02-02-2012, 09:18 AM
Your results look very nice.
I read this out of interest to get my wife this sub since she will definitely not go under the knife. I am just a bit curious as to your ending weight. Your beginning weight was 118#'s but you don't mention your ending weight. After comparing the beginning set of photos and the final set I detect a bit more of an all around change in body tone. I think you look a bit leaner in the beginning photos and if you did put on a little weight would that contribute to final breast size? Either way you look marvelous!

(01-28-2012, 04:23 PM)Tigerlilly Wrote: January 28, 2012
I have been using the Breast Enhancement subs for 6 months and have experienced great results! My bra size has changed from 34B to 32D.
My progress with respect to nightly listening has not been consistent as prescribed by the instructions, as such I have spent 6-7 weeks in each phase to compensate for the nights I miss.
I am currently halfway through Step 5 and anticipate listening to this step for another 3 weeks. With Step 6 close on the horizon I thought it might be helpful to post my positive results thus far. Once I have completed Step 6 I will post final images and measurements.
I look forward to continued augmentation through the final stages. Though the augmentation has taken place over 6 months to date, the physical changes have been noticeable to myself, friends, and boyfriend.
I now have the full, voluptuous breasts I have always wanted! I love them!!
Thanks Shannon!