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Artemis does AM6 - Printable Version

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RE: Artemis does AM6 - Womanizer - 07-12-2014

How are you dealing with the depression?

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-12-2014

(07-12-2014, 11:18 AM)Jackpot_100 Wrote: How are you dealing with the depression?

Honestly for the most part it's gone. Most of it was due to unreal standards, putting myself under a lot of stress, bad eating habits and having no meaning in my life. With all of these corrected I feel much better. It was only in stage 1 where it hit me like an avalanche and that one day was absolute hell.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-22-2014

I had a minor breakthrough with the Sedona Method today. All it really required was persistence. Yesterday I spent a whole hour doing nothing but asking myself if I could allow my level of acceptance to rise. Today I've woken up with some major changes, things I haven't experienced in a while as well.

I kept asking if my acceptance of myself could rise higher and higher and eventually what I was seeing in my head went away and I got to a problem that was a lot closer to a core issue. It really, really requires persistence for me but it's awesome to notice results.

I recommend anyone here with trauma to start doing Trauma Release Excercises. When you go through something traumatic your body stores your anxiety and negative emotions in muscles and if you don't know how to treat it, it remains there for a very long time. I don't think even EFT can get out this muscle tension.

The exercises put your muscles under some stress and this helps them release and it's good exercise too!

RE: Artemis does AM6 - SargeMaximus - 07-22-2014

I'll give it a try, where can I find the info?

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 08-06-2014

Thanks to whoever recommended PSTEC, that thing is amazing and I will be investing in PSTEC very soon.

Day 11, Stage 3:

All the changes I noticed in the earlier days have disappeared and I'm not sure why. Maybe they've become very natural for me now, you can just never tell with the naturalizer.

I've got my life sorted out to a major degree and I can now break through this feeling of dread I get before I start any task which is a godsend for me. I now persist til I finish things as well, which was definitely not a skill I possessed earlier.

I also feel like a man instead of a boy and don't see work as below me and I'm almost constantly in a state of anger.

All in all I've found the subliminal to be great at inducing positive change but very ineffective at releasing negative emotions, at least for me. Every time I actively blast through any of my negative emotions though I do see a great amount of change.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 08-09-2014

Once again, big shoutout to whoever recommended PSTEC. Level 1 has yielded many positive changes for me and I'm finally beginning to understand my problems in a way that goes beyond the surface.

If anyone is interested in purchasing more PSTEC product and wants to split the cost, PM me and lets talk about it.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 09-16-2014

Results from AM6 have been going great. Less and less slack days where I don't feel anything. I've noticed that women are checking me out more and more, my ability to vibe in conversations has increased and people really want to talk to me when I go places and do things.

A lot of these results are the result of consistently using PSTEC which has removed a lot of my fear. Today I even discovered how to trigger a state of fear so I could tap on that and plan to experiment on it further.

I recently started using The Think and Grow Rich click tracks to create a burning desire to accomplish a goal which upon further research seemed to be a bad goal to have for the time frame I put it in. PSTEC TGR Click Tracks work though! Really well! I noticed that when I was actively pursuing a goal and obsessing about it a lot of my fears just vanished and I felt awesome. Its a nice confirmation of a lot of things I've been thinking about.

I also have a great suggestion and question for Shannon regarding PSTEC which I will ask in a different thread....

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Amann - 09-17-2014

Just checked out that PSTEC TGR...seems intriguing. I'm getting into PSTEC more and more now. Helps quite a bit. Not sure whether to get Level 1 or this? Though they offer a 50% discount on level 1 if you buy TGR. Which would you recommend? Either or both?

RE: Artemis does AM6 - zen - 09-17-2014

I suggest you to start with Level 1 - enhanced click tracks, positive click tracks - it helps you release the mental/emotional garbage.

PSTEC TGR most probably interferes with the AM6 programming. Better to use it with BASE.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 09-17-2014

(09-17-2014, 02:49 AM)Amann Wrote: Just checked out that PSTEC TGR...seems intriguing. I'm getting into PSTEC more and more now. Helps quite a bit. Not sure whether to get Level 1 or this? Though they offer a 50% discount on level 1 if you buy TGR. Which would you recommend? Either or both?

Get TGR and enjoy the discount. It's unlikely to interfere with AM6 and you're probably going to get it anyway.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - stratos - 09-17-2014

What do you guys mean by TGR?

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 09-17-2014

(09-17-2014, 09:02 AM)stratos Wrote: What do you guys mean by TGR?

Think and Grow Rich.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - stratos - 09-17-2014

Ah thanks.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 09-18-2014

Right now I think my only regret is not having done AM5 instead of AM6. With PSTEC and the smaller list of goals that AM5 had I feel like I could have blasted through any and all anxiety and come out ahead much better than with AM6.