10-21-2014, 10:56 PM
(10-21-2014, 09:24 PM)Shannon Wrote: I did not reply because I did not see this thread.
I'm a bit surprised at how adamant the demand for this is, given the reactions while we had it available. I suppose that at some point in the future, it is possible that I might build a new version, if I believe I can make it work to my satisfaction. (I originally wanted it to be able to generate 2-3 inches or more of length and a proportionate amount of girth.) However, if I did that, I would not be making it publicly available unless we created an adult focused store. If I did create such a program, you would have to get it through contacting the back end.
The Pheromone Maximizer sub is in 1st, possibly 2nd Gen technology, by the way. The physical CD and case are undoubtedly going to become a collector's item. Hold onto that. And thank you for your long term loyalty. It is much appreciated. If you got that, you got it in 2006.
I don't really see how the people who have gained less than an inch within 3-4 months of use would react by leaving less-than-positive feedback on the product.
I understand people having high hopes for multi-inch gains, as I have those hopes as well but even gains of 1/4" in 3-4 months use is nothing to be upset about. Just stick in there for a few more months and wait for more gains to be seen. After all, you have guys who do manual penis enlargement exercises day after day, year after year and "only" see gains about 1" in length and 1" in girth. On the other hand, you'll have other people who gain 2" in length and 1" in girth in 6 months. I suppose its much like going to the gym...you have some guys who experience quicker and more significant gains than others, but, eventually, with enough time and dedication major gains can be achieved. That being said, to gain 1/4" in 3-4 months, by doing nothing except listening to an MP3 while you sleep or as you go about your day is quite good, imo. From feedback I've read from other IYPS hypnosis or subliminal programs, the biggest gains are usually seen after 3 months since the first 1-3 months generally work on breaking any conscious or subconscious barriers and creating the optimal mind-body connection for growth to be achieved.
Personally, I have zero doubts that multi-inch gains in length and girth can be achieved through a little bit of script tweaking/optimization and your 5G technology. I have a great deal of confidence in your script-designing abilities and the technologies you have pioneered.
I suppose one of the main issues is addressing user-specific desires of growth. Some people want more length, some want more girth, some want an even mixture of both. I fall into the latter category. You addressed this issue with the script line reading: "If I am male, My penis now grows to be as long and thick as I consciously want it to be." but I think the wording may potentially cause some type of resistance or produce lack-luster results. At least in my own case, my ideal or desired size has changed a number of times over the course of learning about penis enlargement methods. Even today my desired size fluctuates from time to time, since I won't actually know when enough is enough until I actually physically attain that size and I'm look down and make these faces:

That reaction may occur at 1" increase in length and 1" increase in girth or maybe at 1" length and 2" in girth, or 2" in length and 1" girth, etc etc. A guy who's 5" in length and 5" in girth may think he wants 9" in length and 6" in girth but he'll look at his penis when its 7" in length and 5.5" in girth and feel fully satisfied and secure with that.
For these reasons I think the script should either focus on creating the absolute largest penis ever, since the gains won't all come at once and the user will be able to stop the program use once he achieves a size he is satisfied and secure with OR I think the program should be broken into two series; a length series and a girth series, that way the person can tackle their goals individually.
As for the Pheromone Maximizer CD, its still in mint condition. I have zero intention of throwing it out. Right now its in its original case in a box in my bedroom.
Great Product Selection + Great Results + Reasonable Prices = Customer Loyalty.

Can't wait for the 5G version (wishful thinking) :angel: