05-29-2014, 04:16 PM
The initial intro of this thread was transformed into something else, so if you want to know my experience with subs and other details, check out my 1 month LTU journey. In case you'll manage to read all of that, then you will have an idea of how deep and descriptive this AM 6 journey will be.
Started out on May 19, currently in the 1st stage, the 'normalizer' stage of Alpha Male 6
Age: 25 years old
PS I won't be talking too much about dreams as I've seen people doing so in other journeys - it pretty much came down to talking about them back and forth. I dream a lot in every night anyway and I can remember them, it's normal for me, but I will mention ([i]rarely) when it's worth mentioning.
PS 2 EVEN IF some of the points I'll write might simply look like are not part of the AM 6's work, they are, because what am I mentioning in here is somewhat sorted out and I know and feel what comes from AM 6. In a nutshell, I'm trying to say that what I'm sharing in this journey really comes from AM 6 and not from "hey i ate like a pig today and my stomach hurts, i think the sub is bad for me" -- as I've seen people not being able to differentiate other influential factors on their life vs the subs they are using.[/i]
a) A mega self-inducted placebo that occurred within the first few hours, seemed to give a push for the sub, as it took away (like magic), MOST of the negative thoughts I had. I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but I am mentioning this effect from day 1 because I was realizing that I am simply not thinking/having anymore negative thoughts. Not entirely of course, but most.
Everybody still have some negative thoughts, more or less, it's natural. And I'm usually a charismatic, happy and positive person, that knows about the existence of those energy-vampire-people that gets you mentally down with their presence and what not -- I'm trying to say that me as a person, I'm not a negative one, but I was in that time (a bit prior to day 1) somewhat surrounded by negative thoughts, which faded when I started AM 6.
BUT maybe it was because of other reasons, hmm.. It faded too quickly, and no, I am not using medication like SSRIs nor will ever use.
a) Strange thing happened! Few years ago, I was the one who was always taking photos and recording moments about random things, my friends or simply/mostly out of fun/hobby/the thrill to watch it later (after a few hours, weeks... years ~ nostalgia hehe). But in the last 2 years, that habit pretty much died, I started working on my way to financial freedom, got more busy, some friends moved, others traveled to work in other countries, other relations got lost, others are busy etc.. you get the idea... BUT in this day 2, I was doing pics and recordings with my phone while feeling happy and giggling at the same intensity as back then. I only realized it after doing so for a good amount of time with some other friends, that this was an old part of me.
You (the reader) might find this stupid or without much significance, but for me it matters. What does AM 6 got to do with this? Well, since it's stage 1 - the normalizer, I believe that it reminded me of something that I used to love doing.
b) I think that I also caught a 'smell' of the potential of AM 6, since in the day 2 I felt that I'm transcending to a new and a much better general mood and attitude. But this might not be an effect of the fact that most of those negative thoughts faded.
c) Out of nowhere, I got the 'instant-happy-dance' thing. To explain it, it's like when you simply (without planning) put a song, turn the volume a bit and dance around the house feeling happy, all of this being done promptly. I wasn't doing this all day long, but I'm mentioning this because it should be related to AM 6, because I haven't done the 'instant-happy-dance' since quite a while.. actually a more than a while.
d) Late in night, I also realized that I have more authentic and natural laughs. It's like when I get amused, I genuinely laugh.
DAYS 3 - 5
a) These days, it seems like I'm remembering about the root of some of my problems. And when I say that, I'm referring to deep and old memories. I didn't had any traumatic experiences, but I had those tiny little 'deep' things that every person has no matter what, that affects us in a way or another. I was simply able to identify them and how come they influenced me as a person. I know it was AM 6's hand on this one, because I never really thought about it like I did now, and also realizing that I have to fix what is to be fixed, seeing how those roots are so weak (and forgotten in the lands of the Past) compared to my ambition and determination to move on and change for the better.
b) Negative thoughts really seems to have disappeared. Sure, I'll repeat, there is a natural ratio in life for everybody, to have negative, neutral and positive thoughts, but I am talking about the negative thoughts that were causing me a problem, as to the point where I was wondering if I sailed upon depression island, when in fact I'm not. But who knows, these self-diagnoses aren't so reliable after all.
