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"What is an Alpha male?" - Printable Version

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"What is an Alpha male?" - Beast10 - 03-21-2013

Where did you get these concepts of what exactly is an alpha male. Did you read it out of a book? did you know people personally?

I know a lot of you have followed Cory Skyy's material as well.

Recently I like to watch videos of RSD (Real Social Dynamics) instructors, specifically Tyler, Jeffy, and Julien.

These guy's have been in the Game longer than anyone else now.

Tyler Owen aka Tyler Durden was in the book The Game by Neil Strauss. 10 years later, he is still going out 7 days out of the week. This feat a lone should tell you something about this guy... he may know a thing or two about man and woman dynamics.

When you start to watch his videos on YouTube you begin to see him explain about core inner principals about the Game and what separates these men from other men.

Below are some of the qualities these guys hammer down on all the time. They are indeed what being "Alpha" means to me and It is my goal to be able to embody some of these qualities. I think Shannon is nailing a lot of them but not some...

-Drawing state from within / amusing yourself / you're the star of the movie
-Placing your own meaning to situations, re-frame at will to give it your own meaning that is empowering to you
-creating your own fun by creating your own meaning
-alignment of thoughts, words, action (Being congruent)
-Accepting that you are good enough, total self belief and acceptance
-Fully assuming who you are, Really unapologetic
-Asserting your full personality

You Already ARE Good With Women: How To Convey The Supercharged Self
Check out this video:
Some knowledge of inner stuff in the beginning but later on goes a lot more into outer game.

its very interesting.

Because here they are teaching something different.

Even Alpha Male program, aren't we always trying to change our personality? instead of just fully owning your personality and just putting it out there like BOOM Here it is, take it or leave it.. Type of attitude.

I feel this is one of challenges with personal development.

Balance of self acceptance vs. self improvement.

Any thoughts? comments on this?

I feel what is important is to finding your personality you have within and polishing it till it becomes rock solid. Now that's alpha.. instead of the one that is always trying to change.

He has a great point in the beginning about the magic cards Nerd. That person would have the success right there and then if he was able to do that "assume and own who he is", even without changing his nerdiness.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - SargeMaximus - 03-22-2013

(03-21-2013, 09:36 PM)Beast10 Wrote: Even Alpha Male program, aren't we always trying to change our personality? instead of just fully owning your personality and just putting it out there like BOOM Here it is, take it or leave it.. Type of attitude.

I feel this is one of challenges with personal development.

Balance of self acceptance vs. self improvement.

Any thoughts? comments on this?

I feel what is important is to finding your personality you have within and polishing it till it becomes rock solid. Now that's alpha.. instead of the one that is always trying to change.

I agree, and I have the same problem myself, but I am starting to see that you have to learn how to interact with women too. For example, you could be unapologeticly boring, but it wouldn't get you laid. Thing is, you need to understand what part of yourself to bring out with women.

I mean, for the longest time I hated what I heard cause people were like "you gotta be funny." or "have fun" and I mistakenly attributed THEIR sense of humor and THEIR idea of fun as what I had to do, which of course was completely unlike myself. Then I understood I had to have MY idea of fun (whatever that may turn out to be) and use MY sense of humor. Doors open for you when you be yourself this way. So in that example, yes, you gotta be laid back and have fun, but only if YOU are the one having the fun.

As for polishing yourself till it becomes rock solid, that's something that has to be done manually. In my opinion, the subs allow you to focus, gain clarity, and get in the right mindset. From there, you can do all the polishing you want, no one's gonna stop you. Think of it like art. Self-improvement is an art form in which you create your masterpiece: YOU. You must make it how YOU want it to be. Make sense?

I must admit, however, I'm not sure the boundaries of these subs. Do they do everything the description says they will, or does it just ALLOW you to achieve those things? It'd be great to know how it works to transform an average guy into an alpha male. I'm not expecting you to give away trade secrets here Shannon, but some know-how would be appreciated. Smile

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Shannon - 03-23-2013

My definition of an alpha male came from research I did over the course of months while building the first version of the Alpha Male Training Set in 2006, and each upgrade thereafter, plus the suggestions made here for those upgrades, and my own experience of the most successful examples of masculinity and leadership I have encountered.  

