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Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Printable Version

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RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - LiquidMind - 02-20-2015

(02-20-2015, 06:35 AM)CatMan Wrote:
(02-19-2015, 02:32 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: What are these auras you speak of for AM6?

Hi, I thought you knew of them. Everybody does, pretty much. They're big selling points of the programs. In AM6, there are two auras developed: "Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect, attention and obedience." as well as "Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.". They're listed in the bulletpoints on the sales page of the program. These incidents with children staring and animals staring are likely just the auras starting to be created and aren't working properly yet. Both of them seem to be able to pick it out much better than adults at that stage for some reason. I had kids staring and animals acting weird, now it's evening out and adults are taking notice of the auras bigtime. It's VERY pronouced, anywhere I go they hit like freight trains. It's a very noticeable change!

SM3 steps it up a lot and actually has 7 different auras! No wonder it's so powerful for attraction. That'll be hilarious haha, I can't wait for THAT in April. AM6 is amazing with just two, as it's more focused on internal development anyway. I hope that answers your question!

Hmm I never knew the program used aura parts. Quite interesting
I too noticed times where people would stare at me unwarrented. I'm like "whoa did I kick a baby or something why is everyone staring?" lol

The art of war is a great read Leo. Full of great enriching strategy knowledge which is still applicable to this day.

Good journal keep it up!


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Be-giner - 02-22-2015

Guys, ask you something!

is that okay to use AM6 while we are on an activity ?

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Mystic Pymp - 02-22-2015

(02-22-2015, 05:38 AM)Be-giner Wrote: Guys, ask you something!

is that okay to use AM6 while we are on an activity ?

Not quite the place to ask this question here, but oh well. I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but it's the idea behind subliminals to also listen to them during you everyday routine and any kind of activity. You may find that when you need to think hard it's better to switch subs off, but otherwise it's all good.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - CatMan - 02-22-2015

(02-22-2015, 05:56 AM)Mateunio Wrote:
(02-22-2015, 05:38 AM)Be-giner Wrote: Guys, ask you something!

is that okay to use AM6 while we are on an activity ?

Not quite the place to ask this question here, but oh well. I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but it's the idea behind subliminals to also listen to them during you everyday routine and any kind of activity. You may find that when you need to think hard it's better to switch subs off, but otherwise it's all good.

Pretty much exactly what I was going to post. Basically, use common sense, and anything that requires you to be acutely aware of something, need a lot of concentration, is hazardous to use headphones, or requires a lot of energy, beware. These programs, especially AM6, can cause you to have a drop in energy and a lower ability to focus on things, so bear that in mind.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-28-2015

New post here.

Approx 400hrs @ 28 days. Almost at stage 3.

Cant say alot. Well, Ill just ramble and you decide- and might form a conclusion after all my thoughts are out...

- Finished my job at a ski resort here in town. It was fun. I mentioned times when I was very frustrated (I posted about this before): over feeding the fish in the fish-tank here in the office.
Another was my rant about my co-workers, how I felt they were all beta.

Lets say I feel differently now. Since I am finished with my job, I have had a letter of recommendation, an employee give me 3 vouchers (worth each $60- for free lift tickets) and have a co-worker view me more- atleast as an equal.

-I have had some interesting dreams. Nothing I remember unfortunately.

-Tonight I went out with my sister and her friend. I had a blonde open me up with "the night is still young" while I was closing out my tab. It interesting to hear this. For the first time it was a clear opening. However I on-purpose did not capitalize on this. First off: I am now unemployed and secondly I do not live alone. I am not in the right environment to feel "in power." I believe some work is needed on my part even beyond gaining the mentioned above.
I have been teetering on the idea of building my own technology business. Something I have dreamed of for a very long time.

I can almost feel as what it would be like if I atleast had my own business and investors and my own place. *I would feel the most masculine and confident I have ever felt*

Their is one other thing I want to mention that all of you should take a look at and atleast read about here. Its about (as oddly as it sounds):

Parting your hair in a different direction.

Long story short (from your looking perspective):

-Parting your hair from the LEFT to the Right is more masculine and highlights traits of the left hemisphere.

-Parting your hair from the RIGHT to the Left is more feminine and highlights traits of your right hemisphere.

I got my haircut today too. It only seems like fate or karma or whatever telling me to change, the same day I hear about this on NPR is the same day I am getting my haircut.... Smile

take a look at this picture for those who are familiar with SUPERMAN and his civilian ego:


The white-paper about it for those who are skeptical.©2001TMCInc.pdf

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-03-2015

On day 2 of Stage 3.

