Same applies to other multistages, SM/WM/BASE etc. There are quite a few subs I am interested in running, like the newly came up MLS, the AYP_ , Bodybuilding sub etc. I feel though that I won't switch to the single stages for a while, mainly because I want to stick to and make multistages like AM become self-sustaining and permanent. So my question is, when do you know that you no longer have to the multi-stages again? I want to finish the run-through as soon and as concretely as possible, so I can jump to other subs. Or, if you have other suggestions such as one can also run single stages in the transition between multi-stages... but wouldn't that be extending the period that your brain can solidify the previous scripts. Your opinion is needed.
AM5 -> AM6 -> BASE -> AM6 -> BASE -> AM6(Current)