It boils down, for me, to a truly strong, solid, self actualized, self validating, self supporting and self empowered, emotionally healthy man who lives by his own rules and takes what he wants from life by making it happen, all the while understanding his innate responsibilities to himself and others as the natural leader that he is.  

To this end, I took the best of all of what I found and put it in one program.  Some of it came from books, some from Internet articles, some from friends, some from men I admire and respect, some from interviews with women, some from interviews with men, some from what I observed from first hand experience in life.

You may note that when one says "alpha male", there is need to define your terms.  Everyone seems to have a different definition of what an alpha male is.  My definition, or as simplistically close as I can get without referring you to the ad page for the program, is above.

Quote:Even Alpha Male program, aren't we always trying to change our personality? instead of just fully owning your personality and just putting it out there like BOOM Here it is, take it or leave it.. Type of attitude.

I feel this is one of challenges with personal development.

Balance of self acceptance vs. self improvement.

Any thoughts? comments on this?

The Alpha Male program is based on the understanding that every male has the potential within him to be what his genetic heritage is pushing him to be, which is a leader.  This is true because in the wild, only the strongest mate and every gene wants to reproduce.  We as humans are still very much driven by our genetics and our subconscious, which is why we are one of the most sex-obsessed species on the planet.  

This potential is innate in us all, but there are often issues which develop through no fault of our own as we grow up which conspire to set us on the path to something less than our fullest potential.  We are frequently taught by experience, society, and other control mechanisms etc. to surrender, instead of be what our genes are telling us to be.

The result is weakness compared to our true potential.  There will always be a power struggle, and there will always be a pyramid of power, because shy of the self sufficient, self validating, self supporting man, alpha will always want to be the best.  There can be only one best, and so the inevitable result is a constant series of challenges to one's immediate superior in the social strata.  

The type of alpha who relies on the acknowledgement of others is limited, however.  He can only remain on top for so long before he begins to weaken and is eventually replaced.  This constant challenging and replacement of course means that at all times, this type of alpha is always going to be the strongest in the group.  

The other type of alpha, however, does not rely on the group for his ranking.  He is independent of, and above the group for his self image, happiness and privilege.  He does not weaken and get replaced over time, because he is not constantly spending his energy in a battle for supremacy.  He has transcended the limitations of that system, and now relies on only himself for his status, etc.  While the group may not acknowledge him initially, he will be seen as the greatest threat to the current alpha of the group once he is recognized because he does not acknowledge that alpha's position and authority as being a limiting factor for himself.  And because of this, the power structure does not hold him in place, restrict him, control him.  He is his own man, and independent of the power structures of the groups through which he passes.

This second type of alpha is the higher form of alpha.  The more subtle form of alpha.  The more alpha form of alpha.  He may not be the six foot four hundred-pounds-of-muscle alpha-by-raw-force, but he is a leader regardless, and others will naturally follow him out of admiration and respect because of what and who he is.  The key difference here is that the group-dominant alpha leads more out of fear based respect, than the admiration based respect of the "ascendant alpha".  The ascendant alpha is a master of himself first and foremost.  Others follow him not because he demands it, forces it, or threatens them if they don't, but because he displays the highest, truest form of leadership and masculinity: independence and self mastery.

Everyone has the potential for this within them.  My Alpha Male training program is not changing your personality; it is shifting your thinking and beliefs such that you naturally achieve your higher potentials in this direction.  You are doing whatever changes are happening; the program is just showing you which directions to focus in in order to do so.  But the end result is not a different person, or a different personality: it is the temperance of and refinement of the original one into a higher, truer expression of its own potential, which was always there.

When you compare an expertly crafted sword made of steel, to the lump of iron ore and coal that were it's original forms, you can see what I mean.  Iron ore is ugly and useless unless it is smelted to remove the impurities.  Heat is applied to force them to separate, and the result is relatively pure molten iron and "slag", which is the impurities, which are discarded.  Then the coal is added to the iron and you get molten steel.  But the core elements are still iron and carbon, are they not?

Then you pour the molten steel into ingot molds and let them cool.  They have changed form again, but they are still iron and carbon.  And when that ingot cools sufficiently, the blacksmith forges it into a new shape and level of strength through a cycle of heating pressure and cooling.  Changes, each one, but the elements in play are still iron and carbon.

