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Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Printable Version

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RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-11-2021, 10:27 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: Ok, @Shannon I need your advice...
I am listening OFv1. 6 months and 4 days now, schedule is 6 days on 2 days off (have done adjustments in listening schedule at some point), what happens is I am ok  on the days on, but as soon the first day off comes I start to feel like crap  physically and mentally, and some stupid mortal fears come to surface, and also feeling like I will vomit.

Should I try with no days off for some time?
Big Grin

So what that means is, it's working, but there's not enough pressure.  I suggest you drop to zero to one day off, and notch up the volume a bit, and add a loop if you can add another loop.  Otherwise, we are looking for ways to increase pressure/exposure enough to overcome those resistant fears that it can override while it's playing, but are not being cleared out.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-10-2021, 10:40 PM)Frosted Wrote: @Shannon Do you think trying to understand my fear will help me? Do you know why what we fear can also be strangely fascinating?

Those parts that experience and generate fear, do not think logically or rationally.  Those parts that do think logically only experience the effects of fear.  They don't typically generate it.  Understanding fear at the rational, conscious level, may therefore be very helpful or not helpful at all, depending on variables in play.

Fascination with what is fear is usually a combination of multiple different subconscious and/or conscious parts reacting differently to the same thing.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-10-2021, 07:18 AM)firsthelix Wrote: Hi Shannon,

I would appreciate a sub to reduce/eliminate Tinnitus and I think there are quite a number of people out there suffering a degree of it. Is there a sub you have been creating that could be taken in this direction or would that be something you could do with the tools you currently have at your disposal?


I have not been able to make such a program.  First my efforts simply failed.  Then I did the research and found a solution, but before I could build it, my notes were destroyed.  Now I only have half the solution.  I have to find the other half again.

It isn't about the technology with tinnitus, it's about directing the subconscious to do the correct things.  Knowing what those are is very challenging, and it is very challenging to script as well.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - ncbeareatingman - 01-12-2021

Shannon, Stage 7 of LTU, i n the making or shall be by months end,? I Know theres a lot going on 'energetically and otherwise. understatement.

Never mind,I just read your journal. interesting how my question/comment aligns with what your dealing with Shannon, this only after I read your latest post in your private journal,but the abouve statement/quest before I read your private journal. USLM v.42. stuff. hope you're feeling better soon.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-10-2021, 02:48 AM)Lowe Wrote: Dear Shannon,

I am using USLM and going through a lot of random bad luck this past month, but the timing does not align with my usage of USLM so I am not sure if this is from USLM or just things going badly for many people in general in this period. I recall a post you made a month ago. After what happened on Capital Hill I thought more about what you wrote about social tensions in this period.

So can you elaborate more on the current cycle and how it affects everyone? When you wrote about how the cycle peaks on January 16, did you mean that is the worst and then this will go away after that, so people going through a hard time would have it better?


Note: all references to "the dollar" refer to the US dollar. 

There are three major long term cycles in play right now that are having obvious impact.  One is 29.5 years, one is 84 years and one is 248 years.

There was relatively recently an interaction between the 29.5 year cycle and the 248 year cycle, which has largely correlated to the worldwide chaos in terms of what governments are doing, as well as businesses.  It has hit businesses really hard.

The 84 year cycle is the one that is affecting me the most right now.  Its effects are extremely disruptive.  It is disrupting business, the world money supply, and governments also, but in different ways.  This is the cycle that has its 3rd and last peak on January 14th.  This is the weakest of the peaks, but the previous peaks have built up the situation to make it easy to spark off trouble.

All three of these cycles are affecting everyone in the world in primarily negative ways.  The pandemic seems to correlate to the interaction point of the shortest and longest cycles, and especially the peaks of the 84 year cycle, for example.

The 29.5 year cycle is moving away from influence in the way it had been influencing before, and this will provide a lot of "relief" for business and finance, as well as governments.  The US government, in particular.  The 248 year cycle is still in play in the same ways, but will have its influence shift dramatically starting in 2024.  That should be good for governments in general, and the people they govern.  Unless of course its influence is used in a negative manner, which is also a possibility.  The 84 year cycle will be in play for several more years, but its disruptive effects on the United States (and me personally) should be fading out long before all that ends.  It will be fading out for me fully by around April/May of this year.  I'm pretty sure it fades out for the US/US government/US monetary supply by the end of 2021, possibly 2022.  I haven't looked specifically in a long time, but I do distinctly recall seeing in 2014 that 2021 would see a serious disruption of the US dollar.  

