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Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Printable Version

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RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - LiquidMind - 01-31-2015


I am happy that you see things similarly to how I see them Smile. About that parking issue, I completely agree. They can't just control what is not theirs and even still the building is only under their control because they work there not because they bought the building and adjoining carpark themselves.

I agree with the fact that many people try to hang on to any ounce of power they can. They do it because they believe people will just not say or do anything about it like the beta males in a group. That is until an alpha steps in the room and shit goes down.

Nice journal buddy and never give in to what society tells you - EVER!



RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - DarthXedonias - 01-31-2015

Well said Leo, I pretty much agree with you. I'm pretty much going through a lot of the same with WM right now. Its like I see a lot of what people do around me and just fail to understand them. As for the power thing, I kinda of see it more in a hypocritical light. I can't tell you how many people I've ran into who complain about very "powerful" people abusing it against weaker people but then those same people turn around and treat people in their personal lives like crap. Boggles my mind when I see this and I wonder if they see the hypocrisy in their actions. As for women, WM has definitely made me have more desire for women but at the same time have almost no neediness and see them more as a secondary in life.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 01-31-2015

(01-31-2015, 01:17 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote: Well said Leo, I pretty much agree with you. I'm pretty much going through a lot of the same with WM right now. Its like I see a lot of what people do around me and just fail to understand them. As for the power thing, I kinda of see it more in a hypocritical light. I can't tell you how many people I've ran into who complain about very "powerful" people abusing it against weaker people but then those same people turn around and treat people in their personal lives like crap. Boggles my mind when I see this and I wonder if they see the hypocrisy in their actions. As for women, WM has definitely made me have more desire for women but at the same time have almost no neediness and see them more as a secondary in life.

Been thinking about asking to exchange AM6 for BASE. I realized this today after what I describe too below. I think I would be a much more successful man with women should I have a business that I am very passionate about. At work sometimes I might eye a girl but then it is "I" who look away first. Why? I am down about my job. Its no longer interesting. The common wisdom is to stick with it because you are more "attractive" to a prospective employer should you already have a job.

I tell you, the frustrations at work have been building. More and more I value my TIME. I frigging VALUE MY TIME!

I realize now that I work with all betas. Im pretty sure they are all more beta than me. Funny how I valued one of them more because he knew how to build websites and had an attractive girlfriend. HAHA. I will never value someone based upon their material goods.

This particular person... Lets call him Bob.

Bob has an attractive girlfriend who he happened to meet by chance. How so? He was looking for another roommate to rent out a room and she just happened to pop right in! He thinks that he doesn't deserve her. (beta)

Bob is a coder. Java and PHP. So hes on the computer all the time. Bob wants to own lots of property but has no real game-plan to get there. Bob has a good idea on how to build a business supporting businesses. I inquire about this on multiple occasions since I have overheard this idea.

This has been going on for some weeks now (4). I finally inquire that I know some people who have $$ to invest (if we were to get the business plan together) to get some coders to start making it- and then sell the idea off to get real seed $$ from Angel investors. I want to be a partner in this. I want to work twords something I believe in.

Too long have I been supporting other people's dreams!

I of-course get turned down because he believes that partnerships end badly (look at Google, Apple etc. to prove that idea is false) and wants to take it solo. Also that I wouldn't be a good fit- for reasons he doesn't reveal.

Bob is a beta.

I more than ever want to start something. I am tired of working jobs that I enjoy... temporarily until I learn the politics of the job. Ex: Your the bitch and I tell you what to do and think. At the very least I would like to have a real leader be my boss. Not another beta...

which leads me to...


Joe is my manager. Joe has been working at the same damn company for 10 years now and makes a modest living. Joe wants to be the CEO of this said company. Apparently Joe hasn't got the memo that working for the company for a very long time doesn't make you become the next CEO automatically. Politics do. He would have to woo every board member on said company.

Joe gets mad very quickly when under pressure, and tends to release such anger... on co-workers and on me. Today (Thankfully AM6 has done its job and I remained cool- and he looked like the ass). Why are you freaking out Joe over a server that isn't working properly. It only takes 20 seconds to remedy the issue. Which I promptly did.


****Just got my SLEEPFONES! Tried them out. Awesome. A little loose. I chose the XL. Make sure to measure your head. I can lay on my side and they feel comfortable. 20khz max so probably not good for ultrasonics. I use the masked track. You can always get a larger size and use a pin or something to make it smaller.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-04-2015

Weird feeling this morning as I woke up. I felt as though the whole world is a lie. Everything about this world is a lie, a ruse, an illusion.

Laying in bed for about 30mins... just wondering what to do. I have things I wrote down and have an idea for my life mission... its just... am I living someone else life or maybe I have been pre-conditioned to a role within society?

Almost like a caste system. Except everyone has been conditioned to one already. Are we truly breaking free or is that an illusion too?\

On another note:
I went to a historical site yesterday. The Donner Party camp site. Its sad to learn that the one wrong turn for them (a so called "short-cut" off the word of an inexperienced guide) ended so tragically. I was literally standing right where their camp was. Perhaps a life lesson is their to remember.

