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3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Printable Version

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RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Voytek - 04-01-2019

How about your sex drive?

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-01-2019

Its overal pretty high. It takes willpower at work to not just bend some girls over right on the spot. Another is, when I see a girl and something just goes off like a micro-orgasm. The famous bubble. But approaching? No. Idk why. Its like my will to approach is 'stunted'/supressed, and yet, my skillset around seduction feels like it evolves.

I have no problem with going where I want, casual, hitting people up for example as I see my life as most fun and exciting and inviting them. So, its prolly fear? A faulty outlook all together? Prolly. 

Im more horny then I realized lmao Big Grin

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-01-2019

This morning 2 hot women gave me the eyes. I felt insecure as fuck. Confidence shot and im done with that. Now, I know what it is tho. So now I can deal with it. My subc is slowly picking up.

Came into work, F started busting my balls. I became angry and my body started shaking. To be "non reactive" isnt always good. My body feels somewhat shaken awake due to it and I realize, getting angry is actually helpfull and powerfull, like I had on AM6. The not reacting, because the other frame eould win is actually fear. Its driven by fear. Its bullshit.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Voytek - 04-02-2019

Thank you for your reply.

How about feeling mentalny exhausted? Do you feel a bit weird sometimes? I mean, as if you were mentaly overloaded, on the brink of going a bit crazy? That's what I'm experiencing now and thinking about giving up on the sub for a while. I listen to it at quite a high volume... maybe that's the reason.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-02-2019

Mindfog, being totally directed inward, insecurities, getting caught up in my mind, feeling blocked, feeling lost and confused. I feel getting worse at times. are some of them.. this morning was one of them. I listen to 12/15 clicks on my phone.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Voytek - 04-02-2019

(04-02-2019, 01:13 AM)Kol Wrote: Mindfog, being totally directed inward, insecurities, getting caught up in my mind, feeling blocked, feeling lost and confused. I feel getting worse at times.  are some of them.. this morning was one of them. I listen to 12/15 clicks on my phone.

Same here. My volume is 15/40 on my mp3 player.

How many hours per 24h do you sleep? Have you got any problems with sleeping and falling asleep?

I do have those problems and I sleep 6/7h per 24h.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Greenduck - 04-02-2019

Man i think you are really making progress. Being honest about your reactions, how you feel, is impediment to growth. I think that in a couple of months you will see great progress, this is just the groundwork being done. DMSI will be a sub I will try in the future Smile

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-02-2019

(04-02-2019, 06:33 AM)Voytek Wrote:
(04-02-2019, 01:13 AM)Kol Wrote: Mindfog, being totally directed inward, insecurities, getting caught up in my mind, feeling blocked, feeling lost and confused. I feel getting worse at times.  are some of them.. this morning was one of them. I listen to 12/15 clicks on my phone.

Same here. My volume is 15/40 on my mp3 player.

How many hours per 24h do you sleep? Have you got any problems with sleeping and falling asleep?

I do have those problems and I sleep 6/7h per 24h.

Between 6 and 8 hours per 24 hours. Yes, I do have trouble falling asleep at times. First sub that I had nights that it agitated me halfway 1st loop or am wide awake and keep drinking water, yet I persist and keep the loops go till I have all my loops in.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-02-2019

(04-02-2019, 06:39 AM)Greenduck Wrote: Man i think you are really making progress. Being honest about your reactions, how you feel, is impediment to growth. I think that in a couple of months you will see great progress, this is just the groundwork being done. DMSI will be a sub I will try in the future Smile

Honesty and transparancy are great traits. Very direct. 
Yeah lets hope so, I felt horrible today till the point I almost told the checkout women Im so done and dont want this anymore. Im open to have my mind radically shift and breaking whatever frame/mindset/paradigma/belief there is that persisting. I want to understand heal and "get it" even if it means sacrifice/tears and what not.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-02-2019

Since announced I havent had a break and ran the sub for 8 loops every night. Im gonna take a bloom break for now. Feeling good. Time to execute this and process it all for now.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-06-2019

I have 2 rounds of 8 loops in. Before the break I ran it without break at all, aswell as running more then 8 loops. It left me fried, on edge. Now, in the 2 day break interesting things have happened, lots of rule 4 stuff through artwork and painting from an artist whose name I will not mention.

Anyways, 2 sessions done (the night of april 4th - april 5th was first night )

FRM is very effective. Its like a total life overhaul. I decided when shit became raw to embrace "death" like literally not giving a fuck at all. Full on nothing to lose. If I die so fucking be it. Throw it all in the abyss/void, even if it means destruction and being stiched back together.

So, all my hangups/issues we're dragged to the surface in a way like though love. Pull up your boots, no holding back.

Looks are back. I like socializing and I love women. There is still a side of me thats full on "dark" like, hate and what not. Collapsibg all limits.

Im way more honest with my desires which empowers me.

I realize there are multiple layers to seduction. I was kind of focussed on removing the kinks out of the "phoneline" and making it smooth, but thats only the beginning. Influence, persuasion, seduction, all fall inro place.