The end result is a fine sword which can be used to do many things, from develop one's skills to defending oneself.  One might pay pennies for a pile of iron ore and coal, but that sword can command as much as tens of thousands of dollars.  It has remained the same elemental essence, but it's value has increased beyond measure because it is stronger, purer, more effective and more versatile.  So too the transcendant alpha.

My Alpha Male subliminal training set is like that.  It takes the raw form, purifies it, blends it, strengthens it, forges it and returns a much higher value, stronger and more versatile result.  It may take more than one cycle of use to finish it's goal, but it does achieve that goal, and the elements are not different, but they are purified, strengthened, shaped and made into their higher potential.

I believe that one of the biggest challenges society faces today is the reverse, which is the desire for the lump of coal and iron ore to say... "Ouch, that looks like work, I will just avoid that by accepting myself as I am and consider that good enough."

This is called a cop out.  An excuse.  An evasion.  And it is inherently beta behavior.  It shows weakness, unwillingness to improve oneself, because one is not in control of themselves.  This is one of the biggest excuses that you hear through the United States.  "Accept me as I am!  I am just fine as I am, even if I'm a lazy slob who does nothing, weighs a ton, and contributes nothing to society and my fellow man!  But accept me as I am, because then I don't have to face my fear of change, pain, take-your-pick."  The rallying cry of the weak.

Self acceptance is a good thing, but it must be coupled with refusal to settle for anything less than constant self improvement, or it becomes an excuse to stagnate and hide from one's fears, responsibilities and life.  That happens far too often these days.

The natural path of a leader is to accept himself as he is, assess his weaknesses, and do what he needs to do to strengthen, refine, reshape, improve and master himself.  Even if it's scary.  Even if it's not always pleasant.  Because he knows that it is his responsibility to himself and those he leads to do so.  The highest form of alpha is the alpha who refuses to settle for "good enough".  

So while I agree with you, I think we have some different definitions.  Instead of being what others tell you to be (I believe this is what you mean by change, and this is a very beta behavior, born in insecurity), I am talking about taking what and who you already are and making it into it's highest positive potential.  That's the goal of Alpha male.  And that seems to be what you are saying as well.

Quote:I must admit, however, I'm not sure the boundaries of these subs. Do they do everything the description says they will, or does it just ALLOW you to achieve those things? It'd be great to know how it works to transform an average guy into an alpha male. I'm not expecting you to give away trade secrets here Shannon, but some know-how would be appreciated.

Subliminals work by introducing ideas to your subconscious mind until it accepts them as true.  Once it begins accepting them as true, it begins acting on them as being true, and they become true.  The truth of these new ideas was always there, but the action of acting on them as truth was not.  So the change is not being made by the subs, but by the listener, and the change is not becoming X, but accepting X as true and by doing so, acting on it's truth to manifest it.  The truth was always there, but the action made it come forth into expression.

Everything the program is designed to do, you can therefore manifest as true by acceptance, action on that acceptance, and thus creating the resulting expression of that truth.  The acceptance, the action, the allowing, is always within you, and always your own choice; the subiminal does nothing more than present new ideas.  

When I was younger, I was dealing with a lot of negativity.  I was (and still am) physically the smallest framed person in my family.  I developed crossed eyes when I was around 3 to 5 years old.  I have an exceptionally high IQ.  I had dyslexia and became extremely nearsighted.  And I am covered in freckles.  All these things made me different, and targets of ridicule.  Negativity from those around me who chose to tear me down because I was different.

I was told I was a wierdo.  A freak. A loser.  Weak, worthless, useless, incompetent.  My third grade teacher told my mother I was retarded.  If my mother hadn't stood up for me (she was a special ed teacher, so she knew well the difference between exceptionally high and low IQ), got me the therapy to overcome the dyslexia, got me glasses and surgery to correct my crossed eyes, and then forced me to keep going with my education until I actually learned how to read, learned how to multiply, learned how to do all the things I initially couldn't do because of one or more of these challenges or what someone told me that I accepted as true, I would surely have ended up dead of a drug overdose long ago.

And the adversity didn't end there.  Even after that, my family (and sometimes my own mother) was tearing me down constantly.  Hammering the loser, useless, clueless, helpless, worthless.