This craziness you see in the US and (around the world in various ways) is the result of the last 5-7 years of all these influences fading in over time.  2019, 2020 and 2021 are the peaks of each of these cycles.  After 2021 they will fade out over time.  Probably 2-5 years.  Again, I would have to check again.  But if you think about how crazy what is happening is when viewed from someone in 2014 or earlier, you'll better see how crazy all this really is.  It is happening and ramping up slowly enough that it gets normalized by a lot of people.

Before this is all said and done, the United States will be changed forever.  The long cycle has a theme of "change or die".  The 84 year cycle has a theme of "change for the sake of change, at any cost".  And the 29.5 year cycle, along with the 248 year cycle, has a theme of "What you have sown, you must now reap."  What all this insanity is, macroscopically, is a balancing of the scales and a forced change to bring us as a world, and country, and people, into a different megacycle of experiences.  The rebalancing is those things that were not dealt with before the megacycle of change had to take place, and are sort of a "forced cleanup".  The insanity deals with the long cycle and the middle cycle.  

2021 will be a challenging year.  In some ways, more challenging than 2021.  In some ways, less so.  I believe that we will not have to deal with another "wave" of COVID-19 after this current one, which I used the last peak of the 84 year cycle to predict.  It seemed to correlate to the other peaks, and this one seems to as well.  But the challenge this year is going to be in dealing with the fallout from the actions taken and choices made, individually and as countries, in response to COVID-19 and various other things that happened in 2020.  

Some people saw opportunity to do good, and others saw opportunity to do harm.  Some saw a way to benefit themselves at the expense of others; others saw a way to benefit others at their own expense.  Those who did things that harmed others have caused a situation that also must be balanced and rectified, but this time financially.  The US dollar is very likely going to be severely devalued and disrupted this year, and I believe we will see serious inflation as the fallout from printing trillions of dollars in response to the pandemic comes to its natural, inevitable and unavoidable result.  The impact of doing that cannot be stopped, because all the tools that the government (US at least) has have been used up trying to force things to stay stable.  It will correct itself this year.  You will see some hard times this year because of it for some people.  But if we stop trying to manipulate everything and let the monetary system and market simply correct themselves, they will naturally bring us back to where we want to be.  It will be painful, but the worst thing that could happen is trying to delay it.  That only makes it worse when it inevitably happens.

So in 2021 you may see a lot more rioting, and possibly worse.  Or, you may see that things calm down only to be fired up again because of the dollar suffering inflation.  Or you may see things calm down again, regardless of the financial stresses.  It depends on how people react to the influences and cycles in play, and how much they are influenced by their governments and social media, and in what directions.  It's going to correct, but it can be easy or hard to deal with, depending on what people do in response.  And if the government (at least the US government) stops doing fiddly things trying to manipulate the economy and kick the can down the road, instead of allowing the financial and economic situations to correct themselves.

Not sure how much that goes on a tangent for what you asked, but the tensions that triggered the response on Jan 6 in the US are mostly peaking this month (84 year cycle) or fading out (29.5 year cycle).  The long cycle is going to be in play in this way until 2024, and then shift.  But it's influence will be much more subtle and well hidden after this month, I think.  Both socially and otherwise.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-09-2021, 03:27 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Hi @Shannon

I noticed when using masked especially at lower volumes on my iPhone like 8-10/16 that I experience a ton of exhaustion in that I’ll even start to fall asleep regardless of the time of day- this isn’t the case when listening to it at higher volumes or when listening to ultrasonic or hybrid

Can I take this to mean that masked at lower volumes leads to greater levels of execution for me?

Imagine a bell curve.  To each side we have low points, and in the middle, we have the bell, which peaks.

If you use a subliminal at too low a volume, there will not be enough motivation to trigger action.  If you use it at too high a volume, you are likely to lose motivation to act based on resistance or something else.  If you use it at the right volume, you will achieve peak execution.

However, if you have a subconscious resistance to achieving the goal, then we have two bell curves at different points in the graph, most of the time.  One for execution, and one for resistance to execution.

If they overlap perfectly, and the resistance at least equals the execution, then you get stonewalling.  Nothing happens because the execution is neutralized by the resistance.

If not, then there will be a separate point of maximum execution, and maximum resistance.  The goal is to find the point where there is the most execution and the least resistance at the same time.  This results in execution.

