01-03-2017, 10:08 AM
Hello everyone,
After a long hiatus I have returned, I used to be called MangoEruption in this here neck of the woods. Due to some email issues from way back when I decided to create another account using my new email.
It's nice to see the new developments Shannon has made since I've been away, I think the newest thing he created ATM of my last visit was WM2. Now that I'm getting promoted in my job, I'm looking for an even bigger edge over the competition now. I'm considering jumping into AM6 or just the new beta program Shannon has offered (I forget the abbreviations lol). Speaking of abbreviations, I need to learn all the new ones since most posts here don't make sense to me anymore lol.
But anyways, I'm glad to be back
After a long hiatus I have returned, I used to be called MangoEruption in this here neck of the woods. Due to some email issues from way back when I decided to create another account using my new email.
It's nice to see the new developments Shannon has made since I've been away, I think the newest thing he created ATM of my last visit was WM2. Now that I'm getting promoted in my job, I'm looking for an even bigger edge over the competition now. I'm considering jumping into AM6 or just the new beta program Shannon has offered (I forget the abbreviations lol). Speaking of abbreviations, I need to learn all the new ones since most posts here don't make sense to me anymore lol.
But anyways, I'm glad to be back