11-19-2018, 05:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2018, 06:11 AM by JackOfHearts.)
I have been a Fan of Richard Bandler, I listen to his video and audio for a long time, I read his books and practiced his technique. That man almost had the God status for me, almost
not anymore ...
That guy supposedly according to many of his stories that he tells in his various seminar invented most of the technique found in NLP. Basically he is saying that without him NLP wouldn't exist. I thought this was true to a very large extent even though according to the official story he modeled 3 good therapist to create NLP. So officially his Genius comes from his ability to model his teacher, copy their voice, their pattern of talking, etc
Recently I even heard from one of his audio recording that he modeled NLP from mathematics (calculus), he was telling a story that only 7 person in the world knows how to do calculus correctly, including him. And that almost no one understand that even in the NLP community. Basically he was hinting that only him knows it and no one would have figure it out in the least bit if he wasn't there.
Finally I decided to read his peers group from the beginning of NLP. I basically type every name from his original group to read them. One of them seems to have another story.
After reading that It seems that Bandler is not citing his sources correctly and didn't seem to have invented many of the technique he says come from him. In his seminars I used to think that he was making fun of Gestalt therapy because it was obsolete and had almost no good stuff in it.
I also noticed he was often making fun of Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir, the 2 teachers that he learned a lot from.
Now that I know a bit more it seems he was hinting that his knowledge or technique is much better than his predecessor.
He was making himself some sort of God while obscuring the technique and knowledge he got from his many teachers, and the books that he learn from.
I wonder if Shannon noticed that. From what I remember reading from his Journal he said that he preferred the first version of one of his book or something like that
And I knew there was something weird with Bandler, but I didn't look more into it, I knew because according to one of my personality technique, that guy has a narcissistic side. But I thought maybe he cured himself with hypnosis
and no longer is that way

That guy supposedly according to many of his stories that he tells in his various seminar invented most of the technique found in NLP. Basically he is saying that without him NLP wouldn't exist. I thought this was true to a very large extent even though according to the official story he modeled 3 good therapist to create NLP. So officially his Genius comes from his ability to model his teacher, copy their voice, their pattern of talking, etc
Recently I even heard from one of his audio recording that he modeled NLP from mathematics (calculus), he was telling a story that only 7 person in the world knows how to do calculus correctly, including him. And that almost no one understand that even in the NLP community. Basically he was hinting that only him knows it and no one would have figure it out in the least bit if he wasn't there.
Finally I decided to read his peers group from the beginning of NLP. I basically type every name from his original group to read them. One of them seems to have another story.
After reading that It seems that Bandler is not citing his sources correctly and didn't seem to have invented many of the technique he says come from him. In his seminars I used to think that he was making fun of Gestalt therapy because it was obsolete and had almost no good stuff in it.
I also noticed he was often making fun of Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir, the 2 teachers that he learned a lot from.
Now that I know a bit more it seems he was hinting that his knowledge or technique is much better than his predecessor.
He was making himself some sort of God while obscuring the technique and knowledge he got from his many teachers, and the books that he learn from.
I wonder if Shannon noticed that. From what I remember reading from his Journal he said that he preferred the first version of one of his book or something like that

And I knew there was something weird with Bandler, but I didn't look more into it, I knew because according to one of my personality technique, that guy has a narcissistic side. But I thought maybe he cured himself with hypnosis