Im sure this has been talked about a plethora of times (still searching for the info), in those of you who are NLP gurus know that their are 3 kinds of brain inputs Kinesthetic, Auditory and Visual. I think my Auditory system is last on the list of what is most effective for me.
Just thinking could visual "flashed" subliminals on the screen along with AM6 do more harm or be more effective? That saying I would have no idea what to flash- because we have no idea what words are spoken in AM6.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - AlphaMind - 02-04-2015

I use My Desktop Therapist to flash an affirmation which is agreeable by Shannon. The affirmation is "I can do anything."
Shannon mention this in a post in which I can't find it again, but the posts are from 2014.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-05-2015

Hat a dream about how me and a team of Americans were making a business selling junk in China. Making $50,000 in the first day. I was leading them.

Read some attraction code too. I remember long ago reading it back in my teens and going to the malls and trying to approach strangers and not being able to do it... Just sitting in my car watching all the pretty women go by crying because the challenge was to great in my mind at the time.

It's amazing what wisdom and maturity will do for you. I was not enough of either.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-06-2015

Figure Id say some things...

This stage hasnt done much... I know its only stage 2 and Im not 1/3 through it yet. It has got me thinking...

-I have decided to stop porn and JO completely (that being getting an O). I have been reading about sexual transmutation and want to use that for my creativity. I find that after I feel depressed and in the wrong direction of where I want to be.

-I have been thinking about doing some sort of meditation. I wanted to ask you guys/gals how do you do it? Input requested.

-I have been wondering about the release technique. I have been wanting to use it but not sure where to look for it. I have a habit about thinking of an ex everytime im alone and im feel that its affecting me and I would like to stop it. It like my mind gets away from me and I just starting thinking about the touch, passion etc.

Havent had many dreams except that one time, I mentioned. I find that I am more submissive/less dominant a day after I have JO. Like I wonder what my boss will say when I want to leave early.

I wish for more effects, I guess that's why I am on here alot, I enjoy reading others journals. Kinda like in the way your excited it will happen to you.

But I have also been stuck in a grey area. I studied for a IT certification and as soon as I was almost done, I got sucked into a video-game and pretty much lost what I studied about. Not to mention I was not keen on reading a book that's 1100 pages just for 1/2 the test... Thats the other thing that put me off about it. Yet I know I cant get that better job unless I do it.

Which in my last posts I am just bored of my job. Maybe Im not bored its just... no challenge.

I started writing all the things that interest me: Good Like Should and Want (from Blackdragon 2.0) yet I havent found my life mission. I feel unmotivated/down.

I think your STATE is a big part of what you express in this AM6 subliminal challenge.

What do you think?


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-15-2015

Haven't posted in awhile. Day 16 so far of 2nd stage.

Maybe its the naturalizer, I don't know but in some sense of the word I read other journals and get a little bit jealous. I wonder if I am changing at all. I do have dreams but most I don't remember or aren't worth mentioning. Been thinking of doing EFT. I have questions about it though, as in:

-Do you do EFT after you feel a negative emotion or can you seek them out?

I don't feel like I am resisting the subs but at the same time, I do get frustrated about things in my life- that's for sure! I wish for more- I guess. I wonder if someway I can increase their effectiveness.

Any advice would be appreciated.


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Darwinn - 02-16-2015

I would say don't worry so much about the progress you're making with am6, excessive self analysis and questioning whether it's working just ends up causing frustration in my opinion - kind of like watching a 6 month cake bake.

Comparing yourself with people on this forum is also a bit of a waste, there are a lot of different characters each with their own unique blend of brilliance, insight and occasional horse shit - that includes me some times, when I look back over some of my posts Im not exempt from that.
Feft is useful, it might help, look into it, there's a lot of resource online and on the forum.

I would recommend letting am6 go in a sense. Let it do its thing in the back ground, whilst you pursue whatever goals you want to pursue. Pick 3, work out a plan and just go hardcore on them. do that and I'm convinced you will notice more as am6 synergises with what you're doing to develope you even further.

Again just my opinion. Others may differ.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-19-2015

(02-16-2015, 04:47 PM)Darwin Wrote: I would say don't worry so much about the progress you're making with am6, excessive self analysis and questioning whether it's working just ends up causing frustration in my opinion - kind of like watching a 6 month cake bake.

Comparing yourself with people on this forum is also a bit of a waste, there are a lot of different characters each with their own unique blend of brilliance, insight and occasional horse shit - that includes me some times, when I look back over some of my posts Im not exempt from that.
Feft is useful, it might help, look into it, there's a lot of resource online and on the forum.

I would recommend letting am6 go in a sense. Let it do its thing in the back ground, whilst you pursue whatever goals you want to pursue. Pick 3, work out a plan and just go hardcore on them. do that and I'm convinced you will notice more as am6 synergises with what you're doing to develope you even further.