And yet, here I am.  I am the foremost producer of the most powerful and advanced subliminals in the world, as far as I can tell.  I am succeeding in a business that I was laughed at and ridiculed for.  The people who ridiculed me, now envy me.  They see me waking up when I want to, working when I want to, playing when I want to, eating what I want, where I want, with whom I want, spending money they don't have, or don't have to spend as they please.  They realize now that I am capable of doing anything I choose to do.  And I choose to succeed.

What's the difference between the me now, and the pathetic wretch who started this journey?

It all comes down to the changes I have had in what I believe.  Those changes in belief led to changes in action and reaction, which led to changes in everything else.  But I am still the same person!  What is here typing this, is still Shannon.  The same Shannon who experienced all those things, which is why I remember them.  But I am a purer, stronger, more versatile and more refined version of him.  I am an example of his higher potential, and I am becoming a higher potential still.

The subs don't change you.  They only present you with ideas.  Once you accept those ideas as true, you act on them as true, and their truth becomes manifest.  But it was always there, or else it could not become manifest!

I, as I am now, have always been within "Shannon", regardless of what age you look at.  When I was 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35... all of those "me's" had this potential, and I as I am now have the potential of that multi-millionaire I am becoming, and the billionaire I am becoming, and the discoverer, and the father and maybe husband, and everything else I will go on to become and express.  It's all here now... just latent and unmanifest.  The difference between me now and me then is what we believe, what we have therefore done, and what we have manifested as true.

Did the subliminals do that?  No.  They presented me with ideas.  I did the rest.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Beast10 - 03-24-2013

Shannon I appreciate this response. For going into great depth with it and sharing your honest story with it.

Bare with me on this long reply, I am sharing a lot of what I have been into, and I am very curious about your opinions of some of the stuff I am going to get into. You may have a new potential user/customer of these subs here...

This post was a sort of a challenge to see what kind of response I would get...

And I'm quite impressed with your definition of alpha. Especially the "ascendent alpha", one that stands alone on the throne and one that is not driven by fear/ego/competition.

But just wanted to share RSD Tyler, RSD Julien, RSD Jeffy types of stuff because these guys are literally professional Pick up artist. I know that "PUA" word a lone a lot of you will be turned off by but I challenge you to suspend your judgement for a sec and see what these guys have to say. You can't deny the fact that they have a really good sense of what women respond positively too. They really do claim that they go out 7 days out of the week. I am hoping if you never checked these guys out, you may be able to expand the horizons of what is Alpha or amazingly be able to confirm that these guys embody the same qualities you are harnessing with your AM program and journey. Just food for thought at the very least.

Also your understanding of refinement of character versus changing your personality. I am in agreement with you on all these points.

I've known many guys in my life that have been trying to Alpha dominate out of ego/fear, because you can feel the fear behind what they do.
one of them being my roommate for 3 years in college...don't get me wrong they are still cool guys and they are not always trying to alpha out of fear, but it is obvious they still have issues of their own, they got women seemingly no problems...they are the 6foot 2 stud types. however they weren't crazy successful with women either, I know theres a lot higher levels out there.

The ascendent alpha sounds amazing and wonderful and everything but I don't think I've actually ever met one in real life....

recently read your story on another post about you going to your friends birthday party and you became center of attention, but just a year before you were carrying a camera out of insecurity. ppl validating themselves to you and you didn't even drink all night but just comfortable...

These kind of personal stories really explain to me in concrete detail what it can look like in reality.

I'll have to read your journal some to see if I can mine these awesome transformative stories.

I admit when I go out to bars and stuff, I drink excessively sometimes to "get out of my shell", well most everyone is doing this. "Lets get blackout"...its pretty sad and I know I am doing it out of insecurity but I do it regardless, I am not satisfied with this though and it is one of my goals to be able to go out to venues and socialize with new people without drinking.

I'm no stranger to transformation work, first I started off with things like affirmation then I completely stopped all the Mind work and went into emotional work for over a year maybe longer, The Presence Process by Michael Brown was a book that really brought me into it and left a lasting impression on me. It is about integrating (healing) the emotional wounds we were imprinted with as children, it is what a lot of people call "Inner child work", also Ho'oponopono by Dr. Hew Len is something I also go into.

Are you familiar with these types of work? According to both these authors the way we relate to our inner child is the most important relationship in our lives.

