05-06-2011, 04:08 AM
I noticed that the things for children do not really seem to be FOR the child -- but rather for the comfort and convenience of the adults who wish to be pleased by the child's BEHAVIOUR.
As adults now -- presumably this is even why we're here on this site!! We're working to "deprogram" ourselves of this intense need for others approval and to do as we're told. Essentially, the conditioning to be good, behave, don't think for yourself think what you're told to think, your own inner guidance or ideas are not good enough, do this and this and that and THEN you will receive love and approval etc.
I'd LLOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEE to see subliminals for children that are purely about their own self esteem pure and simple, rather than creating or promoting behaviour that other people want to see in order to keep their parents or teachers from getting angry. Am I making sense? The bullies, trouble makers and delinquents in school are never the ones who feel inherently like they are "ok" and not even ok, but WONDERFUL. The super high achievers with nervous disorders and who have anxiety breakdowns over grades or athletic achievements don't feel ok either, despite winning approval through all of their achievements.
Of course we're social, of course we need to work together. But in the end, teaching children to have self esteem and self love NO MATTER WHAT (people who hurt themselves do not do bad things to others) and about being in connection to their inner guidance, source of all that is etc. rather than having innate programming to obey and do things for others approval rather than your own passion and joy in life. Careers, sports, interests etc. Perhaps one for parents as well that is about seeing their child as perfect in their own right, and allowing their child to explore this life and what their greatest passions are -- rather than having the need to live through their child and to have this need to control and to see specific controlled things and circumstances in order to feel ok.
I don't think that self esteem and inner/source guidance can be underestimated, especially in children as they're so "fresh out of the box" they don't need our baggage.
As adults now -- presumably this is even why we're here on this site!! We're working to "deprogram" ourselves of this intense need for others approval and to do as we're told. Essentially, the conditioning to be good, behave, don't think for yourself think what you're told to think, your own inner guidance or ideas are not good enough, do this and this and that and THEN you will receive love and approval etc.
I'd LLOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEE to see subliminals for children that are purely about their own self esteem pure and simple, rather than creating or promoting behaviour that other people want to see in order to keep their parents or teachers from getting angry. Am I making sense? The bullies, trouble makers and delinquents in school are never the ones who feel inherently like they are "ok" and not even ok, but WONDERFUL. The super high achievers with nervous disorders and who have anxiety breakdowns over grades or athletic achievements don't feel ok either, despite winning approval through all of their achievements.
Of course we're social, of course we need to work together. But in the end, teaching children to have self esteem and self love NO MATTER WHAT (people who hurt themselves do not do bad things to others) and about being in connection to their inner guidance, source of all that is etc. rather than having innate programming to obey and do things for others approval rather than your own passion and joy in life. Careers, sports, interests etc. Perhaps one for parents as well that is about seeing their child as perfect in their own right, and allowing their child to explore this life and what their greatest passions are -- rather than having the need to live through their child and to have this need to control and to see specific controlled things and circumstances in order to feel ok.
I don't think that self esteem and inner/source guidance can be underestimated, especially in children as they're so "fresh out of the box" they don't need our baggage.