Again just my opinion. Others may differ.

Thanks Darwin. Smile I got a couple goals that I am thinking of hardcoring as you stated. Best to keep my mind off things!

3 week mark stage 2:


Week 1: 97.5
Week 2: 88.75
Week 3: 98.5

Funny, yesterday I had a kid (maybe 5-7yrs) keep staring at me and then look away repeatedly. It was interesting. I had sunglasses on, but every time he looked we had eye-contact. Kinda like those members that witness similar things- kids following them around etc.

On a weirder note had a freaky dream last night. I have multiple ones in a night- different topics and whatnot. This one was about the anti-christ. It was like... yes the world is going to end in 2069. Dunno if that meant anything.


RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - CatMan - 02-19-2015

(02-19-2015, 11:52 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote:
(02-16-2015, 04:47 PM)Darwin Wrote: I would say don't worry so much about the progress you're making with am6, excessive self analysis and questioning whether it's working just ends up causing frustration in my opinion - kind of like watching a 6 month cake bake.

Comparing yourself with people on this forum is also a bit of a waste, there are a lot of different characters each with their own unique blend of brilliance, insight and occasional horse shit - that includes me some times, when I look back over some of my posts Im not exempt from that.
Feft is useful, it might help, look into it, there's a lot of resource online and on the forum.

I would recommend letting am6 go in a sense. Let it do its thing in the back ground, whilst you pursue whatever goals you want to pursue. Pick 3, work out a plan and just go hardcore on them. do that and I'm convinced you will notice more as am6 synergises with what you're doing to develope you even further.

Again just my opinion. Others may differ.

Thanks Darwin. Smile I got a couple goals that I am thinking of hardcoring as you stated. Best to keep my mind off things!

3 week mark stage 2:


Week 1: 97.5
Week 2: 88.75
Week 3: 98.5

Funny, yesterday I had a kid (maybe 5-7yrs) keep staring at me and then look away repeatedly. It was interesting. I had sunglasses on, but every time he looked we had eye-contact. Kinda like those members that witness similar things- kids following them around etc.

On a weirder note had a freaky dream last night. I have multiple ones in a night- different topics and whatnot. This one was about the anti-christ. It was like... yes the world is going to end in 2069. Dunno if that meant anything.


Hi there!

I'm 3 days away from being done stage 4:

So funny you brought up the kids following you around thing. I've had a few odd occurences of children, about 7-10yrs, follow me staring for long periods of time, or not moving along with me, but still staring hard for long periods. It's odd and creepy! This happened several times up to a week ago, I think it's finally stopped. I hated it! Almost got me into a bad situation with one of the parents, the kid wouldn't stop following me.

My guess is, it's the auras being built, but not quite done properly. So they're misfiring and children and animals may be more perceptive to such things for some reason. I am very interested in the two auras in AM6, and the 7 in SM3, but am unsure how they work and to be honest, doubted their legitimacy before. Looks like something is happening at least.

Just my two cents for you, you're not alone.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Leo1990 - 02-19-2015

I think fewer auras are better. Kinda like saying doing 15 or less affirmations is more powerful then say 20+.

What are these auras you speak of for AM6?

Forgot to mention yesterday also I had one kid come up and randomly hug me. Then the other day one was like "whos that?!"

Wanted to add: getting my life in more order. Paid to have my resume redone. Bought books on networking for my certification as well as:

Linux in a Nutshell $5.20
The Art Of War $7.00
802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly Networking) $4.36
Learning Python, 3rd Edition $4.77
Network Warrior $4.51

Looking forward to reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu, perhaps learning some Python programming aswell.

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - Mystic Pymp - 02-20-2015

"The Art of War" is not copyrighted and is available for free on many sites, including Wikibooks. Just so you know you could spend your 7 bucks better Smile

RE: Finding the light at the end of the tunnel- my am6 journey. - CatMan - 02-20-2015

(02-19-2015, 02:32 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: What are these auras you speak of for AM6?

Hi, I thought you knew of them. Everybody does, pretty much. They're big selling points of the programs. In AM6, there are two auras developed: "Exude an aura of confidence, commanding presence and authority, which gets you respect, attention and obedience." as well as "Exude an aura of sexiness that makes you much more attractive to the beautiful women you encounter. The more beautiful they are, the more attracted and interested they will be.". They're listed in the bulletpoints on the sales page of the program. These incidents with children staring and animals staring are likely just the auras starting to be created and aren't working properly yet. Both of them seem to be able to pick it out much better than adults at that stage for some reason. I had kids staring and animals acting weird, now it's evening out and adults are taking notice of the auras bigtime. It's VERY pronouced, anywhere I go they hit like freight trains. It's a very noticeable change!

SM3 steps it up a lot and actually has 7 different auras! No wonder it's so powerful for attraction. That'll be hilarious haha, I can't wait for THAT in April. AM6 is amazing with just two, as it's more focused on internal development anyway. I hope that answers your question!