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AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Printable Version

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S3-D25- Operation : Eradication - LiquidMind - 03-07-2015

Since beginning stage 3 and hitting the 5htp I've been able to see that some of my old friends who were dominant towards me and manipulative and controlling are now like a virus I'm trying to get rid of. People, friends, girls, family etc everyone who was used to being the driving force in my life is now being kicked to the curb as I move forward in my life and drop all the negative people for good

Since stage 3 began I have been making new acquaintances and people who are friendly, non manipulative and positive so thats good. Seems like AM6 wants to bring people into your life that are good quality and wont stab you in the back. I met a new security guard at work that likes muay thai and martial arts (something I enjoy) and we've got on well since speaking about it.

I will go on to eradicate all these negative influences in my life until I'm the only thing left standing and then I will move on to find more positive people.

In 8 days I begin stage 4 and with it begin to change my life around to better and brighter things

More to come


S3-D27- Motivation - LiquidMind - 03-10-2015

Day 27 and I'm feeling more motivated. Not with women as much but with career. I've decided to back into Law. I was very good at Law at my college and wanted to pursue a career in it but I opted out of uni to find myself and enjoy living my life for a while. I cannot kid myself any longer I guess. Law is the one thing on Earth I am exceptional at and it seems i'm going to have another go at it.

Aside from career motivation I've been pretty much the same these past days. Still listening to the subs and preparing for stage 4 which will be next week.

Can't wait for the sm3 build in changes that you begin to experience at stage 4. Could do with some girls to have fun with but not relationship worthy if you get me. Just out to have fun

S3-D32- Growing anger/Bad days - LiquidMind - 03-14-2015

Last week or so the subs have been hitting hard. Causing all sorts of new found change, motivation, quick burst frustration and impatience all at once. Seems that nearing the end is a good sign and I can't wait to begin stage 4

You ever had days where things just irritate you and everything just snowballs into a downward spiral? Yeah it's been one of those the past few days and I'm glad to be through the worst of it.

Stage 4 should bring some refinement to the table and help me cope with the new found change. Stage 3 has been the most potent in terms of positive stuff and negative. A very strong stage of the whole Alpha male program to be exact.

Anyways after tomorrow we can see what stage 4 will bring


S4-D2- - LiquidMind - 03-17-2015

So stage 4 is way calmer and tepid compared to the raging buffalo of stage 3. I can already notice changes too. 2 girls have added me on facebook randomly since beginning the stage which seldom happens like ever.

Got an interview tomorrow for a court usher position and hopefully it's pay will help me finally move out!

Been a big goal of mine in 2015. That and I can finally leave my casino. Smile

As far as alphaness goes this is a step back to stages 1, 2 and 3 and planting seeds for sm3 as well.

All is well


S4-D3- Wittiness/Moving on - LiquidMind - 03-19-2015

Noticed I've become more witty and jokey since stage 4. I've also been laughing at things as well. Fun factor is increased it seems.

I also feel less need to look at porn and masturbate. I am increasingly horny too which is a problem if I don't want to watch porn by myself. I wonder if the SM3 build in will allow me to start having fun with girls casually.

Motivation has also increased. Didn't go into work last night despite being put down for a shift. I'm not going in tonight as well. I just can't take it anymore. Stupid managers and stupid game rules just make me go insane. It's the bs that people give and expect people to just be okay with it but I'm not.

New job/career -> move out -> start living life by myself and for myself

Here's to stage 4 to allow me to accomplish this

More to come


S4-D7- Spotlight - LiquidMind - 03-23-2015

Been noticing a lot of frequent starring going on since stage 4. People in cars, in streets and everywhere I go practically all begin looking at me or my general direction.

Could it be the SM3 tie in? Could it be sending out the Aura's?

Either way I'm cool with it all Big Grin

Bring on the babes with the knickers round their ankles ready to play.

Feeling goooooooodd


S4-D9- New start - LiquidMind - 03-25-2015

I've now gotten a new job! Big Grin

I was woken up by a phone call this morning which told me I had gotten a job with the agency I enrolled with.

I am a court usher and I begin sometime in the next month. All of this just means I can leave the casino, go back and play there and enjoy a new change in scenery and challenges.

Money wise this will be minimal pay for 3 month then extend after that period. I will also be working during the day so no more night time shift patterns that fuck up my sleeping arrangements.

