02-17-2012, 11:35 AM
A little background story is sadly needed (the few times I visit forums I always hate that part and skip them), but I'm in university and there's a girl in two of my classes that I have started to develop feelings for - and I mean serious feelings; I've never, ever fallen so completely and utterly for any girl. I'm actually kinda alarmed because I didn't have these extremely strong feelings for my last girlfriend!
So hopefully you'll know how much I am head over heels in love with an insanely beautiful girl.
Luckily though I know of the approach signals girls give out all the time - and I have been picking up on them from her (and I might be insane but I kinda think that her level of affection could be just about the same as mine - but I just think I might be reading way too much into things, or I am insanely good at reading the signs; which I'm not so sure about).
But I have been lacking balls in approaching girls during the daytime - especially girls in my university, my poor excuse was that it was because I could see them again (!) and wouldn't know how to continue (!).
But before listening to the subliminal product (which I did for the first time last night) I had been very keen in trying to force myself to open her; heck, I had my mark set on February 14th - and that day came and went (nota bene, I didn't have the subliminal)
February 15th was also uneventful (nota bene again, I didn't have the subliminal)
February 16th (yesterday) was the most stressful day I had had in trying to force myself to open her - and yes, I didn't have the subliminal then.
I went to class, a class she wasn't in, but outside the class room are a number of round tables for people to study at and I accidentally noticed her as I was few inches from the class door (with her female friend and some dude whom I have no idea who was-maybe doing a group project); I just passed by her and a wall 'came in between' (you get my drift) so I walked backwards a few steps and we noticed each other, and I got nervous so about 0,05 sec after the noticing part I walked swiftly the few steps to the door.
Inside was a female, about middle aged, that I have spoken to before in regards to hand-in projects and such and she asked me to help her with it and that was of course no problem, and said we could do it after class.
Well, class ended and I said to the middled aged chick that we should study outside (I thought my dream girl had left!) and out to the round tables we went - and we got a table behind my dream girl and her group and my dream girl was seated with her back to mine; that's just the way she was seated.
This was an Excel project and I was busy looking at two computer screens (whilst I stole a few glances towards her now and then); she and everyone on her table also had their laptops (as just about everyone her). Well, one glance of mine freaked me out - as she wasn't at the table. I had no idea where she could have gone, and my mind was racing with ideas where she might be in the building and whether or not I could find her and open her. As my mind was racing, I was still trying to look at the middle aged chicks computer screen and trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened ...and then I saw my dream girl walking beside my table. Apparently she had gone an alternative route to the toilet, and she could have gone that way again to her table - but the short cut was to walk beside my table (then again, it would have been the shortest route for her to walk beside my table to the toilet and then beside it again when walking from the toilet)
As me and my middle aged chick were about to finish up I started to get nervous, and I noticed my girl turning her head to her right and was obviously using her peripheral vision (I tend to think that she was waiting for me to approach and open her); I got a ton of approach anxiety and the middle aged chick walked towards the garbage cans, as she wanted to throw her coffee cup - and it was in the opposite direction from my girl (meaning, I could exit from my table in two ways; walking beside her table - or the way to the garbage cans and from there to where ever you wanted to go).
Well, the toilets are next to the garbage cans and there I went to try to pump myself up to approaching her and opening her - but to no avail!
But I was like a cat around a hot porridge but wasn't near her so she didn't see me because I didn't want to creep her out.
Unsuccessfully and frustrated I knew I was not going to approach her and so I left and went home. And I was pissed at myself.
During the course of the night I listened to Overcome Approach Anxiety.
February 17th (today) was a day that I thought was going to be uneventful (I thought I wouldn't see her until next week), so therefore I had planned on getting a few nights of sleep with the subliminal on.
Before school I went for a little walk before taking the bus to uni - and on my walk I couldn't for the life of me open. So I was miserable but tried to tell myself that it would be quite a few more days before anything would kick in; but I thought I had a dud as with the school sub I had used along with the luck magnifier - my procrastination seriously outweighs anything.
Today was an problem-solving class (in which I've never seen her in) so I was hugely surprised when she walked in about just one minute after class started (and she's always later than that in the regular classes); my very twisted inner being
tells me that maybe she thought something was going to go down today - and we were seated as we are in the regular classes (meaning I'm in one end of the room and she's in the other) - but she was still seemingly looking in my direction as she's very often done before (and I'm "guilty" of that too; but I'm trying to not over-analyze it and jump to conclusions)
I forgot to mention that the middle aged chick and a girl were going to meet outside the class room to work on the project I was helping the middle aged chick on yesterday and we've been working at it for a few days and they told me they would be outside (they knew I had class) and I said I would meet up with them afterwards.
Well, I left the class room ahead of my chick and went by the table and greeted the two chicks. As I was taking off my jacket I noticed who had left the class room (along with her female friend who had come way later-and that female friend is a model, which I constantly find surprising because I find her to be cute, but not beautiful).
Well, they seemed like they were going to take the stairs; and upstairs is a cafeteria which I decided to use as my excuse as I said to the two females I was going to help the project with, that I was going to get me coffee before starting.
