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RE: LTU 5 Journey - Shannon - 07-12-2019

I'll respond in my own journal discussion thread.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 07-19-2019

I have had very little to no fear/anxiety the last few days.  I’ve also had an IDGAF attitude which is much better than fear but not ideal. Even in sticky situations which normally make me tense I have no fear and just don’t give a f*ck.  I’ve had this in the past for short stents but the fear always seems to spring back. I’m hoping one of these times it just doesn’t come back. 

I was contacted by a recruiter last week about a solid job opportunity. I talked to the recruiter today.  I had no real interest in the position now that I own my own business and it is doing well. I used it as an opportunity to pick the recruiters mind as much as possible about this corporation which I wouldn’t call a rival but is in the same field as my business. I was given an opportunity to interview with one of the owners but I declined. I doubt I would learn enough from him to be worth my time and effort. The recruiter said the option will remain on the table. All I have to do is make the phone call.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 08-01-2019

I’ve been making slow steady but noticeable progress the last few weeks with LTU5. Fear is slowly dissipating. The change there is barely perceptible but over the course of six months or a year it could add up to massive change. 

My goal for USLM1-USLM3 was financial in nature. This goal has remained the same during LTU5. I was completely locked in on this goal during the USLMs. Then after switching to LTU it was difficult to focus on it at all. I have made tremendous gains on the LTUs but little towards my main goal. Recently however (last couple weeks) it has been easier to focus on my main goal and some progress has been made.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 08-15-2019

It has taken about six months but now LTU feels like the USLM’s with me focused on my financial goal. Not only focused on it but making significant progress. UMS would probably make the most sense for me due to my goal being financial but I want to get everything I can out of LTU before switching to something else.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-02-2019

Passed 6 months last week on LTU5. Things have been going very well. Basically more of the same. This sub like USLM3 just flat out works. I haven’t seen anything in any of the journals to think there is a better sub out there yet so I’ll probably do another 6 months. If something comes out that blows everyone away I may switch. Otherwise I see no reason to move away from this phenomenal sub.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - ncbeareatingman - 09-03-2019

(09-02-2019, 05:33 PM)JakeKennedy Wrote: Passed 6 months last week on LTU5. Things have been going very well. Basically more of the same. This sub like USLM3 just flat out works. I haven’t seen anything in any of the journals to think there is a better sub out there yet so I’ll probably do another 6 months. If something comes out that blows everyone away I may switch. Otherwise I see no reason to move away from this phenomenal sub. 

 Go Jake!! Wow. Im still loving UMS. near 2 months now,only....I Plan on a decent 10 months at least til next april. who knows it may be a full year plus,depending. always nice catch up and seeing your journal updates,Man! Keith

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-08-2019

GF recently had a terrible virus which lasted nearly two weeks. She has made tremendous gains since the FRM came into existence. While infected with the virus however it was like all of her progress vanished. She went back to being fearful and at times reacting immaturely. She is just now getting over the virus. I’m hoping she snaps back to where she was and doesn’t lose her progress but I thought this was worth noting.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-09-2019

Before all this talk about the new DRS a never gave shields much thought. I would love to use the DRS but no way would I stop LTU5 for it.  If it can be used with LTU6 I would use it then. But then I got to thinking my gf would be running it as well and if I ever put out negative energy towards her as it would be directed back at me. I don’t think I do. At least I don’t do anything like that consciously.

This all made me think about the shield in LTU5. Upon reflection I think the NDRS works extremely well. I think I attributed much of the NDRS to the FRM before examination. The FRM is definitely working but much of the potentially anxiety/fear causing negative energy being directed towards me on a daily basis has been reflected before even having a chance to cause harm.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-13-2019

I have been getting closer and closer to the laser focus on my goal that I had during USLM. It’s difficult to quantify but if I had to put a number on it I would say I’m 70% there. Whereas on LTU4 and the first several months of LTU5 I couldn’t detect presence of the the USLM component. 

So far I have managed to put 100% of the profits from my new business back into income producing real estate.  This should result in a third income stream as early as October.  Im not sure I would have had the discipline to do this prior to USLM3 and LTU5.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-15-2019

I feel like for the first time on LTU5 (6+ months) I’m ready to move on to another sub. I really have my eye on UMS2. UMS1 sounds like a solid sub but with an updated version looming somewhere in the future I’ll just wait and continue on with LTU5 for now. LTU6 is a possibility too if Shannon builds it. 

RE: LTU 5 Journey - ncbeareatingman - 09-15-2019

(09-15-2019, 05:43 PM)JakeKennedy Wrote: I feel like for the first time on LTU5 (6+ months) I’m ready to move on to another sub. I really have my eye on UMS2. UMS1 sounds like a solid sub but with an updated version looming somewhere in the future I’ll just wait and continue on with LTU5 for now. LTU6 is a possibility too if Shannon builds it. 
oh he's gonna build it its,just a,matter of when. Im under the impression,based on tons of information via forum posts that much will be updated/upgraded/re-done in 6G,Jake. Wise move on your part!!  Good planning on your part!!

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-16-2019

GF has been very focused on money, lack of money and earning more.  She actually worked a second job this last weekend. Something she has never done before. I don’t know if my financial goals have rubbed off on her somehow and they are working through the USLM component of LTU5 or if she is experiencing some sort of UMS2 TID. The latter seems far fetched but I don’t know how else to explain the sudden shift.  She was very ill with a virus for 10 days during which time she seemed to completely resist the script (which she hasn’t done before) then after she regained her health was focused on money. Previously she seldom talked about money. Odd I think.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-17-2019

I was able to implement a technique in my business today my mentor taught me several years ago but due to fear I could just never consistently use it.  Successfully using the technique put several hundred extra dollars in my pocket today. If I can make that a habit it’s that much more money I can invest into real estate to get that income stream built up.

RE: LTU 5 Journey - JakeKennedy - 09-20-2019

I feel like my overall self needs time to recalibrate to my lack of fear.  I have been getting an itch lately to start a second business and quit my salaried position. I find my business much more fulfilling and while it is successful and profitable, it is not wildly profitable yet. If I left the salaried position I would be loosing that security, paid health insurance, paid vacation, 401k, and direct access to a fantastic mentor. A lot of perks really. 

I think the logical thing to do is stay put and continue to learn at the salaried position while my business grows. But all of a sudden I have zero fear so I’m like let’s push the pedal to the floor and see what happens. Unless an unforeseen opportunity presents itself I should probably maintain my current situation which is working well and reevaluate after the first of the year.