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RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-06-2014

Stage 1 day 31:
I feel unmotivated to do work and reading for 3 days, I noticed it today. It's been 3 month that I have reading book after book and video after video about improving myself. I think it's the school which is so irritating.

In the social department: I got some stares/looks from girls around me. But overall girls act randomly/strangely around me. Like they are testing me, I'm not sure.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-07-2014

Stage 1 Day 32:
I have been feeling different since 4 days now. It's like I'm excited and unmotivated in the same time. I want to act but nothing feel really interesting. I have been resting a bit on movie and series. I want to go out to do something exciting but not get drunk with friends like they want to or just laying around playing video games. The only things that is attracting me right now is sex or going out on motorcycle (which I can't in the week day).

I read the beginning of my journey with AM6 and I feel different from where I started. The beginning seems to be more fun though. I think I'm hitting something here, what I don't know.

Don't feel like working on my current web project right now even if it's not a bad project. I have been upgrading my system and appearance to avoid doing it. It's incredible how a simple font like Helvetica can transform a computer , it's night and day. So right now about work I'm lazy, I'm just enjoying the moment while procrastinating.

This evening I felt horny, I was in the flow, my brain was clear even if I was tired. I visualized fucking a girl very easily, I was almost able to have an orgasm without touching myself. But I wasn't alone so I didn't go any further.

Tonight is gonna be the last night where I listen to stage 1. I'm still dreaming about OGSF stuff every night. I'm really waiting for the next stage, I'm wondering how it's going to affect me.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-13-2014

Stage 2 day 7:
I feel the difference with stage 1, my brain is overloaded. I don't remind certain things and I even dropped a glass a morning. I'm more tired than usual even if I slept for 10 hours once.
My dream has shift, I had some sex related dreams. And my focus has changed. I don't feel motivated to do any self improvement stuff, I'm watching DBZ Big Grin. I even forced myself to post this.
Besides this I didn't notice what has changed yet.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-14-2014

Something has changed, the way I look at myself, I see a difference. Girl seems to notice it too, I saw them staring at me unusually.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-15-2014

Stage 2 day 8:
I have been thinking about this : who I am, this little consciousness restricted to around 6 operation/second.
Also I'm thinking about a fear like If I die and I didn't accomplish what I wanted.
But I have been in a state of hight relaxing and enjoying my time alone, just being there with myself, thinking about strategies, myself around others, how I'm perceived by them. How I shift my awareness to think like other in order to they see how they see the world. how to find this empathy to feel how other would feel a situation and how to relate to them accordingly in the best way possible. I had this feeling about a power inside of me, like self validation I think, like I can count on my left, it feels great, I had this same feeling in the first stage but this time it's more pronounced more refined.

I read the WM2 product page again and every time it's like I discover new stuff hiding in there. My perception of things change so fast so every time it's different. I have been thinking about using SM3 instead of WM2 because I thought I need to erase completely this remaining nice guy and get this raw powerful attitude. But now I think I'm just overreacting about this. I will do as I planed before : one year WM after my one year AM. Because if I do SM3 I don't think I can do it for 1 year due to business. And WM2 will bring me this communication boost with woman and this life enjoying attitude and way more.

I think I'm going to read again the John Alexander's book “How to become an AM”, I think I will see things I didn't in my 2 previous reading. I'm currently reading a book called “ Body language how to read others thoughts by their gestures” by Allan Pease and then I going to read “Figuring Out People (Nlp Metaprograms)” by Michael Hall. My reading motivation is back but I'm less greedy about it.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - brightike - 05-15-2014

I would also suggest What Every Body is Saying by Joe Navarro and Undercover Sex Signal by Leil Lowndes. My belief is that people have been hearing about facial expression body language reading that as they get older they get better at hiding it whereas there is very little that is commonly talked about as far as tells for actually BODY language.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-16-2014

Thanks for the books I will check them out. What you are saying is exactly what the guy has wrote in his book I'm reading.