When you begin talking about refinement of personality/character, I think one inevitably comes near many topics of psychology, emotional work, spirituality and eastern philosophy. I am wondering, do you get into any of these types of works out there?

What The Presence Process and Ho'oponopono has taught me is that we think many of the upsetting things that happens in our lives is happening for the first time, however they are just memories in the unconscious that is resurfacing, so that the person can integrate/heal it.

Sometimes we may say to oursevles "why does this keep happening to me." and we try to change our circumstances and what is "out there" in the world. We may get into arguments with our spouse or boss thinking that if we can prove them wrong then this angering uncomfortable event won't happen again. Not realizing that it was the emotional imprint within the emotional body that caused the event to take place. The effective way of resolution is to go into oneself and heal the wound within. And the outer world will eventually change to reflect what is going on inside.

One must feel the pain to heal it.

What the Presence Process teaches so beautifully is this.
When we are children we are pure and innocent, we are really present because we do not have any issues, so we are very magnetic. This is why everyone is attracted to children. They are effortlessly magnetic. And they get all the love and attention that is needed.

What happens as we grow older is that we have different imprinting that happens to us, a traumatic event, when a traumatic event happens. There's some part of us that splits and continually wonders why did that happen and how can I not let that happen again?

Then that part of us is stuck in the past. What the presence process teaches is going back to those memories and allowing those emotional anchors to be burned up. So one must feel the pain again. But once the emotion is processed. That part of us that was stuck in time holding onto the pain, is freed up and returns to the present moment. So as one processes more and more of their issues. one harvests more and more presence.

One is able to transform again like the magnetic child.

"To enter heaven one must become like a child."

Emotional work is very uncomfortable work and this is why it is very unpopular. According to Michael Brown the Presence Process author, most new Agers talk about Mind, Body, Soul.

The emotion is totally left out of the picture. Because most are afraid of their own emotional body. It is where the darkest part of our human psyche lies. But this is where the true battle and power lies and what separates the wheat from the chaff.

People just want to findle and play around with visualizations in the mind or they want to go straight to the Spiritual/Vibrational body. So they talk about these enlightenment experiences where one is filled with bliss. But this is all nonsense because one must go through the emotional body first before one can get to vibrational. and it is within the emotional body that one will experience their dark side or shadow self.

Similar to luke skywalker when he enters the cave and fights dearth vadar, when the mask comes off it is his face. Representing him defeating the shadow self.

This is something I have dealt with The Presence Process and undoubtedly Eastern Philosophy talk about this.

However just because I talk about this does not mean I'm at all accomplished great deal of emotional work, I still have a long long ways to go, trust me.

This subliminal stuff is exciting though.

If you look at human being's development on this earth, one is constantly bombarded with programming that is negative. Technology is used against us for mass mind control.

So why not use technology to our benefit? to program us for emotional, spiritual, character development?

I am playing around with AOS at the moment. Thinking of getting Overcoming Guilt, Shame, Fear... in preparation of the new AM program that I read is about to come out. I know there was a warning that AM 5 should be done first, but I am little bit more of a hardcore person and I don't mind feeling those emotional deaths well at least I am no stranger to those types of experiences. Also It'll be an interesting experiment for all you guys to see what happens when someone goes straight into the new AM program...

Sorry for rambling on. Shannon do you have any thoughts about topic of emotional work of such like Ho'oponopono or Presence Process.

But it is not for everyone and I don't fully agree with everything the author states.

So when I read about people's struggle on the journal with these programs bringing up a lot of negativity and resistance, I rejoice in the knowing that there is something real taking place here and I have mad respect for people that choose to face their own inner demons. and not run away from them.

I'm inclined to believe that true change takes place on more emotional level with humans... how does your subliminals work to unearth these negativity for people, a lot of times are completely unconscious stuff ppl are dealing with and help to release this stuff... just all through suggestions it is made manifest?? I am careful to get into mind work because it could lead to mind masturbation where nothing actual happens.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Shannon - 03-24-2013

I will have to disappoint you on answering all of your questions, because one of our rules is that we don't discuss religion or spirituality in the main forum. We have a thread in the chatterbox area for that, I think that's where it is.

