then that I came across this site and its subs and I've read on the forums thay Shannon suggests we do nothing else when listening to subs as they could counter the subs. For this reason I thought listening to the subs would be enough to make the internal change which would change my behaviour or attract to me that which I seek from the sub. know what I mean?
Thank you ill look more at primal. I had tried the Atkins style diet 5 yrs ago and was losing shed loads of weight nut unfortunately after 5months I became ill with stomach cramps and this scared the living daylights outta me. I know primal is similar so not sure if I could do it but I'll take a look thank you
The 6th gen of EPRHA when it comes out is not needed to be tested first?
walking I know what you mean and Ill try I just seem to find it boring where I live
career well I hope EPRHA will clear my mental garbage to allow me to think clearly. I seem to be in a state of apathy at times I feel.
I love the way you have kindly given me some kinda plan to work with and really appreciate that. Do basically if I want to see results as proof then start with confidence otherise best to start with EPHRA right?
thanks alot
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days