05-02-2019, 11:35 AM
(05-01-2019, 11:58 AM)Shannon Wrote: LTU5 and E3 are miles apart in terms of how the ME is tuned. Just having the completed ME doesn't mean everything is equally powerful. E3 needs to be tuned a LOT less powerfully than LTU5 to accomplish its goals. And LTU5 is tuned a LOT less powerfully than USLM4. All three have the completed ME, but they all use different power levels because that is what best accomplishes their particular focus and goals. It's SOPS, remember. Not "one size fits all". The Magnus Engine can be tuned to any level of power, from way too weak to work, to far too strong to be useful, and that is true because every goal has a different optimal power level. This allows me to fine-tune it to whatever is best for that specific script and set of instructions.
E3 is certainly a valid option. It is a good option, too, but I don't like recommending programs to help deal with the resistance of other programs for two reasons:
1. It makes me look like I'm trying to up-sell, when I'm not, and
2. The original program can do the job, if configured properly and given the chance.
I recommend trying the ultrasonic and possibly hybrid formats before you go spending money on E3, unless you already happen to have it.
Ok, thanks. Not, I didn't purchase E3 until now so I think I will try the ultrasonic track.
One more question. I have had a very good intuition almost all my life long and if I would have listened more often on my intuition than my mind I would have made much better decisions many times. It is just after I started the DMSI journey back there I wasn't sure anymore if it is intuition or resistance. How can I distinguish intuition and fear/resistance better? The question just came up when I had your tarot book in my hands where you said that you should never ignore the gut feeling. Even if I know this was related to tarot.
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.