02-18-2018, 09:12 AM
Does the necessary break between 3.1 and 3.2 not correlate with the usage time of 3.1 ? Let's say you have used 3.1 for only 1 week, would you still need 21 days break? I am asking because I have used 3.1 for about 5 Weeks and wonder if the 21 days is really necessary or if I could start with 3.2 the moment it is released. Assuming the 22.02.2018 as the release date of 3.2 that would mean a break of 15 Days between the 3.1 and 3.2 after a usage of 5 weeks. It only seems logical to me that the time the previous sub was used has to factor into the equation. Like I said if you only used 3.1 for one day, will you really need 21 days of break? Thank you in advance!