c) Also, it seems I can think at whatever I want and not hear (easily ignore) what the other one is saying whenever they seem to be talking about crap topics with a low quality social skill. In the past I used to 'play along', was talking about anything and was responsive although I knew the conversation was plain crap, when it applied. (I'm referring about the situations where you would talk with someone about things that are out of your interest by far as well which is also accompanied by poor social skills)
* In certain situations where you can't tell them to fuck off (except when he/she is a really good friend, and usually it's rare when it happens to have a lq conversation with crappy topics because a good friend is a good friend for a reason), so when you can't tell the other that you're bored the f%#k out of him/she, I can simply think about my own things and it seems so easy, while in the same time I can reply a bit too to make the other feel like I'm listening. I wasn't able to do it so easy in the past, I had to participate in the conversation as interested because that's my way, I like to be focused on a discussion, but even I have a limit sometimes. Damn you omegas
c-2) Although the above c) point was referring to a very particular thing that might confuse other readers, because they will think that's what I'm doing with everybody, I want to mention that as a change in me from AM6, towards this topic, is that I started a bit to slap the BS talks right away. But I will develop later on, this subject and c-2) point.
d) I realized this actually around day 5: Whenever I am in public, I start to walk and act similar to how I was 4-5 years ago, the back is straight, chin up a bit, proud, relaxed, with an invisible grin smile... It's really like what this stage is about, it's normalizing me and I really think I'm gaining some of my mojo, back
But there's more to that than just normalizing me, I think it makes me even better than that.. we'll see.
*when I'm talking about the 'mojo', I mostly refer to that essential uniqueness of being you, of being in shape, mentally, physically, being in your great personal mood etc
a) The reason why these subs are usually working with great results, are not because they are created with all that technology (that too tho), but because Shannon knows "a lot of things about a lot of things in life and how they work and relate". I wish I could've said that more elegant, but if you guys got the point, then it's fine for me.
I noticed how come some of the achievements I've made, I felt no emotional reward when I achieved them, mostly because I wasn't that aware it was something I desired, but more like something that needed to be done. I don't know exactly why, but I remembered how I used to picture in my head those goals and little dreams that I wanted (more or less) to achieve them back then, and now when I realized the things I've accomplished it was like a little euphoria on me; I was happy and finally realized that my ambition and determination, did made those goals happen. And this gets me motivated and happy to keep walking.
But some goals that I didn't even wanted them that badly, which were achieved.. they were in my head, so that saying is true: "be careful what you wish for, it might just come true". And it's logical too, if you think about the Law of Attraction and such.. and I mean logically.
b) I sometimes say some things that I normally wouldn't because they would be 'out of my league'. To explain this better, it's like I'm starting to have even smart(er) and better replies..that surprises even me. But I will see how this goes on, it's too premature right now to talk about it.
DAYS 7 - 11
a) When I'm in house, alone.. all seems to be..like usual. But the moment I walk out of that door OR when someone comes in the house, that's when I feel the effects of AM 6, of this stage (it's like I get activated.. don't get too literal on this 'activation' tho; yep, you the reader). I am walking very confidently, relaxed (but not like a jelly), like really starting to act like an AM, although it would be too soon to say it, but that's how it feels like.
b) I don't know if I am looking more at all the girls or if they are looking more at me, in terms of numbers, in case I would count. Either way, I can see happy outcomes
c) With strangers, I started to talk more confident (not that I was on the other pole, but still), mostly like keeping my guard up always so that I won't give them any reason to throw BS on me with whatever. But this c) point is pretty vague and can get very confusing for you (the reader). These are just some signs, I will surely get more into it later on, especially on the next stages.
Well.. so far so good. I really want to get back to the gym and stick with it for years, because this is an essential and tremendous assist for this sub, but not only because of the sake of this sub, but because 3 years ago I went like 1 year and a bit and I know that it's a different world with many benefits. After that, I had only several attempts of 1 month.. the last attempt was however due to an effect of the LTU sub I used, because it was like an urge to go. Either way, I want back in there and it will happen.
I know it's a looong thread, but it's up to you in the end, if you want to read it all or between the lines, and follow my journey. I appreciate more than you think, any reply. It actually makes me happy somewhat. Keep in mind however, that this is only stage 1, and the real magic should happen in the next stages.
