06-15-2010, 10:42 AM
Hi, Tigerlilly. I recognise the name, are you the same PheroTalk Tigerlilly? Either way, it's good to see you here!
Going through a break up is never easy, so I feel for you. My last break up was very painful and even once the major storm had blown over, little after-storms kept occurring. I used the specific 'getting over relationships' sub from this very place here, and within two weeks I had completely let go - kept the memories but disconnected from the emotion. If you can afford to, you may want to try that title for a little while. If not I'm sure you'll do well with Life tune up. It was one of the titles I considered using before the Alpha sub.
About waking up cranky ... a year back I owned one subliminal from this company, and several from another. I noticed that the effects from Shannon's subliminal where more quickly felt, obvious and powerful yet I stuck mostly to the other Subs. The reason was because Shannon's subs disrupted my sleep (because they where working lol, and the others weren't.) Incidentally I'm currently exploring Shannon's Brainwave Entertainment products, so I've been doing a bit of reading on line about the various brain waves and their cycles. What is probably happening with the crankiness is that because you are not use to the Subliminal it is disrupting your sleep and causing you to wake up while your brain waves are predominantly in Theta. The subliminal probably brought you out of your sleep before you where ready to wake up. The goods news is that with consistency you'll quickly get use to using the sub at night and have no further problems with disrupted sleepy or crankiness.
I look forward to seeing you progress and succeed with Life tune up
Going through a break up is never easy, so I feel for you. My last break up was very painful and even once the major storm had blown over, little after-storms kept occurring. I used the specific 'getting over relationships' sub from this very place here, and within two weeks I had completely let go - kept the memories but disconnected from the emotion. If you can afford to, you may want to try that title for a little while. If not I'm sure you'll do well with Life tune up. It was one of the titles I considered using before the Alpha sub.
About waking up cranky ... a year back I owned one subliminal from this company, and several from another. I noticed that the effects from Shannon's subliminal where more quickly felt, obvious and powerful yet I stuck mostly to the other Subs. The reason was because Shannon's subs disrupted my sleep (because they where working lol, and the others weren't.) Incidentally I'm currently exploring Shannon's Brainwave Entertainment products, so I've been doing a bit of reading on line about the various brain waves and their cycles. What is probably happening with the crankiness is that because you are not use to the Subliminal it is disrupting your sleep and causing you to wake up while your brain waves are predominantly in Theta. The subliminal probably brought you out of your sleep before you where ready to wake up. The goods news is that with consistency you'll quickly get use to using the sub at night and have no further problems with disrupted sleepy or crankiness.
I look forward to seeing you progress and succeed with Life tune up

“To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” - Carl Jung