Also, my mind is a sneaky mofo. Atleast, some things are. FRM def is in overdrive, feeling good aswell, yet I recognize a pattern. Realisations are fleeting. The part dealing with comes to the surface, only to have it quick into hiding. F-in ninja. Like a flipflop between execution and still dealing with stuff. I also realized in my 2 day break how DMSI concepts are fairly 'easy' in what it aims to accomplish. I make it hard on myself, or rather, mindcluttered and having things to work through. Overal im actually hopefull. I recognize exactly the anxiety that pops up at times, only to halt it and grasp it. To stop it in its tracks ( such as fear of kids)

Having more shifts that makes me more ruthless in approach and in energy. Even my view on trauma has been changed. Im now in the process of "fuck it do it anyway" or rather sllowing the process to be happening, thus getting out of my way for autopilot yo do its thing.

Im also experiencing 'spontaneous mental evocations' I can summon what in my mind to the forefront and interact with it like a separated entity. Trauma, anxiety and what not.

My mind is full blown seductive at this point. All falls into place and has its place. Even with the right energy offering a flower is an act of seduction. Im getting insight at the very moment. Its like im changing as I write this now.

Nothing is forbidden. Taboo is taunting. Be tantalizing.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-06-2019

Went to the movies with friends.
While waiting outside, lots of hot girls/women we're around me. High amount of looks till the point uncomfortability popped up. Yet I wasnt anxious at all.

After my friends arrived, we joined. I walked in pretty much alpha. Owning the place, enjoying the environment and being present with it.

Caught 2 women check me out aswell. Not bad looking at all. My bodylanguage has shifted. For example, no guarding/ blocking response like keeping drink in front of me. I let it casual hang a bit while remaining big in bodylanguage.

When I payed for my stuff, the girl lighted up/became animated. I bantered a bit ( and tbf, looking back, I could easily go for her number, could be because im in my first loop atm )

Entered the room to watch the movie and I felt unaffected by everyone, rather amused and in the spotlight. I felt self fulfilled, lil bit cheeky.

Anyway, I swapped spots with a friend of mine, thus ending up next to a hot blond. Now, this is where it became rather intetesting;

She had a possible bf with her. Idgaf. We sat in our seats and I noticed along the way as the movie went on, I got hot flashes. I felt heating up. At that point things changed.

Her attraction waned away from him and felt her attraction shift to me. Her IOIs shifted my way. She started fiddling, leaning more to me, shifted bodylanguage and I felt her attraction towards me. She groomed, played with her hair, I smelled her scent, whiffs of it.

Now, we had break. Aftet the break, we came back. She started mirroring what I did. Taking off jacket and I was rather obvious as I did it. Standing tall in the cinematic room, assuming huge presence. As the movie continued, I felt her getting caught by my aura. It was like a spider trapping its prey in its web, captivating her. She checked me out as I took of my jacket. ( I made sure to show off my physique a bit ) also, she became "isolated" it was only us 2 and the vibe shifted. Her "bf" vanished, we we're in another universe basically. Our own..subconsciously. then the movie was done, and we walked outside. She displayed IOD's at the very beginning, but it didnt matter, she was hooked and attracted still. She had no chance basically but gettin attracted.

Anyways, im at a point of having multiple girls and understanding the attractiveness of it. Its an unattached and rather and "enjoying/free" experience. Im like almost treating them all equal, and its fun.

Still, sometging feels blocking me. Like, I love connecting with people, displaying curiosity, being social, outgoing, masculine, but parts of me are scared of actually owning it and going radically free without giving a shit and being intensely strong in frame. Like, nothing to hide, boom, im attracted to you and being playfull, displaying lots of alpha traits simultaneously like a calibrated weapon. I want to own it fully up cuz I know ill succeed. Itsa win win seduction and yet an self amusement. Another is, I start to realize how layers are losing their power. Like, im actually start to disconnect and dissolve.

I want to be totally comfortable in my skin sexually, actually enjoying and fun wuthout having bs beliefs going off in my head. Being present and expressive, cuz seduction is self expression and hell yeah it is seductive. My voice is like honey.

Another is, I feel more and more inclined to just drop the whole masculine/feminine frame in my mind. Its almost like seduction is genderless and DMSI is teaching me seduction in its pure form. Without all the bells and whistles and thus coming to authentic seduction as it actually is most effective.

Im also reducing neediness. Its an character building exercise even. Im cutting out the seeking of other peoples opinion as it was an compulsive act, and getting real with myself aswell as valuing myself. Im dropping lots only to integrate successfully concepts and realizing im actually already thete. Loss of needing to control. Loss of needing people and reducing investment. People come, people go, its amazing.

Attainability is another thats now clearer to me. I understand the dynamic. Being to high status can lead to autorejection from her. Its actually pretty clear to me how that works.

Tbh no matter what, I feel women being attracted to me. Its showing in the signs and im taking it all in.

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Voytek - 04-07-2019

Shouldn't we use the program no more than three months at a time?
"This experimental program is designed for extended use in increments of 3 months at a time."

Why didn't you stick to that "rule"?

RE: 3.3.1-D abundance, women, grandiosity, success - Kol - 04-07-2019

I never ran any program from Shannon in 3 month blocks.