![[Image: CLf1ZlY.png]](http://i.imgur.com/CLf1ZlY.png)
Started out on May 19, currently in the 1st stage, the 'normalizer' stage of Alpha Male 6
Age: 25 years old
PS I won't be talking too much about dreams as I've seen people doing so in other journeys - it pretty much came down to talking about them back and forth. I dream a lot in every night anyway and I can remember them, it's normal for me, but I will mention ([i]rarely) when it's worth mentioning.
PS 2 EVEN IF some of the points I'll write might simply look like are not part of the AM 6's work, they are, because what am I mentioning in here is somewhat sorted out and I know and feel what comes from AM 6. In a nutshell, I'm trying to say that what I'm sharing in this journey really comes from AM 6 and not from "hey i ate like a pig today and my stomach hurts, i think the sub is bad for me" -- as I've seen people not being able to differentiate other influential factors on their life vs the subs they are using.[/i]
a) A mega self-inducted placebo that occurred within the first few hours, seemed to give a push for the sub, as it took away (like magic), MOST of the negative thoughts I had. I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but I am mentioning this effect from day 1 because I was realizing that I am simply not thinking/having anymore negative thoughts. Not entirely of course, but most.
Everybody still have some negative thoughts, more or less, it's natural. And I'm usually a charismatic, happy and positive person, that knows about the existence of those energy-vampire-people that gets you mentally down with their presence and what not -- I'm trying to say that me as a person, I'm not a negative one, but I was in that time (a bit prior to day 1) somewhat surrounded by negative thoughts, which faded when I started AM 6.
BUT maybe it was because of other reasons, hmm.. It faded too quickly, and no, I am not using medication like SSRIs nor will ever use.
a) Strange thing happened! Few years ago, I was the one who was always taking photos and recording moments about random things, my friends or simply/mostly out of fun/hobby/the thrill to watch it later (after a few hours, weeks... years ~ nostalgia hehe). But in the last 2 years, that habit pretty much died, I started working on my way to financial freedom, got more busy, some friends moved, others traveled to work in other countries, other relations got lost, others are busy etc.. you get the idea... BUT in this day 2, I was doing pics and recordings with my phone while feeling happy and giggling at the same intensity as back then. I only realized it after doing so for a good amount of time with some other friends, that this was an old part of me.
You (the reader) might find this stupid or without much significance, but for me it matters. What does AM 6 got to do with this? Well, since it's stage 1 - the normalizer, I believe that it reminded me of something that I used to love doing.
b) I think that I also caught a 'smell' of the potential of AM 6, since in the day 2 I felt that I'm transcending to a new and a much better general mood and attitude. But this might not be an effect of the fact that most of those negative thoughts faded.
c) Out of nowhere, I got the 'instant-happy-dance' thing. To explain it, it's like when you simply (without planning) put a song, turn the volume a bit and dance around the house feeling happy, all of this being done promptly. I wasn't doing this all day long, but I'm mentioning this because it should be related to AM 6, because I haven't done the 'instant-happy-dance' since quite a while.. actually a more than a while.
d) Late in night, I also realized that I have more authentic and natural laughs. It's like when I get amused, I genuinely laugh.
DAYS 3 - 5
a) These days, it seems like I'm remembering about the root of some of my problems. And when I say that, I'm referring to deep and old memories. I didn't had any traumatic experiences, but I had those tiny little 'deep' things that every person has no matter what, that affects us in a way or another. I was simply able to identify them and how come they influenced me as a person. I know it was AM 6's hand on this one, because I never really thought about it like I did now, and also realizing that I have to fix what is to be fixed, seeing how those roots are so weak (and forgotten in the lands of the Past) compared to my ambition and determination to move on and change for the better.
b) Negative thoughts really seems to have disappeared. Sure, I'll repeat, there is a natural ratio in life for everybody, to have negative, neutral and positive thoughts, but I am talking about the negative thoughts that were causing me a problem, as to the point where I was wondering if I sailed upon depression island, when in fact I'm not. But who knows, these self-diagnoses aren't so reliable after all.