But where you have high levels of execution and resistance, you tend to get a situation where the resistance has difficulty canceling the execution, and it requires a huge amount of energy to prevent execution.  This is where you experience exhaustion.  If you're exhausted and getting no results, resistance is dominant, but only slightly.  If you're getting results but exhausted, then execution is dominant, but only slightly.  

When you experience exhaustion, you are close to execution.  The solution is usually one of, but not both of, the following.

A) More volume.  Not a lot more, but some.
B) More exposure.  This can vary from a little more to a lot more.

Usually you want to adjust one thing at a time, so as not to overshoot the mark when you are close, or confuse what did what.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-12-2021

(01-12-2021, 02:17 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: Shannon, Stage 7 of LTU, i n the making or shall be by months end,? I Know theres a lot going on 'energetically and otherwise. understatement.

Never mind,I just read your journal.   interesting how my question/comment aligns with what your dealing with Shannon, this only after I read your latest post in your private journal,but the abouve statement/quest before I read your private journal. USLM v.42. stuff. hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks, man.  I thought at first I was just going to have to sit and wait this out for a week or two, but I hate being unproductive, and then I realized I could work on LTUv6s7.  It will have to be done more slowly than usual to make sure that no errors slip in, but it will let me be productive.  Presuming I can get the cluster headaches to fade or go away.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - sushi521 - 01-12-2021

Hey Shannon, is -70db to -80db volume at the ear good enough for ultrasonic? I'm using headphone and hybrid.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - UniversalMan - 01-13-2021

(01-12-2021, 01:10 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(01-11-2021, 10:27 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: Ok, @Shannon I need your advice...
I am listening OFv1. 6 months and 4 days now, schedule is 6 days on 2 days off (have done adjustments in listening schedule at some point), what happens is I am ok  on the days on, but as soon the first day off comes I start to feel like crap  physically and mentally, and some stupid mortal fears come to surface, and also feeling like I will vomit.

Should I try with no days off for some time?
Big Grin

So what that means is, it's working, but there's not enough pressure.  I suggest you drop to zero to one day off, and notch up the volume a bit, and add a loop if you can add another loop.  Otherwise, we are looking for ways to increase pressure/exposure enough to overcome those resistant fears that it can override while it's playing, but are not being cleared out.

Thank you

Will try 7 loops, 6 days on 1 day off (was 6 loops, 6 days on, 2 days off) for the volume, can not do higher than 13/15 on my android phone, cause higher than that starts distorting...cracking sound (listening ultrasonic all the time).

maybe I could change the format to hybrid if the problem does not solve after few cycles?

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - KingDavid93 - 01-13-2021

(01-12-2021, 06:15 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(01-09-2021, 03:27 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Hi @Shannon

I noticed when using masked especially at lower volumes on my iPhone like 8-10/16 that I experience a ton of exhaustion in that I’ll even start to fall asleep regardless of the time of day- this isn’t the case when listening to it at higher volumes or when listening to ultrasonic or hybrid

Can I take this to mean that masked at lower volumes leads to greater levels of execution for me?

Imagine a bell curve.  To each side we have low points, and in the middle, we have the bell, which peaks.

If you use a subliminal at too low a volume, there will not be enough motivation to trigger action.  If you use it at too high a volume, you are likely to lose motivation to act based on resistance or something else.  If you use it at the right volume, you will achieve peak execution.

However, if you have a subconscious resistance to achieving the goal, then we have two bell curves at different points in the graph, most of the time.  One for execution, and one for resistance to execution.

If they overlap perfectly, and the resistance at least equals the execution, then you get stonewalling.  Nothing happens because the execution is neutralized by the resistance.

If not, then there will be a separate point of maximum execution, and maximum resistance.  The goal is to find the point where there is the most execution and the least resistance at the same time.  This results in execution.

But where you have high levels of execution and resistance, you tend to get a situation where the resistance has difficulty canceling the execution, and it requires a huge amount of energy to prevent execution.  This is where you experience exhaustion.  If you're exhausted and getting no results, resistance is dominant, but only slightly.  If you're getting results but exhausted, then execution is dominant, but only slightly.  

When you experience exhaustion, you are close to execution.  The solution is usually one of, but not both of, the following.

A) More volume.  Not a lot more, but some.
B) More exposure.  This can vary from a little more to a lot more.

Usually you want to adjust one thing at a time, so as not to overshoot the mark when you are close, or confuse what did what.



