For myself personally, i would love to see the attraction series ( BIATBW, AOS, etc. ) or titles used, as well as the attracting wealth and ultra success...
by the way, i have been listening to affimations with the theta brainwave, and oh man, its like it opens a direct door into the subconcious mind and its wild...
i can only imagine the power of this with audible voice, binanral beats, subliminals, and BE....mind blowing...with all the benefits of theta..
Please please do will be something that NOONE else has done ( at least not very well )
For myself personally, i would love to see the attraction series ( BIATBW, AOS, etc. ) or titles used, as well as the attracting wealth and ultra success...
by the way, i have been listening to affimations with the theta brainwave, and oh man, its like it opens a direct door into the subconcious mind and its wild...
i can only imagine the power of this with audible voice, binanral beats, subliminals, and BE....mind blowing...with all the benefits of theta..
Please please do will be something that NOONE else has done ( at least not very well )