11-24-2016, 01:25 AM
(Day 20) older woman is testing me all throughout the day before work and while I'm at work still teasing each other tonight she wanted to go out with me so we did we went to a little bar and had a great time with each Other teasing and toying around. We were very close and proximity and we were exchanging I'll f##k you eyes the whole night as she quoted that I was doing lol. She was ok with my hands being around her body her waist, inner thigh around her she was accepting it. When the night came to an end we sat in her car and chats some more she kept asking me flirty question and putting herself closer to me so I initiate a kiss which she enjoy. After that when it was time to go. Home she wouldn't let me leave and didn't want me to she would rewrap her arms around me and say she falling asleep. Getting close to the juicy parts you all are looking for.