Appreciate the in depth explanation

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-13-2021

(01-12-2021, 06:34 PM)sushi521 Wrote: Hey Shannon, is -70db to -80db volume at the ear good enough for ultrasonic? I'm using headphone and hybrid.

The ideal volume is going to be a little different for everyone.  The best volume for you is the one that results in the best execution.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Shannon - 01-13-2021

(01-13-2021, 01:57 AM)UniversalMan Wrote:
(01-12-2021, 01:10 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(01-11-2021, 10:27 AM)UniversalMan Wrote: Ok, @Shannon I need your advice...
I am listening OFv1. 6 months and 4 days now, schedule is 6 days on 2 days off (have done adjustments in listening schedule at some point), what happens is I am ok  on the days on, but as soon the first day off comes I start to feel like crap  physically and mentally, and some stupid mortal fears come to surface, and also feeling like I will vomit.

Should I try with no days off for some time?
Big Grin

So what that means is, it's working, but there's not enough pressure.  I suggest you drop to zero to one day off, and notch up the volume a bit, and add a loop if you can add another loop.  Otherwise, we are looking for ways to increase pressure/exposure enough to overcome those resistant fears that it can override while it's playing, but are not being cleared out.

Thank you

Will try 7 loops, 6 days on 1 day off (was 6 loops, 6 days on, 2 days off) for the volume, can not do higher than 13/15 on my android phone, cause higher than that starts distorting...cracking sound (listening ultrasonic all the time).

maybe I could change the format to hybrid if the problem does not solve after few cycles?

It will still work if it's triggering speaker distortion, I have tested that to death with my cheap phones this last few years.  But you may find that it's very annoying to listen to your phone crackle while you're trying to fall asleep.

Hybrid is an option also.

RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Bayern2 - 01-13-2021

(01-12-2021, 06:15 PM)Shannon Wrote:
(01-09-2021, 03:27 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Hi @Shannon

I noticed when using masked especially at lower volumes on my iPhone like 8-10/16 that I experience a ton of exhaustion in that I’ll even start to fall asleep regardless of the time of day- this isn’t the case when listening to it at higher volumes or when listening to ultrasonic or hybrid

Can I take this to mean that masked at lower volumes leads to greater levels of execution for me?

Imagine a bell curve.  To each side we have low points, and in the middle, we have the bell, which peaks.

If you use a subliminal at too low a volume, there will not be enough motivation to trigger action.  If you use it at too high a volume, you are likely to lose motivation to act based on resistance or something else.  If you use it at the right volume, you will achieve peak execution.

However, if you have a subconscious resistance to achieving the goal, then we have two bell curves at different points in the graph, most of the time.  One for execution, and one for resistance to execution.

If they overlap perfectly, and the resistance at least equals the execution, then you get stonewalling.  Nothing happens because the execution is neutralized by the resistance.

If not, then there will be a separate point of maximum execution, and maximum resistance.  The goal is to find the point where there is the most execution and the least resistance at the same time.  This results in execution.

But where you have high levels of execution and resistance, you tend to get a situation where the resistance has difficulty canceling the execution, and it requires a huge amount of energy to prevent execution.  This is where you experience exhaustion.  If you're exhausted and getting no results, resistance is dominant, but only slightly.  If you're getting results but exhausted, then execution is dominant, but only slightly.  

When you experience exhaustion, you are close to execution.  The solution is usually one of, but not both of, the following.

A) More volume.  Not a lot more, but some.
B) More exposure.  This can vary from a little more to a lot more.

Usually you want to adjust one thing at a time, so as not to overshoot the mark when you are close, or confuse what did what.

Hey Shannon,

Last week I reduced the volume to 12/25 from 13/15. What I noticed was that I actually became more exhausted at just this one click level down compared to what I started out with 13/15 volume. Would what you mentioned in your post also be what you're talking about?

I've noticed at 13/15 I'm still tired, but not exhausted all day long. Only reason I switched was I was having trouble falling asleep at 13/15 and felt like I needed less sleep. When I dropped the volume I slept easier but was more exhausted the following day.

I guess what I'm also asking is should there ever be an instance where you go up past 13/15 volume? Or should I possibly add a loop?


RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion Thread, Vol. 5 - Lowe - 01-14-2021

Dear Shannon,

Thank you for your detailed explanation. I wonder, do the cycles affect how effective subliminals work for the user?

Can you recommend any books or websites to look more into what you wrote? Seems important to at least understand what is happening.

Thank you.