01-08-2015, 12:39 AM
Hi everyone,
I would like to reintroduce myself. I am 30, male.. I will be cancelling my old username, (Woodman), that I created few months back,
I tried to change the username but, I guess we cant. That username was created during a period of struggle in my life. It reminds of stuffs that I am trying to move away from, it drags me back to the drain, Now that I feel much better with myself, loaded with higher self esteem I don't want to use that name anymore.
Iceman is what I would like to be. For obvious reasons.
I have successfully used few subs, some subs didn't work for me beacuse I didn't use it properly.
AM6 is what actually brought be to this place, but when I browsed the catalog I found other useful stuffs, some of them were something that I really really needed, while other subs that I purchased just temporary fixes. I am not saying they were usless, Never! All I am saying is that, the priority is to be Alpha, then I will know which one to go for next. So, yesterday my instincts told me to just ignore the rest of the subs for now and do the main thing.
I have been extremely fortunate to be blessed with wonderful parents, but as a kid I didn't always fit into the education or academic model in my country, I was good at everything else, never really bothered that I was not chosen as a class leader or stuffs, thats because I did my own stuffs, and I was good at where most of my class mates or my friends were never even thinking of attempting. I was different.
This thing did bring me some fair shares of problems such as limiting beliefs, that I am never good at studying or maths or physics, but actually I am very interested in physics if the teacher makes the class interesting , but at the same time it has given me a huge advantage of staying away from the mainstream interests and pursue what I wanted. I am content with my job, friends are jelous (in a good way) that I got to do what I wanted. Some times I am Alpha, sometimes its beta. Its not about dominating or having the guts to swear at my boss, NO! its the self confidence and having the ability to communicate with technicians or some guys who work on projects that I have to direct, its to express full confidence and assuring them that I know what I am doing.
Again, I am extremely fortunate and greatful for the job and the company I am working for.
With women, lets way its 50:50. Despite being born a Leo, I did tend to let them walk over me. The ones I wasn't really interested in wanted to be with me, in short, I didn't get what I wanted. I am not really thaaaat crazy about banging 100 chicks before I settle for one. ONE is enough for me. For that RIGHT ONE, I got to become the RIGHT MAN.
Thank you!
I would like to reintroduce myself. I am 30, male.. I will be cancelling my old username, (Woodman), that I created few months back,
I tried to change the username but, I guess we cant. That username was created during a period of struggle in my life. It reminds of stuffs that I am trying to move away from, it drags me back to the drain, Now that I feel much better with myself, loaded with higher self esteem I don't want to use that name anymore.
Iceman is what I would like to be. For obvious reasons.
I have successfully used few subs, some subs didn't work for me beacuse I didn't use it properly.
AM6 is what actually brought be to this place, but when I browsed the catalog I found other useful stuffs, some of them were something that I really really needed, while other subs that I purchased just temporary fixes. I am not saying they were usless, Never! All I am saying is that, the priority is to be Alpha, then I will know which one to go for next. So, yesterday my instincts told me to just ignore the rest of the subs for now and do the main thing.
I have been extremely fortunate to be blessed with wonderful parents, but as a kid I didn't always fit into the education or academic model in my country, I was good at everything else, never really bothered that I was not chosen as a class leader or stuffs, thats because I did my own stuffs, and I was good at where most of my class mates or my friends were never even thinking of attempting. I was different.
This thing did bring me some fair shares of problems such as limiting beliefs, that I am never good at studying or maths or physics, but actually I am very interested in physics if the teacher makes the class interesting , but at the same time it has given me a huge advantage of staying away from the mainstream interests and pursue what I wanted. I am content with my job, friends are jelous (in a good way) that I got to do what I wanted. Some times I am Alpha, sometimes its beta. Its not about dominating or having the guts to swear at my boss, NO! its the self confidence and having the ability to communicate with technicians or some guys who work on projects that I have to direct, its to express full confidence and assuring them that I know what I am doing.
Again, I am extremely fortunate and greatful for the job and the company I am working for.
With women, lets way its 50:50. Despite being born a Leo, I did tend to let them walk over me. The ones I wasn't really interested in wanted to be with me, in short, I didn't get what I wanted. I am not really thaaaat crazy about banging 100 chicks before I settle for one. ONE is enough for me. For that RIGHT ONE, I got to become the RIGHT MAN.
Thank you!