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Andarras DMSI journey - Printable Version

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RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 09-10-2016

Couple of interesting things last night. I went to karaoke with some people. Few new faces. Got a smile from one of the girls, not a big deal obviously. I'm noticing that quite often I'm in this very assertive, masculine frame (is that the aura they speak of with this product?). I find myself spreading my legs even more than normal. I was seated next to the guy who organised the event and two of the girls jokingly told him to stop man-spreading (yet they didn't even bat an eyelid tha I was manspreading more than he was lol. Maybe he wasn't giving off a confident vibe and they sensed incongruity from him.

The girl that shot me the smile, we introduced ourselves later in the night and I'm pretty sure there was a good vibe there. She was asking me questions that I'm used to getting on a date - things like what I do for fun, whereas when you meet someone socially you usually find these things out over the course of a free-flow conversation. I gave her a hug goodbye and then she shook hands with the other guys Big Grin

And we grabbed a quick slice of pizza. The girl that served me locked eyes with me as she was giving me my change, then as she stepped back she locked eyes with me again.

Oh, and we were walking along. Drunk girl and her friend standing next to us. One of my friends said something to them. I didn't say much, then the drunk girl seemed to stumble into me a few times. One time she kind of pauses while she's almost nestled into my chest haha.

It also felt like I got a little bit more attention from some of the girls at karaoke that I know.

But then we went to another place. There were so many hot girls and yet I didn't see a single glance coming my way. One girl went to her boyfriend at the table behind me and there wasn't really much space so her back was touching mine the whole time. Not sure if that was her unconsciously touching me, or her just trying to make space. My vibe was interesting. I was leaned against wall, felt very confident, like I was the king of the room. Here I am kind of thing. Is this vibe something that will soften or express more sexually over time of listening?

It's strange, I seem to sometimes get results and then other times absolutely nothing. Definitely noticing more looks from men. Guys will randomly catch my eye on the train, doesn't feel threatening but maybe they're intimidated by me or something.

I think too that our body expresses messages that we're not aware of. I'm looking into starting some kind of primal strength/flexibility program. I think a sexual/masculine vibe comes through having a supple,flexibile body and movement as well.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - DisneylandUSA - 09-10-2016

Quote:I think too that our body expresses messages that we're not aware of. I'm looking into starting some kind of primal strength/flexibility program. I think a sexual/masculine vibe comes through having a supple,flexibile body and movement as well.

Body and Movement. I can relate to your DMSI subliminal observation and especially, my experience during the Alpha Male program; I felt a kind of 'flexible' 'strength' movement... Glad you observed that in yourself; very insightful. Soon, we will walk with the movement of Black Panther Cat on the prowl. Cool

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 09-13-2016

Been noticing a lot of aliveness, energy, orgasmic sensation in my body, that sort of thing. Just got out of a class I've been doing for about 2 months. First time tonight I had the experience of belly laughing during the class. It's insane, when I walk around I start sighing under my breath because I'm feeling this orgasmic aliveness emanating.

Not accrediting it to the sub though as I've been working with a body psychotherapist and doing the classes which would have shifted some stuff. But I'm curious if anyone has had similar experiences they can share. Very open to the possiblity that the sub is working some magic in the background.

And the crazy thing is my body seems to be talking to me. It told me it wanted salt, and a particular flavour of salty biscuit. When I kept picturing the one I normally get my body told me that was the one I wanted, but my body wants the other one. When i picked up the one my body wanted I felt a surge of aliveness (glee?) go through my body.

Not much on the girl front though. Perhaps the sub or the work I'm doing is building a foundation that will bring the women. I had one girl lick her lips when she looked at me but might have been coincidence as she paid me no more attention after that.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 09-17-2016

I haven't listened to the sub for about 3 or 4 days now. I find it interesting that lots of people are getting crazy out-there results whereas I was getting hardly anything.

Last night was a really interesting night however. I randomly locked eyes with a drunk girl (hot). She then says hi, tells me that she was at a friends hens party and is going home to prepare notes and work on a case study. Then asks what I do. Completely random start to a conversation lol. My light goes green and she says I can go if I want. Unfortunately I was already running late for a friends birthday.

Then I bump into a girl I used to her boss at the start of the year. Okay conversation.

I did notice some of the girls I was hanging out with at the birthday thing seemed to stand pretty close, and I was the only guy to three girls. And one of them made me into an authority figure for men in relationships haha.

Oh, and I had this really cute blonde girl on the train on Friday morning. We looked at each other, she looked away, looked back, I smiled she looked away, then she looked back and we smiled, but then I lost her in the crowd.

So I feel, even though I wasn't doing this for testing purposes, that the results I'm getting are not related to the sub. Or perhaps the amount of exposure I got has a result after stopping listening. But listening vs not listening seems to have no correlating adjustment in external/internal results.

I'll go back to listening for a week and see how the results compare. To be honest I'm holding off a bunch of other products that may go into conflict with the sub, and for the limited-to-no results I'm getting, I think I'm going to go another month with the sub and then if nothing seems to have shifted I will start focusing on those paths more.


RE: Andarras DMSI journey - RTBoss - 09-17-2016

Thoughts are:

This sub is for testing purposes. Therefore, if you run it, it IS for testing purposes. Period.

Even if you're not running the programming, your subconscious mind is. Sometimes results occur while not running a program, because resistance subsides.

Keep running the program if you want to TEST the program. If not, move on.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 09-17-2016

lol I was referring to the break from playing the sub being not meant for testing purposes. As in I didn't intentionally stop playing the sub to see how the results changed.

So are you saying that we should stop playing at times to allow results to occur?

Also, testing the program at this stage should be about the specifics now, not so much the overarching theme. It's already been proven a number of times that the over-arching goals of the sub are working.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 09-17-2016

Also I'm curious. What happens if we meet someone we want a relationship with? Will this sub actually interfere or prevent that from happening?

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - maxx55 - 09-17-2016

(09-17-2016, 06:07 PM)Andarras Wrote: Also I'm curious. What happens if we meet someone we want a relationship with? Will this sub actually interfere or prevent that from happening?

I asked Shannon a similar question a while back. He said that it's a good start for forming a relationship (so it can be helpful), but that's not the goal.

Also, the healing of the program is just for making sure you achieve the goal of sex. None of the healing is necessarily focused towards helping you create serious relationships.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - Andarras - 10-28-2016

I'm back, although still not convinced at all that this actually does anything. In response to the post above, I think the healing around sex would allow men to form serious relationships, obviously ones that have sex as an integral part of them.

I'm curious. I see lots of posts that talk about all the eye contact that people get, yet nobody seems to talk about sex that has been achieved from this sub. Yet that is the goal of this sub, not to get attention but to get sex from women. And for those who are getting sex I'd be interested to know how much more sex you're getting compared to what you were getting before the sub. I get the sense that those who are 'getting' sex were already getting sex before the sub.

Since listening I've noticed one situation where a woman seems clearly interested. However when I first knew of her I'm sure I was listening to the sub every day and there was nothing at all. Different situation, different environment and a higher level of interest before I start playing the sub again just recently. So I have no reason to believe the sub had anything to do with based on the data above. And yes I refer to it as data because I have something that can be compared together.

Thoughts are welcome. I'll continue listening for a while, see if anything magically changes.

RE: Andarras DMSI journey - RTBoss - 10-29-2016

It'd be helpful if you mentioned which version you're using, which form (masked, ultrasonic, mp3, .FLAC), how you're listening (speakers, headphones, volume), sleeping or awake.