Stage 2 was at ~404hrs.

Had a dream about running my own business. It was like I stepped into the shoes of the guys running Tinder. It was crazy. Feeling powerful and in-charge. Before I went to bed last night I was reading an article on Forbes about the two guys who started Tinder. They are both billionaires... I can only imagine what that is like.

How does one create an app that appears to have no revenue model and still become a billionaire? I often wonder about starting. I have an idea but unsure how to make it a reality.

It seems that people around me can tell my emotions pretty easily. I suppose I wear them on a sleeve. I want to say that I have been fighting negative ones alot lately. Pretty much from stage 1 to now.

Im studying for a network certification in the hopes it gets me out of this house so I can live on my own. I seem to have a bigger desire for starting something big- being the CEO of a business. I think I am lacking on information though.

All in all I am happy with my progress. Smile

Feels kinda like your being squeezed into a corner. Being forced to grow.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-06-2015

Thought Id something here:

Day 4 stage 3... am6...

-Felt pretty depressed today. Was in my head for most of the day today. And I just thought to myself why? Well its because of this bullshiet programming about women that I have been taught.

Alot of it I am thinking is a corrupt belief system, do this do that for women and if you don't do these things you don't get laid... and thus emotionally depressed.
I happened to come across this video on youtube and kinda made sense of alot of things for me.

I think less and less men want to deal with women, so most stay home dont go out, play video games, get high, and watch porn.

Perfect description of who I was 6 or more months ago. I gave up.

Listening to AM6 had breathed new life into me. Also- looking in the mirror and honestly saying to myself "I forgive you" for everything. How I lived my life, my past mistakes etc.

Came across this book and I am going to buy it:

I think its on the same level as Blackdragon 2.0 (meanwhile I need to finish reading it).

What else?

MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way (youtube this lots of videos on this too), oh and haha, I remember listening to Tom Leykis back when I was younger and he was on the air in LA. I think I will start being a listener again.

Ever listened to him?

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-13-2015

Day 12 i think.

Been sleeping in alot lately... alot!!

Also been trying or working to get rid of my negative self talk. Anyone have success or how did you do it? Reframe?

Had two interviews this week...

One was awesome, cool, laid back! The other was ridgid, and I'd be stuck in a cubicle all day...

They wanted me to start on Monday. 14$/hr.... hahaha My skills are worth 20-25$. And I declined. They said they might offer 20$. This was a huge corporation.
The thing is, corporations almost never treat their peeps well.


Folks if you have an interview, you should -Ahead of time- think of 3 questions to ask them. A job is like dating. The employer/chick has to like you and you have to like them. Whats with all these people taking jobs they dont like??? One of my questions was this that tripped them up... they were not expecting a question like this:
**What does (Corporation name) do that shows that it values its employees?**

Anyway doing well. Got a second interview coming up with a CEO of the place I do want to work for.

I am badly behind on my studies for women books and alpha-male books. Im caught up studying for this job. Im behind on it too. But the reality of it is, once I have this job, I can move out into my own place and thats super exciting to me.


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-15-2015

Day 13.

Been having alot of dreams lately. Sleeping in alot too. I could sleep for 10 hours, get up and wan to go back to bed. Been listening almost exclusively to the ultrasonic. I appreciate that I do not hear anything so that I can study etc.

What else?

Oh, yeah tomorrow got a second interview for a company that I want to work for. I mentioned something like that.

I remember getting into an argument, and later on they kept apologizing. Not sure if that would have happened without am6 or whatnot.

I still can feel an internal battle in me. Its the part of me that wants to feel down about not having a girlfriend. The beta side. Thoughts like... well never-mind- I honestly dont even want to think about it. Makes me depressed- seriously.

I want make a permanent mindset of things like:

-There is so much opportunity when it comes to women.
-I live in abundance.
-I see myself having successful encounters with women.
-Laughing and having a good time.

Slowly its dying.

Other things I need to do is to seriously stop the pron looking. I might set up a adult filter... lol 90 days I can do it! Then Im sure I would be a horny mfker. Having that energy turns women on... its like fast food.

Its fast... but is it good for you? Instant gratification is not a healthy thing.

-Eating healthy
-Martial Arts/Yoga

*things I look forward to doing once I am out of here!!*

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-17-2015

Stage 3, day 15.
2 week total... #228 hours.

