04-22-2016, 07:14 AM
I think Dzeemo hit some resistance and he is doubting the subliminal effectiveness.
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
04-22-2016, 07:14 AM
I think Dzeemo hit some resistance and he is doubting the subliminal effectiveness.
04-22-2016, 08:47 AM
(04-22-2016, 08:47 AM)Dzemoo Wrote:(04-22-2016, 07:14 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: I think Dzeemo hit some resistance and he is doubting the subliminal effectiveness. Resisting and doubting is a part of life. I'm doing the best I can to remedy that, and it's working, but it's also an incredibly complex process and takes a long time. It's also boring as hell. But going off and seeking points of view that validate your boubts only tells me you want to believe that point of view, and that in turn tells me that you haveforgotten the core of WHY all this works, which is... What you believe is what you make your reality. In this case, you are a very insecure person. I say that because it's true, and because I know you're a very blunt guy and you understand and respect blunt communication. I base that on a lot of what I have read you write and our interactions. I'm not saying this as an attack; it's just what I have concluded based on what results you're getting and what you're actually doing and trying to do. Being insecure is not a problem, everyone is insecure about something, and we all start off really insecure. But when you're trying to validate the results of your fears by focusing on going against what could be helping you, that's only going to get you more fear and insecurity. And then to go and basically attack my business by posting things that are opinions being presented as facts, which were given by someone who we know is a scammer, and who I have shown you has a lot of words and very little real comprehension and understanding, that's not cool. If I were in your shoes, I'd be looking at two options. 1. Try something besides these programs I create. 2. Try EHPRA 2.0. And personally, knowing what I do about it, I'd say EHPRA 2.0 is pretty much the answer we have all been looking for, for a long time. It's taken me years to understand what does and does not work with these things, and EHPRA 2.0 is the result of that understanding - what of it I am ready and able to release right now. But understand that your fears are showing up because something is trying to get you to grow. That would be the subliminal, and that means - hey - it's working! From there it's what you do in response. That level of technology (AM6) was the best I knew how to make at the time, and it's been people like you who have helped me understand how to make things better. But really, if you're trying to achieve a goal, and your fears are trying to hold you back, is it my fault if you choose to focus on and through your fears to the degree that you make no progress? You have the option to recognize them as fears and respond by defying them and proving they are just shadows on the wall. Personally I think you focus on hot women and sex so much because you're believing that that is the only way you could ever be "good enough" and that would be primarily "good enough" to other guys. That means that what other guys (and women) think about you matters to you, which means you're going to have to find a way to end that. And the only two ways I know how to do that right now, are AM6 and EHPRA 2.0. Once you have mastered that, you're not going to need to impress anyone else. And once that is true, the whole world takes on a completely new look and feel. I understand that you're having a hard time, and I don't mind you posting about that. But I don't think it's appropriate to post the opinions of someone who's been caught scamming us, and banned, while he's ignorantly saying things that are tearing us down. How many times have you run AM6 so far?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
I didnt post that to damage the buisness, after ben told me that he is a scammer i told him that he can delete this threat if he wants
Also how many poeple ran magnets especially sm3 because of the results i posted? so my journals and the results i posted helped the buisness I am not always doubting i am just sharing my insecurities with you. If you see that as an attack to your buisness delete it. I never said i didnt get results with am6 i said i didnt get what i expected from it although the last two stages were good though. Am6 made me beta to one particular women i dominated for two years thats why i hate it. Yeah you might be true that i am insecure in many regards but whats the point in being secure and zen and having no real life results? If i would be that insecure as you claim i wouldnt be able to do the things that i do. I wouldnt have the job i have which is dangerous and requires a huge responsebility and i wouldnt fuck that many dangerous and hot women. So it isnt fully logical what you are saying. I ran am5 once and am6 once I will be honest with you i am not fully satisfied with your programs the resistence is hard especially if you use them long time and there are many unpredictable side effects, but i still think its better to run them than not to run them.