Stage 2 days 9:
I had three dreams that was cool:
1) In a dream two girls ask me to go with them to the toilet. When I get out there were other girls noticing it
(social proof).
2) I had a sex dreams about fucking a girls from behind in father's bed, I was caressing her all around first and then she ask me all horny to fuck her here (pussy) because it's the only place she get it all.
3) I was in a restaurant with a girl and her parents. She was checking me all the night so I begin to check her out too. I don't remember after that.

So far in real life I'm still noticing (since day 7 ) some girl that are completely staring at me. Like there is something that is attracting them, like they take pleasure from looking at me. But I didn't talk to any girl or girl I already know yet so I don't know how they would behave around me.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - rayrocanaldo - 05-16-2014

(05-16-2014, 03:39 AM)maniac360 Wrote: Thanks for the books I will check them out. What you are saying is exactly what the guy has wrote in his book I'm reading.

Stage 2 days 9:
I had three dreams that was cool:
1) In a dream two girls ask me to go with them to the toilet. When I get out there were other girls noticing it
(social proof).
2) I had a sex dreams about ***** a girls from behind in father's bed, I was caressing her all around first and then she ask me all horny to **** her here (pussy) because it's the only place she get it all.
3) I was in a restaurant with a girl and her parents. She was checking me all the night so I begin to check her out too. I don't remember after that.

So far in real life I'm still noticing (since day 7 ) some girl that are completely staring at me. Like there is something that is attracting them, like they take pleasure from looking at me. But I didn't talk to any girl or girl I already know yet so I don't know how they would behave around me.

I think they are attracted. I had hot girls staring at me during AOS. It was obviously my sexiness :p

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-16-2014

Yea, I hope it's not just temporary effect and I can do something out of it. But yes it's my sexiness, I was just trying to describe my encounters from a "objective view".

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-16-2014

I think I know why girls are noticing more abruptly. When I look at me in the mirror I see a face more relax, like a kid with playfulness almost but with maturity.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - Fonzy3 - 05-16-2014

(05-16-2014, 08:49 AM)maniac360 Wrote: I think I know why girls are noticing more abruptly. When I look at me in the mirror I see a face more relax, like a kid with playfulness almost but with maturity.

That'll do it Wink. Try giving a small grin towards the girls you also find attractive as well.



RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-16-2014

Stage 2 day 10:
I had a dream in a class room with girls chasing me, wanting my attention and being a ladies man like a guy from my past. I got a dream about fear of heights too. I had a lot of dreams about girls recently I'm gonna attract them a lot more easily now.

Today I felt a need to stay at home like a bit of resistance but then I saw it. So I'm going out today and have fun.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - JackOfHearts - 05-18-2014

Stage 2 day 11:
Girls are definitely looking at me like crazy. Everywhere I went yesterday and today there were girls staring or noticing me. I begin to feel like when I was on AM5 stage 5 when every girls would eat me alive Big Grin and now it's a little more. I even saw a ~35 years old woman looking at me from head to toes like I was super man :angel:.
Man relate to me differently and child too, they feel my vibe.
It's really fascinating to see how this 5G technology is acting on me way faster than 4G, usually I would begin to notice effect on Day ~15. But with 5G it's around 7-8 days.

Beside this I fall with my motorcycle this morning, my reflexes where fu*** up probably due to AM6 Confusedleepy:. But I didn't even care that much.

RE: AM6 outstanding wholeness and Excellence - adam225 - 05-18-2014

I like your attitude man, I've just purchased AM6 myself and am looking forward to starting it. A few months back I used an Alpha male hypnosis track along side a subliminal (Real Subliminal). They definitely have put me on the right track, but there's still a lot of "alphaness" to be worked on in me. I'm pretty sure AM6 will COMPLETELY transform me. The attention to detail in AM6 is UNREAL. I'm sure I'll be getting positive results just like yourself...