We went up the stairs, me a little bit behind them, she looked at me and I had my mouth open as I was trying to get words out. With no luck. I didn't notice any smile from her or anything to that nature.
Well, the walk behind them was long. I got myself coffee, and I don't know why but I tried to pour it quickly because I wanted to get out of there quickly - I think I felt uncomfortable; in retrospect I guess I had the same idea as you; that I had totally crossed the line and was totally stalking her.
I had no idea what she was going to get or where she was in the cafeteria; I walked swiftly and noticed a man that I've often seen at the library - an old man that has clearly overlearned (crazy grey hair all over the place - that kind of thing). I slowed down my walk towards the cash register as I saw that he was engaged in a conversation with the cashier.
As I was just approaching the register I saw her being behind me!
I blurted out to her: Phenomenal (with regards to the old dude)
I was surprised at myself.
I don't know if I was smiling or not (I don't think I was) but she smiled after I said "phenomenal" to her.
I quickly paid for my coffee - in memory she had some juice box, and as I was about to put a lid on the coffee, I surprised myself - again!
I asked her something along the lines of: "So, how's the group project going along?" (there'a group project in the class we were in, that we have to hand in next week).
I was surprised at myself. Very surprised. Extremely surprised.
Yesterday I would have kept my mouth shut and not said anything to her. And then been very pissed off. Heck, I absolutely had no excuse of talking to her. Heck, she must have know that I was chatting her up.
I don't even remember what she said, I only remember she said that it wasn't easy - everything else seems to be in a blur.
I didn't even think before I said something to her - I just blurted it out, and man she was smiling during our interaction, it seemed to grow as we interacted more.
But I still have some anxiety, as I didn't talk for too long (I still have this problem at night game).
But she didn't seem to want me to leave, I was walking away (because I was nervous) but we were still talking. But my last line of exchange was something along the lines of about lots of loads of group projects.
I have no idea where her female friend was during all of this. In fact, I don't even know who were there in the cafeteria or how many.
The only thing I saw was her
And I did what was friggin' impossible for me to do the day before!
I went from being totally bummed out to being over the moon.
I'm actually surprised myself; I didn't think I would be writing this post and certainly not the next day after the first night of listening.
Because despite that I participate in the forum here a little bit, I was still quite skeptical - I've always wanted to see things for myself and experience things for myself, and being impatient (I started on subliminals for the very first time in January, and those were Shannons subliminals) man I wanted success to show up in a very short amount of time.
...which leads me to be anxious; as I started to listen to the manifest your perfect sexual nympho on February 6 (and I'm not joking about that and I am a little bit anxious) - but seeing as I'm single I'm going to continue to listen to the approach sub and the nympho sub and see how it goes.
It should be interesting
(I updated the title since I apparently was in violation of the rules - which I had no idea about, sorry 'bout that)
Oh, and the title is from the the cult-comedy movie "Super Troopers", @ 6:03
So hopefully you'll know how much I am head over heels in love with an insanely beautiful girl.
Luckily though I know of the approach signals girls give out all the time - and I have been picking up on them from her (and I might be insane but I kinda think that her level of affection could be just about the same as mine - but I just think I might be reading way too much into things, or I am insanely good at reading the signs; which I'm not so sure about).
But I have been lacking balls in approaching girls during the daytime - especially girls in my university, my poor excuse was that it was because I could see them again (!) and wouldn't know how to continue (!).
But before listening to the subliminal product (which I did for the first time last night) I had been very keen in trying to force myself to open her; heck, I had my mark set on February 14th - and that day came and went (nota bene, I didn't have the subliminal)
February 15th was also uneventful (nota bene again, I didn't have the subliminal)
February 16th (yesterday) was the most stressful day I had had in trying to force myself to open her - and yes, I didn't have the subliminal then.
I went to class, a class she wasn't in, but outside the class room are a number of round tables for people to study at and I accidentally noticed her as I was few inches from the class door (with her female friend and some dude whom I have no idea who was-maybe doing a group project); I just passed by her and a wall 'came in between' (you get my drift) so I walked backwards a few steps and we noticed each other, and I got nervous so about 0,05 sec after the noticing part I walked swiftly the few steps to the door.
Inside was a female, about middle aged, that I have spoken to before in regards to hand-in projects and such and she asked me to help her with it and that was of course no problem, and said we could do it after class.
Well, class ended and I said to the middled aged chick that we should study outside (I thought my dream girl had left!) and out to the round tables we went - and we got a table behind my dream girl and her group and my dream girl was seated with her back to mine; that's just the way she was seated.
This was an Excel project and I was busy looking at two computer screens (whilst I stole a few glances towards her now and then); she and everyone on her table also had their laptops (as just about everyone her). Well, one glance of mine freaked me out - as she wasn't at the table. I had no idea where she could have gone, and my mind was racing with ideas where she might be in the building and whether or not I could find her and open her. As my mind was racing, I was still trying to look at the middle aged chicks computer screen and trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened ...and then I saw my dream girl walking beside my table. Apparently she had gone an alternative route to the toilet, and she could have gone that way again to her table - but the short cut was to walk beside my table (then again, it would have been the shortest route for her to walk beside my table to the toilet and then beside it again when walking from the toilet)
As me and my middle aged chick were about to finish up I started to get nervous, and I noticed my girl turning her head to her right and was obviously using her peripheral vision (I tend to think that she was waiting for me to approach and open her); I got a ton of approach anxiety and the middle aged chick walked towards the garbage cans, as she wanted to throw her coffee cup - and it was in the opposite direction from my girl (meaning, I could exit from my table in two ways; walking beside her table - or the way to the garbage cans and from there to where ever you wanted to go).