What I can say is that I believe a lot of the things you talk about contain subtle misunderstandings of what actually is the case, not by you necessarily, but in their original source. These misunderstandings may be from the ancient origins, but I think it is more likely that they were introduced later.

Regardless, I disagree with some of the ideas on important points that I cannot get into at the moment for various reasons. There is a post somewhere in one of the requests sections where I discuss Ho'oponopono, and you may find that to be of interest.

About transcendent alpha, you have seen them, but did not know it. That's because they don't need to have anyone's recognition as being what they are for it to be valid and true. The transcendent alpha can walk into a room and remain entirely unnoticed, or become the center of attention and admiration as he chooses because his validity and alphaness is coming from himself. Nobody else needs to even know what he is. So sometimes, you'll see him sitting at a bar, alone, just eating dinner. He might not look "alpha" physically. He might not even choose to express his alpha. But that does not change the facts. It is his choice what happens, and that is always true. For him, the constant struggle and overt display of strength and power is not needed. For him, it is a waste of his valuable time and energy, which he chooses to spend elsewhere.

I have read websites where they try to define men by their characteristics. I believe the type I am referring to was known as the "sigma", which is the only threat to the Alpha, because he is everything the alpha is, without being in the alpha's control. Something like that. Interesting theory and classification, but in the end the goal is to rise above needing other people to know or care who or what you are because you are your own system of support and success.

Quote:So when I read about people's struggle on the journal with these programs bringing up a lot of negativity and resistance, I rejoice in the knowing that there is something real taking place here and I have mad respect for people that choose to face their own inner demons. and not run away from them.

I like seeing people get results, but I would like more if I could find a way to make these transformations happen without conscious knowledge or discomfort, which I am working on. It may or may not be possible depending on the specifics. Some experience of pain may be necessary. But I tend to believe that we must face the pain, and not necessary feel the pain, to get through it. Pain is only useful if we choose not to learn through easier means, such as wisdom.

Quote:I'm inclined to believe that true change takes place on more emotional level with humans... how does your subliminals work to unearth these negativity for people, a lot of times are completely unconscious stuff ppl are dealing with and help to release this stuff... just all through suggestions it is made manifest?? I am careful to get into mind work because it could lead to mind masturbation where nothing actual happens.

Change takes place through both intellectual and emotional awarenesses within humans. Which is more important depends on one's particular modes of focus. Emotional is going to be less effective in a strongly intellectual focused individual, because they are usually trying to distance themselves from their emotions. But both will be in play to varying degrees, depending on the individual.

All subliminals that work, work through introducing an idea until the subconscious accepts it as true. At that time, it will begin acing on that truth. What it does will depend on the other beliefs in the system, and how they relate. But ultimately, it is just a presentation of ideas. Once the idea is accepted, it is acted upon as being true, and that brings it's truth from simply being, to being manifest.

Mind masturbation, as you put it, is a phenomenon of a resisted attempt to change the conscious mind, or rarely, an incomplete effort to change the subconscious mind. I could not hope to keep this business going if my programs did not produce results. We have a limited amount of time on this earth. No time to waste on mind masturbation. Smile

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - SexyMofo - 03-24-2013

Shannon I really loved reading your post regarding how Alpha works and as well as other subs affect the user. You really have a way at explaining things, precise as well as its quite easy to understand.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Beast10 - 03-26-2013

One area of your Alpha Male Program that concerns me a little bit as I read through a lot of the testimonials.

This part about "Be selective about whom you spend your time with, and which women you give your time, interest and affections to."

"No longer be, or come across to others as “needy”."

Although I agree with these principles, some of the effects I notice are perhaps making men too selective?

It's like they are starting to get a lot of indicators of interest from women but somehow they feel that women is not "up to par" in quality with them and it turns them off and they do not pursue the women to sex.

I don't want to sound like the guy thats put in all importance on sex, but let's be honest. when rubber hits the road, sex has to come into play measurement of success.

If you are waiting for your perfect 10 to get laid, then you could be waiting for a long time...perhaps its dangerous to strengthen the idea to "be selective", perhaps you run the risk of becoming "too selective" where you are just passing on opportunities that could of turned into fun sexual encounters.

and this idea of "not being needy", well again what is "needy" does the subconscious understand this? RSD guys definitely take the lead and actively pursue women to bed, that is the outer game... you can have women give you indicators of interest all day long but if you are not taking action, taking care of logistics, and leading her as a man. Sex will not take place.