What this means is I can now eventually move out, begin enjoying a new work environment and feel free to progress my career in something more worth while.

Overall I am happy to be given a new opportunity to advance my future

More to come!

LM Smile

RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Leo1990 - 03-25-2015


So your trying to go back into law?

You'll sure see unique things in the courtroom. I don't know if its Law and Order stuff... but I'm sure you'll have times where you need to tackle someone.

Im still looking for a job haha.

S4-D14 - LiquidMind - 03-30-2015

Today was kind of funny

Basically I was able to joke with, talk smoothly and comfortably with and laugh at women I interacted with today.

Let me explain what I mean

I went for a meeting regarding my new job. As I was speaking with the woman I was exceptionally calm and casual - something new to me entirely.

Next was a woman who stopped me in the street to talk about their charity work type thing. We had banter and flirted a little.

The last thing was being serves inside sports direct by a moody and melancholic girl. As she was very blunt and cold to me when I bought my stuff instead of getting offended or disgruntled I noted her behaviour in my mind and then proceeded to just laugh out loud to myself about it. I surprised myself when I did this. I just found her like a little bratty girl who spat her dummy out. It made me laugh not get angry.

She noted my laughter and then when I said thank you she suddenly perked up and responded respectfully. Too bad I was already gone to say anything else in response.

I am certainly loving these new "IDGAF" moments around women now. I want more of them. So I can just not care one bit what she does or if shes being moody or whatever. That kind of response drives girls wild for you ironically

More to come


S4-D18 - Ups and Downs/ Sights set - LiquidMind - 04-02-2015

Been having a few awful days lately. Been messed around by people sorting out my new job by being incompetent fools and not getting basic stuff right. That has been a major ball ache.

Also just been very grumpy and going through those days where you're "i really want a girlfriend" or whatever. Basically a sad excuse to feel sorry for oneself every now and again.

Now I'm back on the rise and fighting to stay in control of my emotions. So far today seems ok but I can tell it might pop up again so need to remain consistent.

also been thinking about what i'm going to do once I complete the AM6 subs. I've been thinking about running AYP subs and just try and get a nice hottie to myself to have some nice "work out" sessions with whenever I need Big Grin

I have a thing for asians and latinas so hopefully they'd be the focal point of the manifestation

More to come


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - LiquidMind - 04-05-2015

Alright guys

I;ve been ill these past couple of days so my use of sublims has been quite low. (was basically sick and bed ridden for most of the time)

So now back in the saddle

Listening to stage 4 still has given me great breadth of self awareness and how I need to focus on loving myself more and not thinking people are judging me. I live for myself and my values - no one elses.

Hope to provide more updates later on this week.

S4-D26- Hot Asian Beacon - LiquidMind - 04-10-2015

[Image: th-hot-asian-girls-on-facebook-024-jpg.jpg]
<--- These are the kinds of girls I'm thanking the universe for lately. Using the power of belief and gratitude that at some point sometime soon I will have one of these lovely girls as a squeeze not before long. I can feel it!!

They are like super hot to me. Keeping my mind focused on attracting them into my life

In other news I'm just floating by until stage 5 begins. Noticed a lot more looks from women lately as I've been all about the living in the moment and not caring about getting women. You have to find the pure balance between wanting and not wanting. To be putting your desires out there to the universe and then letting go and the universe delivers it to you like a postal package.

I believe it was Geodude who mentioned in his EPRHA journal about letting those wants out into the universe by feeling grateful enough you are brought to tears nearly and then letting it go. I did so late last night. Just sat there and visualised myself with an asian hottie and just being ecstatic and grateful and full of joy and passion. Then you let it go

Quite hard for me as I have a hard time concentrating enough to visualise. My thoughts bounce around faster than a black girls ass in a club.

More to come


S4-D31 - LiquidMind - 04-14-2015

Nearly coming to the end of stage 4 now. Wow what a journey. Definitely feeling much different from when I first began.

I am completely anticipating what stage 5 will be like. "Cool James Bond" effect has been noted by Shannon in his description of each stage. I wonder if the subs will manifest an Aston martin and some vodka Martini's....shaken not stirred.

2 more days of stage 4 to go then onto the 5th.


RE: AM6 Journal - The beast awakens - Shannon - 04-15-2015

Just be careful what you wish (visualize/ask) for. You might just get more than you bargained for. I have learned to be very specific, or to always specify that she be "perfect for me" in some specific way.