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Face Restructuring, towards Golden Mean Ideal, Greek God, Superman - Printable Version

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Face Restructuring, towards Golden Mean Ideal, Greek God, Superman - Beast10 - 03-21-2013

Hello, been following this site for a while.

haven't dove into stuff yet cause been involved with other stuff and had different interests.

have experience in some of the subs, cory skyy stuff etc from few years ago then just basically forgot about this stuff recently getting back some interest for subliminals.

recently going through orthodontic work to reverse previous ortho work I had done which was detrimental to my health. I had 4 adult teeth extracted to straighten teeth.

This caused my physical structure to suffer, I am now going through a process to reverse that and have been doing so for almost a year.

My palate is expanding nicely and my face is improving.

I'm also trying to grow the lower jaw with appliance and such.

Would like to see a custom subliminal that addresses the face itself.

According to one person I know, the face can be morphed into anything you want. If you tell yourself you are beautiful many many times a day a person can become beautiful.

I also remember Cory Skyy talking about his face changing over the year towards more of a sexy face.

I am interested in symmetry. As I expand the palate I'm gainning greater symmetry in the face.

I'd love to see a script that addresses this. AOS script seem to be focused on the aura. What about focusing on the face itself?

script to allow the face and jaw to grow and remodel towards greater symmetry and handsome,sexy face structure.

people back in the day with more original diet and such didn't have these dental problems and they were more handsome. What some experience these days is not evolution but physical degeneration according to Dr. Weston Price. People back in the day had higher testosterone levels as well because all this garbage wasn't in the water and food back in the day.

so a script to turn us back into greek god like face and body structure.

And even beyond that towards superman like face.

and higher testerstrone?

is it possible? well this is my current endeavor as I continue to involve myself with these physical therapies....