10hrs last night...
Took some melatonin. I remember reading that being in front of the computer prevents the Pituitary gland from creating melatonin and thus is hard to get to bed. I actually remember waking up and feeling refreshed- like I haven't felt in a long time.

Had a crazy dream about being in the spec-ops. Felt all those feelings one might feel if they were in that position... In a foreign country, trying to kill and rescue some people, trying to stay alive.


I parachuted from a plane an landed in some bushes with another fellow. We ran across an open field in case snipers were present, then hid in some more tall grass as three militants ran by to try to find me at my old location.

Then I had another about walking into an Adult Bookstore. Funny thing is I dont remember seeing anything that made it "adult." It was basically a computer lab with people just looking at email... haha. Saw a co-worker or friend there. Then I ended up just following her around???


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-18-2015

Delayed in posting.

Last night had a interesting sexual dream. I first off was POV in a g-bang. Although I wasn't participating, it was as if I was POV and watching guys screw this particular woman.

Then later on in this dream, its like a theater, lots of people there watching this g-bang going on and I am 3/4 way back and all the way to the left side. I remember that she wasn't the only woman participating in this. She catches my eye and walks over to me (with some clothes on) and begins to speak to me. Showing interest.

Later on she walks me to this elevator, to see me goodbye (this dream all happens in Germany) and I remember trying to think of the word for Germany- the way German's call it: Deutschland. Talking to her about it too. Anyway she walks me to this elevator that somehow transports me from Germany to California in mere seconds.

Interesting dream... wonder what it means?

Does AM6 have materialization's? (I forget the exact word... to bring into existence is the word I am searching for).

Manifestations... [Thanks Darkness]

Anyway say this because I spontaneously ran into two women today. Two beautiful women.

-One who just moved to my area from Arkensauce (I know) and another, the mail-man delivered a package to me... addressed to the wrong address. So I delivered it to her.

Something to note.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Darkness - 03-18-2015

Manifestation and yes it does

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 03-30-2015

Almost done with stage 3. Hard to believe. I am 4 days away and I am ~447 hours.

Its been really difficult. I used a clearing method once this entire time. Some days have been good and others quite bloody difficult.

I have solidified some bad ways and its well uncovering them, but with all the depression.

What I used to do, was to feel alone and in a way amplify the effect. I would think "Im alone but atleast I am feeling what it would feel like to be with someone" -in my head. I did this alot in the past.

Its the one wall I want to bulldoze.

Had an interesting dream last night. Before I mention it, I will give you some context. A dog down the street was supposed to be put down yesterday. I was walking my dog and I saw her owner and this dog 3 times yesterday. Seemed quite sad. (I wonder if it happened though).

In my dream I was walking my dog (I think), or I was just walking nearby this house. I saw a nurses car there (I cant explain that- only that I knew it was a nurses-car). I saw a nurse and she was sitting down drinking vodka- drunk. She injected this dog (Im guessing the same stuff they put in death-row inmates- the kind that makes you go to sleep).

She stops prematurely (as to not kill the dog) and then proceeds to say "Ah, you'll walk it off" as the dog stumbles around.

Really odd. As I go through this stage, I can see my dreams take a more emotional turn.

Have any of you had this?

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 04-02-2015

So today is my last day. I may have added one extra day.

Approx (+/- 6%) for accuracy.

Time: 510 hours.

Stage 1: 262hrs
Stage 2: 404hrs
Stage 3: 510hrs

Boy was this stage brutal. I was depressed about many things. I feel pretty good today. I have a friends birthday and we are going out for sushi!!

I am looking forward to the smoothing out process of Stage 4. As well as it bringing the first 3 stages together for a more streamlined experience.

I don't notice much- but that's the naturalizer I am sure.

I realize that in this world- many things that are outside of our control. Some of us (including me) want to manage this somehow- a false belief. The things we are in control of is us. We are in control of how we interact in the world- not how others interact.

Realizing this is freeing. You cannot manage other people's reactions. You cannot foresee other peoples reactions. You must do what feels right to your being.

I have been studying for the past 1.5 months on some network technologies. This next-next week I will be taking this exam. I am confident in myself. I have worked hard. I have planted those seeds of success.

I am also getting ready for a job interview at a 4yr University. Lots of gorgeous women, smart and intelligent and I have no fear in doing absolutely great in this. I am succeeding and conquering...

one step at a time.

Thank You.

*I enjoy having this thread mostly to myself* Smile