10-22-2019, 10:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2019, 12:11 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Deep Connected Self Love-
I know this kind of title has been brought up before...I wanted to 're-surface' it but with some additions here:
The new developments with the Fear Remover 4.8 and perhaps by the time such a "Self-Love" Title might come out it'll be fear remover 10:30PM:-) 10.30, who knows,I Know though that this kind of fear remover will be deep and thorough,that's for damn shure!
Many People talk about Love and how one must love one's self before one can truly love some one else,or others at large.
I believe that IML's technology could cause a person to deeply love themselves, that it would allow them to let love in,including their own self love and remove 'the withholds' we've all been given,the conditions that we hold in place and the choices of " withholding Love' from our very selves,hence the term "withholds"...removing the fears that block love and connection with da self. its been said that "Self Love" is a redundant statement,because when there is no fear,no judgement,negative criticism in the way,the self IS in fact , Love!!
Just look at children who've not been shamed,suppress and blocked around Love,they love everybody and all things.
as adults Im talking about responsible,sensible self Love,love with responsibility and filter's(as in healthy boundaries and ground rules on can live with,amoug others)
The Kind of Self Love that one has for one's self all the way down to the ground,into the cell's of One's Being and being-ness,as such!
Game changer kinda Love. I'm shure that there will be a 'slew' of Love titles coming forth in the next several years(2020/2021/2022!) as stated before " we've got titles that adress Sex & ,Money,and now to complete the triad o: Love, Sex & Money"....I know I know in due time,in due time.)
Previous Post from on a deeper love connected, title:
11-08-2017, 06:27 AM
Having the "it" factor,the High "presence" - I Know that part of this is addressed in DMSI...and yet a separate title that could include: Just by being in your precense a person could feel emmense love and healing,that just by hearing your voice,healing could occur for them, a special programming function that every time you interacted with another soul,you'd be recharged,invigorated,all the while emminating love and light...upliftment, just by your presence. The aura of High Loving healing energy that you'd feel and expereince for yourself as well as others,even simultaniously.
it is said from many a study that when we feel unconditional Love,that our energy field measured,goes out in a radius of at least,40 feet !!
again have the ' presence' of good,loving,envigorating energy... heres an example:
ON Jimi Hendrix: this from a posting from someone on youtube,under one of his early live shows... "What I have gathered over the years in talking to people that got to experience Jimi is that he had an unbelievable "presence" that you could feel before he had even started playing. And when he did, it was overwhelming -- like it was coming thru you. Emotions and colors. and it wasn't just the women that were moved to some deeper level of connection -- everyone fell in love with him. My words don't really do justice to the complexity of it all. I'll just leave it at that everyone I have talked to has had a a deep and powerful experience that is ongoing."
... Love Factor 101 or something, having "It",ect Might be a helluva ways off,but I thot I'd bring it up anway...very encouraging kind of vibe and program..for the person and the world around them.
I know this kind of title has been brought up before...I wanted to 're-surface' it but with some additions here:
The new developments with the Fear Remover 4.8 and perhaps by the time such a "Self-Love" Title might come out it'll be fear remover 10:30PM:-) 10.30, who knows,I Know though that this kind of fear remover will be deep and thorough,that's for damn shure!
Many People talk about Love and how one must love one's self before one can truly love some one else,or others at large.
I believe that IML's technology could cause a person to deeply love themselves, that it would allow them to let love in,including their own self love and remove 'the withholds' we've all been given,the conditions that we hold in place and the choices of " withholding Love' from our very selves,hence the term "withholds"...removing the fears that block love and connection with da self. its been said that "Self Love" is a redundant statement,because when there is no fear,no judgement,negative criticism in the way,the self IS in fact , Love!!
Just look at children who've not been shamed,suppress and blocked around Love,they love everybody and all things.
as adults Im talking about responsible,sensible self Love,love with responsibility and filter's(as in healthy boundaries and ground rules on can live with,amoug others)
The Kind of Self Love that one has for one's self all the way down to the ground,into the cell's of One's Being and being-ness,as such!
Game changer kinda Love. I'm shure that there will be a 'slew' of Love titles coming forth in the next several years(2020/2021/2022!) as stated before " we've got titles that adress Sex & ,Money,and now to complete the triad o: Love, Sex & Money"....I know I know in due time,in due time.)
Previous Post from on a deeper love connected, title:
11-08-2017, 06:27 AM
Having the "it" factor,the High "presence" - I Know that part of this is addressed in DMSI...and yet a separate title that could include: Just by being in your precense a person could feel emmense love and healing,that just by hearing your voice,healing could occur for them, a special programming function that every time you interacted with another soul,you'd be recharged,invigorated,all the while emminating love and light...upliftment, just by your presence. The aura of High Loving healing energy that you'd feel and expereince for yourself as well as others,even simultaniously.
it is said from many a study that when we feel unconditional Love,that our energy field measured,goes out in a radius of at least,40 feet !!
again have the ' presence' of good,loving,envigorating energy... heres an example:
ON Jimi Hendrix: this from a posting from someone on youtube,under one of his early live shows... "What I have gathered over the years in talking to people that got to experience Jimi is that he had an unbelievable "presence" that you could feel before he had even started playing. And when he did, it was overwhelming -- like it was coming thru you. Emotions and colors. and it wasn't just the women that were moved to some deeper level of connection -- everyone fell in love with him. My words don't really do justice to the complexity of it all. I'll just leave it at that everyone I have talked to has had a a deep and powerful experience that is ongoing."
... Love Factor 101 or something, having "It",ect Might be a helluva ways off,but I thot I'd bring it up anway...very encouraging kind of vibe and program..for the person and the world around them.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"