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RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-18-2019

Just completed cycle 3 of dmsi 3.3.1, no change internally no change externally.

Not going to take a break will just play ultrasonic dmsi every night for several weeks and see if anything at all happens.

Dmsi with all this power and frm 4.4 and yet im the same as i was 2 years ago, really wish something anything would start to happen as this is just getting frustrating 9 hours a night to see no results.

Yes something may possibly be happening but so far i fail to see anything that might suggest it.

Will only have a day break on nights i go out which is rare but until i feel anything change internally and see nothing at the gym pub or shops around women well the same will likely be the case going out too.

See what happens on cycle 4 starting tonight.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shadow2200 - 02-18-2019

This cycle could be were it's at

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-18-2019

Lets hope so, i dont like ultrasonic just because i prefer to hear something, last night it was funny one minute the frequensee app was showing not very high in db then at other parts was up high so im hoping the volume was good enough, heard some crackling noise so turned down the physical speaker volume turned up the volume on vlc to get it around the -40db.

Have to stay on ultrasonic for a few weeks unless use headphones but cant do 9 hours with headphones on so its speakers for now. Maybe if magnus engine part 4 is as strong as shannon says it might reduce loops on next version and can go back to headphones have to see what happens in future.

For now will just use dmsi daily with 1 day off when circumstances make it harder to get all 9 loops in if im out.

See what happens, i would love for the frm module to start working though. Maybe it is working but im not seeing any changes so its hard to know whats happening.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-20-2019

Last night would of been my break but as my post yesterday im not having a break as an experiment.

Used dmsi 3.3.1 silent through the phone for all 8 loops.

Went to the gym several women i want interest from were all there but i was invisible to them, the gym was full of women yet was invisible to everyone of them

Went to shops and pub same thing no interest no looks not even glances in my direction.

Using tinder and many from my gym are on there, im in pretty good shape and even on that app get nothing, be nice if it worked with some from the gym but hasnt yet.

Will continue to use it through the phone every night and see if anything happens. Hopefully using the phone it wont start going backwards for me from using the computer speakers but im not getting anything that way either.

The volume was just slightly less than full on my mobile phone.

ONe thing i could say is i seem to wake up just around when the 8 loops are about to finish each morning.

Other than that internally dont feel anything yet.

Just to people are aware this isnt me complaining this is just my journal of updates if and when things change.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-24-2019

I have completed cycle 4, so far no difference yet internally, went out to gym bars shops all around heaps of women i know for certain at the gym in one session more than 20 of the women i saw all were single as they are all on tinder and yet not a single glance even when within 10 feet or closer.

Lets hope round 5 might do better.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shadow2200 - 02-25-2019

(02-24-2019, 11:07 PM)josh84 Wrote: I have completed cycle 4, so far no difference yet internally, went out to gym bars shops all around heaps of women i know for certain at the gym in one session more than 20 of the women i saw all were single as they are all on tinder and yet not a single glance even when within 10 feet or closer.

Lets hope round 5 might do better.

This could be the round for a tko

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-25-2019

It would be nice, since im going out again this weekend but to notice some changes in any way would be nice to start with.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-02-2019

I have been listening through ultrasonic every night no break as an experiment, so im on round 5 i think, anyway nothing to report no confidence boost no self esteem changes, nothing external.

So nothing to report.

Maybe round 6 or 7 i might get something to happen but so far 0 changes since day 1 15 months ago.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-08-2019

Been running the 8 loops every night no break, fail to see anything happen externally and internally feel the same as i did before dmsi. Around heaps of women daily many i like and would like to be noticed by but the aura, celebrity effect and anything else doesnt seem to kick in yet.

Internally nothing to report, still dont say much in situations even though want to, dont come up with the right things to say as others are very good at that kind of thing, banter would be good to have but got none.

Im out every weekend to try and see something yet get nothing still, so i dont know what to do to make this sub work.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-10-2019

ONe thing i can say is even people that used to be polite and speak to me now when i approach and say hi they dont even want to speak sometimes i just get a hi at most others just dont even acknowledge me. These are ones that previously would talk for atleast a few minutes at times with me.

So the aura and celebrity effect is working well for me.

Had one day off then last night used ultrasonic through phone.

Still invisible to all around me.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shadow2200 - 03-12-2019

It takes a while for that stuff to kick

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-12-2019

Hi Shadow 16 months, on dmsi and i cant get a woman to even glance in my direction, not initiate conversations not approach me, just glance at me from a distance doesnt even happen.

Im a very fit decent looking guy, not bodybuilder level but im lean and in shape, these women i see frequently that are single dont look my way, dont seem to be easy to even talk to when i do attempt to say hi but everyone else can make easy conversation with them and i get maybe 30 seconds or less as they continue moving along when i do get a response.

Dmsi is meant to have some celebrity effect clearly thats not happening for me, the aura, the sniper within 60m i am around attractive single women im interested in daily so if the sniper was working it should of done something by now.

Internally i feel no change at all.

I am hoping something will happen soon 16 months following everything we are meant to do, i dont even listen to other things when playing this track to make sure most effective as i can make it and so far i got nothing to show for almost a year and half of listening.

Getting frustrated wondering if anything is ever going to happen.

If i got fears so deep nothings come to the surface, i never had bad situations or anything growing up just lack of confidence around women.

Which is where the self confidence self esteem part is meant to work maybe one day it will but so far im still waiting.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-13-2019

Just to mention, i got one side glance from a woman at the gym that i like and she came over to the machine next to me and did an exercise, so maybe i was given a chance to say hi to her but then she has headphones in so most of the time they dont notice.

It was only a slight glance from the corner of her eye but hey thats a tiny step.

Clearly confidence and self esteem needs more work so i can talk to her, i see her sometimes with a guy but mostly alone so hard to know if she is taken or not but making small conversation cant hurt, but a boost in confidence might be nice.

Maybe next version with all of magnus engine will work better but could be a while away.

Im on ultrasonic at -40 for another 17 days before can go back to hybrid.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 03-15-2019

So this morning i had a dream that i can remember atleast a bit, which is more than ive ever been able to do in 16 months on dmsi.

It happened sort of after i woke up but kept drifting back to sleep for several more hours this morning.

It involved a lady from the gym, one that is pretty attractive but a lot are that go to my gym.

The dream seemed to be me on a bed i think, 2 others sitting in my room talking and the lady but all 3 ladies and me. as i was lying there the one from gym would lean in close to me more closer than needed to say things, and each time kept getting closer to my face, then she ended up laying on the bed next to me and my arm was around her while we kept talking in a group.

The things i can remember is laying on the bed with me, my arm around her waist and she kept leaning in very close everytime she said something. There might of been more to the dream but thats the only parts that is clear enough to remember about.

The dream probably means nothing but its a first ive ever been able to remember a dream and they are the pieces i can remember so thought to share.