What if you come from a background where you are lacking sexual encounters in life, and just want to get laid with many women?

RSD folks will teach you to start trying to get laid with 6s, then 7s, then 8s and moving up this way until having sex with a 10 becomes and feels natural to you. and as something that can happen in your reality.

Look I'm all for having self confidence that is unshaken by the outside, and many of the testimonials are inspirational but wheres the testimonials that report a man that starts getting laid a shit ton. I feel a lot of them is about "look I wasn't feeling her, so I had no problems turning her down."

like turning down women that are showing indicators of interest is some measurement of success, and not having sex with it just me that wonders about this?

and worried about AM program, if it makes me too selective towards women?? what if the goal was to get laid as frequently as possible..??

could becoming too selective and "non needy" backfire....

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Beast10 - 03-26-2013

Also obviously the below as well...points the same thing.

"Be entirely unconcerned about “getting the girl” or achieving sexual interaction, which will make the ladies percieve you as higher status, higher value, and more worthy of both."

"Be easily able and willing to walk away from people and situations you don”t like, and TELL HER NO – whether it”s to her asking for sex or anything else."

Again I'm seeing too many of these cases..

Why would I want to be so unconcerned about achieving sexual intercourse? I'm not sure if I agree with this script and this is the biggest sticking point I have to starting the AM program.

It is natural for a man to seek out sexual intercourse with women that they find sexy. (I agree it's not good to be coming from a place of feeling less than the women and you need the girl to have sex with you so you can feel better about yourself. so that the women can "heal your wounds" with sex)

However to be entirely unconcerned about pursuing towards sexual intercourse doesn't make too much sense for me, and I am not in agreement with.

Society tells us enough that sex is taboo, since we live in a very sex negative culture. what if we could just embrace sex as a totally comfortable, natural thing?...instead most of us are scared of sex and most of us already are not having sex as a goal when speaking to a women. We're more concerned about having the girl like us, having the girl show us that we are "higher status"...

There already is deep programming around sex in our culture... i just don't feel this script is helping.

also I'm surprised there's no scripting to constantly make man seek outside their comfort zones. For in real life, that is for sure way a man will grow, if they constantly seek and go outside their comfort zones.

I suppose that is why subliminal are so attractive to most, the idea that one can transform at the comfort of their own homes without going out and running the risk of leaving their comfort zones and facing rejections, when some will teach you, you need to go out and gain many reference points and by constantly leaving your comfort zones you begin to grow more and more.

Any thoughts?

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Shannon - 03-26-2013

The Alpha Male program is specifically designed to cause a man to focus within himself and on himself as he begins and undertakes his journey. Not on women, not on sex. These are distractions from the real goal in this case, which is self improvement, self growth and becoming self sufficient internally as well as externally. That is why so many men fail with women and sex: they chase the end goal without ever doing the foundation work within themselves to get there. And if they do succeed, they get lower quality women, because that's what they can attract, because that's what level they are on.

Measuring a woman by her looks alone is a bit like measuring the horsepower of a car by it's body shape. It can be very, very deceptive. So a pickup artist might be after the 10 in the room, but if she is a 10 for looks, and worthless otherwise, no genuine alpha would want her - except maybe if he was amused by the game of getting her in bed that night when others could not. But a genuine alpha isn't likely to be interested enough by looks alone to care at that point. A woman with stunning good looks who has nothing else to offer him, isn't a 10 in his book.

Sex, then, is only the measure of success of a pickup artist. This is not the Pickup Artist Subliminal Training Set. It's designed to put you on the path to becoming your highest potential of expression for your own masculinity. Sex has nothing to do with that until later. You must build the foundation before you can build a stable house. This is why Sex Magnet and Woman Magnet exist as extensions of the Alpha Male program.

As for no scripting to make men constantly seek outside their comfort zones, that is present. (Constant self growth and progress) It is why running this program is challenging, and frequently uncomfortable, why some do not finish it.

Your point of view is heavily focused through the lens of a pickup artist. From that point of view, it is no wonder you have these thoughts and conclusions.