c) Also, it seems I can think at whatever I want and not hear (easily ignore) what the other one is saying whenever they seem to be talking about crap topics with a low quality social skill. In the past I used to 'play along', was talking about anything and was responsive although I knew the conversation was plain crap, when it applied. (I'm referring about the situations where you would talk with someone about things that are out of your interest by far as well which is also accompanied by poor social skills)
* In certain situations where you can't tell them to fuck off (except when he/she is a really good friend, and usually it's rare when it happens to have a lq conversation with crappy topics because a good friend is a good friend for a reason), so when you can't tell the other that you're bored the f%#k out of him/she, I can simply think about my own things and it seems so easy, while in the same time I can reply a bit too to make the other feel like I'm listening. I wasn't able to do it so easy in the past, I had to participate in the conversation as interested because that's my way, I like to be focused on a discussion, but even I have a limit sometimes. Damn you omegas

c-2) Although the above c) point was referring to a very particular thing that might confuse other readers, because they will think that's what I'm doing with everybody, I want to mention that as a change in me from AM6, towards this topic, is that I started a bit to slap the BS talks right away. But I will develop later on, this subject and c-2) point.
d) I realized this actually around day 5: Whenever I am in public, I start to walk and act similar to how I was 4-5 years ago, the back is straight, chin up a bit, proud, relaxed, with an invisible grin smile... It's really like what this stage is about, it's normalizing me and I really think I'm gaining some of my mojo, back

*when I'm talking about the 'mojo', I mostly refer to that essential uniqueness of being you, of being in shape, mentally, physically, being in your great personal mood etc
a) The reason why these subs are usually working with great results, are not because they are created with all that technology (that too tho), but because Shannon knows "a lot of things about a lot of things in life and how they work and relate". I wish I could've said that more elegant, but if you guys got the point, then it's fine for me.
I noticed how come some of the achievements I've made, I felt no emotional reward when I achieved them, mostly because I wasn't that aware it was something I desired, but more like something that needed to be done. I don't know exactly why, but I remembered how I used to picture in my head those goals and little dreams that I wanted (more or less) to achieve them back then, and now when I realized the things I've accomplished it was like a little euphoria on me; I was happy and finally realized that my ambition and determination, did made those goals happen. And this gets me motivated and happy to keep walking.
But some goals that I didn't even wanted them that badly, which were achieved.. they were in my head, so that saying is true: "be careful what you wish for, it might just come true". And it's logical too, if you think about the Law of Attraction and such.. and I mean logically.
b) I sometimes say some things that I normally wouldn't because they would be 'out of my league'. To explain this better, it's like I'm starting to have even smart(er) and better replies..that surprises even me. But I will see how this goes on, it's too premature right now to talk about it.
DAYS 7 - 11
a) When I'm in house, alone.. all seems to be..like usual. But the moment I walk out of that door OR when someone comes in the house, that's when I feel the effects of AM 6, of this stage (it's like I get activated.. don't get too literal on this 'activation' tho; yep, you the reader). I am walking very confidently, relaxed (but not like a jelly), like really starting to act like an AM, although it would be too soon to say it, but that's how it feels like.
b) I don't know if I am looking more at all the girls or if they are looking more at me, in terms of numbers, in case I would count. Either way, I can see happy outcomes

c) With strangers, I started to talk more confident (not that I was on the other pole, but still), mostly like keeping my guard up always so that I won't give them any reason to throw BS on me with whatever. But this c) point is pretty vague and can get very confusing for you (the reader). These are just some signs, I will surely get more into it later on, especially on the next stages.
![[Image: DD71ZOY.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/DD71ZOY.jpg)
Well.. so far so good. I really want to get back to the gym and stick with it for years, because this is an essential and tremendous assist for this sub, but not only because of the sake of this sub, but because 3 years ago I went like 1 year and a bit and I know that it's a different world with many benefits. After that, I had only several attempts of 1 month.. the last attempt was however due to an effect of the LTU sub I used, because it was like an urge to go. Either way, I want back in there and it will happen.
I know it's a looong thread, but it's up to you in the end, if you want to read it all or between the lines, and follow my journey. I appreciate more than you think, any reply. It actually makes me happy somewhat. Keep in mind however, that this is only stage 1, and the real magic should happen in the next stages.