Well, the toilets are next to the garbage cans and there I went to try to pump myself up to approaching her and opening her - but to no avail!
But I was like a cat around a hot porridge but wasn't near her so she didn't see me because I didn't want to creep her out.
Unsuccessfully and frustrated I knew I was not going to approach her and so I left and went home. And I was pissed at myself.
During the course of the night I listened to Overcome Approach Anxiety.
February 17th (today) was a day that I thought was going to be uneventful (I thought I wouldn't see her until next week), so therefore I had planned on getting a few nights of sleep with the subliminal on.
Before school I went for a little walk before taking the bus to uni - and on my walk I couldn't for the life of me open. So I was miserable but tried to tell myself that it would be quite a few more days before anything would kick in; but I thought I had a dud as with the school sub I had used along with the luck magnifier - my procrastination seriously outweighs anything.
Today was an problem-solving class (in which I've never seen her in) so I was hugely surprised when she walked in about just one minute after class started (and she's always later than that in the regular classes); my very twisted inner being

I forgot to mention that the middle aged chick and a girl were going to meet outside the class room to work on the project I was helping the middle aged chick on yesterday and we've been working at it for a few days and they told me they would be outside (they knew I had class) and I said I would meet up with them afterwards.
Well, I left the class room ahead of my chick and went by the table and greeted the two chicks. As I was taking off my jacket I noticed who had left the class room (along with her female friend who had come way later-and that female friend is a model, which I constantly find surprising because I find her to be cute, but not beautiful).
Well, they seemed like they were going to take the stairs; and upstairs is a cafeteria which I decided to use as my excuse as I said to the two females I was going to help the project with, that I was going to get me coffee before starting.
We went up the stairs, me a little bit behind them, she looked at me and I had my mouth open as I was trying to get words out. With no luck. I didn't notice any smile from her or anything to that nature.
Well, the walk behind them was long. I got myself coffee, and I don't know why but I tried to pour it quickly because I wanted to get out of there quickly - I think I felt uncomfortable; in retrospect I guess I had the same idea as you; that I had totally crossed the line and was totally stalking her.
I had no idea what she was going to get or where she was in the cafeteria; I walked swiftly and noticed a man that I've often seen at the library - an old man that has clearly overlearned (crazy grey hair all over the place - that kind of thing). I slowed down my walk towards the cash register as I saw that he was engaged in a conversation with the cashier.
As I was just approaching the register I saw her being behind me!
I blurted out to her: Phenomenal (with regards to the old dude)
I was surprised at myself.
I don't know if I was smiling or not (I don't think I was) but she smiled after I said "phenomenal" to her.
I quickly paid for my coffee - in memory she had some juice box, and as I was about to put a lid on the coffee, I surprised myself - again!
I asked her something along the lines of: "So, how's the group project going along?" (there'a group project in the class we were in, that we have to hand in next week).
I was surprised at myself. Very surprised. Extremely surprised.
Yesterday I would have kept my mouth shut and not said anything to her. And then been very pissed off. Heck, I absolutely had no excuse of talking to her. Heck, she must have know that I was chatting her up.
I don't even remember what she said, I only remember she said that it wasn't easy - everything else seems to be in a blur.
I didn't even think before I said something to her - I just blurted it out, and man she was smiling during our interaction, it seemed to grow as we interacted more.
But I still have some anxiety, as I didn't talk for too long (I still have this problem at night game).
But she didn't seem to want me to leave, I was walking away (because I was nervous) but we were still talking. But my last line of exchange was something along the lines of about lots of loads of group projects.
I have no idea where her female friend was during all of this. In fact, I don't even know who were there in the cafeteria or how many.
The only thing I saw was her

And I did what was friggin' impossible for me to do the day before!
I went from being totally bummed out to being over the moon.
I'm actually surprised myself; I didn't think I would be writing this post and certainly not the next day after the first night of listening.
Because despite that I participate in the forum here a little bit, I was still quite skeptical - I've always wanted to see things for myself and experience things for myself, and being impatient (I started on subliminals for the very first time in January, and those were Shannons subliminals) man I wanted success to show up in a very short amount of time.
...which leads me to be anxious; as I started to listen to the manifest your perfect sexual nympho on February 6 (and I'm not joking about that and I am a little bit anxious) - but seeing as I'm single I'm going to continue to listen to the approach sub and the nympho sub and see how it goes.
It should be interesting

(I updated the title since I apparently was in violation of the rules - which I had no idea about, sorry 'bout that)
Oh, and the title is from the the cult-comedy movie "Super Troopers", @ 6:03