To get to sex with my programs, you can use Natural Seduction, or you can go the long way and use Alpha Male followed by either Sex magnet or Woman Magnet. But being an alpha is not measured by one's sex life or sexual conquests. It's measured by one's self reliance, self validation, self supportiveness, self control, leadership ability, personal integrity, honor, quality, class, ability to lead without using fear or coercion to get others to follow, and ability to live his life on his own terms, regardless of what others think, say or do.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Beast10 - 03-27-2013

Shannon I have to applaud you with your replies.

forgive me for playing the devil's advocate, I had some concerns about the nature of the AM program because well it's hard to build up faith to something that one can't personally hear what is going on...

In this case, your responses about what is Alpha, truly resonates with me. Even though as a challenge I brought different perspectives from PUA community, in a way to see how you handled those contradictory points.

I'm quite impressed. both about your knowledge of this subject and the AM program itself...

right now, just started hammering down on OGFS and AOS(sort of in a testing out phase, for fun, and for preparation I suppose). Since I have been reading that OGFS may act as a clearing tool to make AM more effective... I'll keep checking in for the new AM to come out.

Thank you for such concise responses. Really helped to clear away my doubts.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Shannon - 03-27-2013

Faith is not required when a subliminal is scripted and built properly, and then properly used. I understand how it is, though; before I started building and selling these programs, I had to prove to myself that they could (and do) work.

Enjoy those programs. I suggest that OGSF should get the lion's share of your exposure time.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - The Brain - 04-25-2013

Interesting thread. RSD is primarily focused on numbers (not phone numbers but rather "scoring" as much as possible). True, they talk about inner game and certain self-development principles, but overall it's all about sleeping with one girl after another. I personally question the wisdom of some of the ideas that are espoused there, as I know if I implemented certain of their philosophies I would become a very superficial machine just going after scores. I consider that an exercise in dissipation.

You might want to take a look at Over there they emphasize developing yourself into an authentic, strong man who does not need women, but rather considers them plentiful and icing on the cake of self-actualization. Women are not the focus, but rather the reward for a man making himself the best he can be.

There is a lot of exposure over there of women's current entitled attitudes and the destructiveness of "feminism", as it's called, but I consider these good things as most men today are afraid of their own shadows when it comes to offending women. I consider this a very good thing as most men today have grown up in a very feminized educational system and accept certain illusions they were injected with while growing up. Knowledge is freedom. But the main thrust is making oneself strong, proud of oneself (in a positive way) and in control of one's life.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - RainbowAbyss - 04-26-2013

I have done the presence process several times.
It is an amazing book/process that is completely compatible with subliminal's including the alpha set. It is about shifting from doing things out of conditioning, "necessity ", and for others in an artificial paradigm of time based ripening into the present moment and doing things for yourself, saying yes and no authentically, to stop looking for distorted versions of love, and be able to realize the experience of unconditional love and okness for yourself. It is an incredibly 'alpha' thing.
I've also been to several hot seats..met Tyler Durden and Julien and tod. They are awesome, awesome guys. But RSD Alpha is not regular Alpha...People who get into 'pick up' that hardcore...I have many props for them...but they are not regular...their like pro MMA fighters...there's something a little out of the norm to want to get that extreme. There idea of Alpha has to do with internalizing a way of being that is strong and bright enough to blast through high intensity social situations in a way that DEMANDS focus, and attention, and response without caring about response. Meeting woman and following RSD. Brain is right at the end of the day it really is about sleeping with woman. The highest percentage way of sleeping with the hottest, coolest to be ridiculously authentically masculine...absolute confidence, social freedom, abundance, humor, joyous, being the buyer, chill and unstifled etc. sexually worthy.
What I am trying to say is that at the end of the day RSD trains being Alpha in a way that is highly specific for one goal: sleep with hot woman-play to win, enjoy yourself. This translates over to other areas of one's life but in my experience it is not as complete or satisfying in the inside out transformation.

RE: "What is an Alpha male?", Anyone check out guys from RSD? - Shannon - 04-26-2013

When one is "becoming alpha" for someone else, the motivation is wrong and the result cannot be genuine. When one is "becoming alpha" for themselves, the results must be genuine. If the goal is to sleep with women, how can the result be genuine? You're basically doing what she wants, and by doing that, you're not truly being your own man. Or am I missing something?