04-23-2016, 11:58 PM
(04-23-2016, 09:52 PM)Dzemoo Wrote: I didnt post that to damage the buisness, after ben told me that he is a scammer i told him that he can delete this threat if he wants The way you presented the thread, it seemed, at least, in bad taste. I didn't say you were attacking the business, but it could have been taken that way. I've been free to delete it at any time, this whole time. I just don't like doing things like that. Please explain to me how a set of instructions designed to make you stronger and more alpha made you beta. I am baffled here. I don't see any way that AM could have done this, unless it removed a fear that made you stop caring enough to dominate her, or you resisted the program by reversing the effect of some statement. But that doesn't seem very likely. Is it possible that AM6 wasn't responsible? I really can't imagine how this particular program could result in you having that outcome. Being secure and zen, or secure and not zen, take your pick, is how you get life results. Being insecure and afraid is what's holding us back. As for it being illogical, it's quite illogical, and that's the issue. The insecurity is fear being expressed, and fear is an emotion, which is by it's very nature irrational and illogical. I'm not saying you're so insecure that you can't do anything, I am saying that your insecurities are motivating you to try to be better so you don't have to worry about what you're afraid of. That's pretty common, and it's pretty obvious to me that that is the root of your success and your failure so far. You're scared enough to try really hard, and you're scared enough to self sabotage when you get too close to touching on one of those fears. You're not the only person here on the forum who does that, rest assured. So really, if you look around at the guys who aren't as successful as you are, it's very likely that they aren't as successful because they're not as driven as you are, and they're not as driven because they don't have the level of fear you have. That would mean that yes, it would be a perfect explanation as to why you fuck so many hot women and so forth and so on. Everyone wants to fuck hot women, but there's driven and then there's driven. Why do you need to fuck so many hot women? I'd say it's because you need to be able to say to other guys that you fuck these hot women so you can feel like you're good enough in their eyes. Which means the hot women have no real value to you other than getting other guys to respect and admire you, and everything is about worrying what other guys think of you. Which is insecurity. Once you deal with that, you won't need to worry what other guys think of you. And your drive to aimlessly fuck all these hot women will die. And then you'll be free to actually be genuinely happy for once in your life, because then your priorities will shift to what really matters. And I assure you it's not how many notches you have on your bedpost, or how many hotties you fuck or dominate. All that feels good to the ego, sure, but it doesn't really matter. In the end, what matters is you genuinely making yourself happy. And you can never do that while you're trying to give away all your personal power to whomever might call you a pussy, in order to prevent them from calling you a pussy! Which is basically what you seem to be doing right now. Rest assured, other guys will have their opinions of you regardless of what you do or don't do. And it doesn't matter what they think. It matters what YOU think. It matters what YOU have decided to believe about yourself. It matters what YOU make of yourself based on that self-belief. If it mattered what other guys think of me, I would not be in business for myself. Even my best friend of 26 years thinks subliminals don't work, and he's told me I'm a scammer to my face more than once. But he's also told me that he can't bring himself to believe they work, because if they do, he thinks we are all just mindless automatons. And the idea scares him so much that not only does he have no conscious memory of telling me that is why he's afraid, but he won't even let me explain how it actually is to him. Okay, so what. He's got his opinion and I have 23 + years of research. I'm not really concerned if he thinks subliminals work, since he's only acting out of fear and hasn't even tried them. Now I can't think of much worse than that. But I have had similar things said to me by my mother, my uncle, my other uncle, and various random strangers. And yet here I am. Still doing R&D. Still improving the programs. Still making money on them. And able to say all this in public, because I know the truth is that they do work. I've also been shot down by my share of women, and probably more than my share. A lot of my beliefs are disagreed with by my friends. And I have a lot of people out there like Jay Diesel trying to tear me down. But here I am. Still working on making my products better and achieving my goals. That's because I have learned that it's what I believe, not what anyone else believes. And I got that from AM. Nothing else. I had to run it what, 5, 6 times to get that. You have run it twice and given up. You know what giving up gets you? Failure. Read my signature: Failure is the path of least persistence. Not everyone will have to run it as much as I did, because you guys have a much more powerful and comprehensive program to work with, and most people won't have as much fear as I did (and apparently you do also). My response to my fears was to hide. Yours was to try harder, but you aren't fixing the problem by looking outside yourself for the solution. Thus, subliminals. If they can work for me, they can work for you. You just need to keep trying. My recommendation is to do one of the following. 1. If you want to try to remove the fears and then run AM, get and use EHPRA 2.0 and stick with it for a good long time - six months maybe. Then run AM6, or the refresher for 6 months. 2. If you want to jump in the deep end and bulldog it, run AM6 refresher for 6 months. 3. Another run of the staged AM6 is another option. 4. You can run EHPRA 2.0 for a month, then run AM6 or the refresher. Personally, I would use EHPRA 2.0 to kill my reasons for resistance, and then re-run AM6. But remember that EHPRA 2.0 is going to fix the core issues, which will take you away from being dominant and the trappings of false ego for a while. That's a necessary thing for it to work. But when it's done, you've got a much better ride ahead for rebuilding the alpha self.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
Thanks i appreciate your advice i would be a stubborn fool if i would try to say that you are not right because you are. There is nothing that scares me more than to be a nobody in life. I was a nobody in shool that was enough. Yeah am took the need away to dominate her and i lost my power on her. Because she obviously wanted to be threated like this. I also lost my desire to sleep with many women during am which made her power grow because she was then my only source of intimacy
While i was on wm dominating her was no problem but her respect dropped on am and she started to become bitchy complaining about my financial situation and saying she will have a hard life with me, rejecting me in bed and so on. Am6 did attract many women at the end starting with stage 5 (even a girlfriend) , while am5 attracted women to me from stage one also i was more introverted than on magnets I will consider running ephra 2.0 but i am indeed afraid losing my dominance and ego during this time... I know that you need persitence for success thats why i am running your subs for three years now without a break
There's a truth that is very challenging for a lot of people, me included. It goes like this.
To get what you want, you have to do what it takes to get it. You can't always go straight for it; sometimes you have to build the road before you can ride it. Building that road means you have to get out of the car and work on the road. Nobody thinks road workers (allegorically and otherwise) are "cool", but nobody would deny how critically we need them. Like everyone else who is in your shoes - and I was there too - you have to put down your desire to be cool, alpha, popular, and get laid every night if you want to clear out the reasons for your hardship. You will never, ever achieve success unless and until you do. So it's time for you to stop worrying about other people and what they think, and start making yourself what you are capable of being. You may have to put down women altogether. So be it. You need that foundation. Otherwise, you're going to stay miserable for the rest of your life, pretending to have what everyone else wants and thinks is cool, while you never get what you want and need, and what makes you genuinely happy. Build that road. The worry about which car to drive on it. I can tell you from personal experience, the rewards are incredible when you do.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
04-24-2016, 06:28 AM
Thank you shanon you saved me from going to a therapist
04-25-2016, 06:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2016, 06:49 PM by dissonance.)
Shannon's post is a LOT like what I wanted to say to you for a while, Dzemoo but I didn't, (it's also why I was suggesting you try the manifest perfect girlfriend, Dzemoo, once it's out lol) because I myself feared backlash from giving advice and views about your unhappiness, because me myself I'm really far behind in my life as well and I felt like me giving advice to someone else who's farther along the path would look silly. I guess I need to work on self-value eh. Anyways, I learned some stuff too from that post Shannon, always great to hear your perspectives.
But hey check this out Dzemoo, i have this in my bookmarks, and I dug it up cuz I feel like it could be of interest. http://www.nicknotas.com/blog/8-misconce...lpha-male/ Theres another one, but I don't have it bookmarked on this computer. I'll PM it to you sometime in the future when i fix my other computer. |
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