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RE: Artemis does AM6 - Fonzy3 - 05-30-2014

I drank alcohol for the first time in a year yesterday and I noticed the affects of the sub had still worked on me even though I had the sensation of being tipsy in my mind. I recommend that you do some gratitude practices. It's tough to imagine that you could feel bad knowing that such awesome subs are working on your mind but personally nothing makes me feel better like achieving my goals. Do the things you love and try to make each day your best! Give back to yourself and pay yourself first!



RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 05-31-2014

(05-30-2014, 01:42 PM)Fonzy3 Wrote: I drank alcohol for the first time in a year yesterday and I noticed the affects of the sub had still worked on me even though I had the sensation of being tipsy in my mind. I recommend that you do some gratitude practices. It's tough to imagine that you could feel bad knowing that such awesome subs are working on your mind but personally nothing makes me feel better like achieving my goals. Do the things you love and try to make each day your best! Give back to yourself and pay yourself first!



Thanks Fonzy. Tis is something I think we all know but find hard to actually incorporate into our lives. I am getting better at this though Tongue

I told myself I wouldn't post so early but a lot of things happened from my last post up to this one. On Friday I went to Disney Land with my graduating class and had a great time. Initially I was alone at Disney Land and kind of sad because i couldn't find any of my friends and I've always felt so alien among my class, but I told myself to look at the positives:

Since I was alone I didn't have to wait for anyone or anything and I could do exactly what I wanted. So that's what I did.

I found it really interesting that when I was looking for other people to hang with I couldn't find them. For the first few hours I was consciously looking for people to hang out with until I just stopped. All of a sudden people from my school start popping out of the wood works. A group of people invite me to go to on the Log Ride with them, and halfway there I ditch them because I didn't find their company all that great.

I felt a bit guilty about ditching them, but because I ditched a girl I knew gave me a fast pass (Which allows me to get to the front of the line and skip the 45+ minute wait) and some alluring eye contact. It was awesome. I got off the ride and began searching for friends again. Didn't find anyone so I just resigned myself to having as good a time as possible by myself.

Another group of friends popped up and I had another great time. By the end of the night I became pretty assured that when I needed a group of people to hang with I'd find them. I became really unattached to the people I was hanging out with, and when I no longer felt the good energy I just left, and sure enough another group would turn up.

We got back into town at about 5 in the morning and I had the option of going home or sleeping over at a friends house. I slept over and I had another great time. Usually my parents are very strict about me sleeping over because they believe any time I'm out of their site I immediately start doing drugs and getting into trouble. I just said **** it and went and had a good time, which was just sleeping over and then going out to lunch later. Just normal teenager stuff that my parents are against for some reason.

I realized how much better I feel when I'm with my friends as opposed to home. As I write this my friends just left my house no more than 15 minutes ago and I can already feel myself going into that lonely/depressing hole I seem to call home. I realized that I'm at my worst emotionally when I'm alone for long periods of time. I definitely need to force myself to socialize more because it gives me another perspective on things and boosts my mood. Days after being around others my mood is still high.

Right now my problem is that I still live at home, and I"m planning on getting a job this summer, but even then I can't afford an apartment, and none of my friends have homes that I can stay at for a good amount of time. My only option is to remain at home where I'm rarely allowed to go out and my only comfort is staying in my room, which leads me to be lazy, depressed and just masturbate all day.

So my only focus right now is to leave this damn house and take care of my emotional health.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - JackOfHearts - 05-31-2014

I'm stuck the weekend at home with my religious parents and I can say it really su*** hard. It's paradoxical thing to be forced to stay in his room just because your parents are so limited. And in the same time they think you are the problem.
I hope you find a Job to become fully independent Smile

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-01-2014

(05-31-2014, 11:12 PM)maniac360 Wrote: I'm stuck the weekend at home with my religious parents and I can say it really su*** hard. It's paradoxical thing to be forced to stay in his room just because your parents are so limited. And in the same time they think you are the problem.
I hope you find a Job to become fully independent Smile

Thank you. I hope you find a way out as well.


I have to add another 2 days to this run of stage 1 because of Friday and Saturday that I spent with my friends.

I'm very grateful to Natural Grounding for showing me what the real nature of woman are but I can't say I'm going to continue grounding very often. One is that Shannon has said that it conflicts with the goals of AM6 and two is that I see it as unnecessary.

I've been watching a lot of 007 movies (hence my avatar Cool ) and I see that every iteration of James has that natural polarity that women seek so much. Because I've done enough grounding in the past I notice his energy a lot more, and the energy of the women around him. I know I have that energy too and when I'm running in my peak states I really just ooze it. When I become very centered in my reality and relaxed I see the same effects I get from Natural Grounding almost instantly. I'm convinced attraction has everything to do with having a true masculine presence and that can be achieved with or without Natural Grounding. I'm not sure myself how I activate it, but I do know when it's working. It's hard to describe.

I've noticed when I'm left alone I start to get into this state. It quickly goes away though when others notice. Like today I felt really masculine and my mom and sister were hovering around me and talking to me. When I noticed that they were possibly being attracted to my masculinity (not sexually of course) I got anxious about maintaining it and quickly left that state and they both just lost a bunch of interest in me. This happens with girls too and it's something I'll need to get over.

Lately I've been tapping on my father and my relation to him. I don't speak to my dad very much and I've been basically raised by my mother, which explains a lot of my behavior around women and my inability to stand up for myself. Since I didn't have a dad I subconsciously rebelled against all things that were masculine and this has greatly held me back, and I don't want it to affect me being an alpha male. I mean to date my role models of being a man are Homer Simpson and Fry from Futurama. Not the most masculine people to associate with, nor the healthiest. I really looked up to those guys when I was a kid though, and I thought being funny and a loser was cool.

I've also began to notice that I'm not disgusted by sex as much as I was before. I've accepted that even my mother likes my masculine energy, and that's OK. It's nothing sexual at all, but just the way people are wired to behave. In the past I stopped Natural Grounding and being masculine because I had a fear that I may attract unwarranted attention from women. This is actually a really big fear of mine and it's kind of amusing to look at because women really didn't pay attention to me at all when I formed it.

Another effect that I've noticed with AM6 is that I'm now very attracted to masculine things. Not sexually, but I now admire having large muscles, which I didn't like at all before I started. I always thought having large muscles was disgusting, and that you should aim to look like you worked out, but not very heavily, if you get what I mean.

I wanted to be like Ottermode in this picture.

[Image: piTpOsq.jpg]

After listening to AM6 I wouldn't mind having an athletic build now. I've also watched about four James Bond movies in the past week, before I stuck to cartoons and music videos. Just something interesting I wanted to share.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-04-2014

I'm graduating from High School today Smile .

I noticed today that I formed this belief that true love only comes from being weak. I'm very scared of people not truly loving me, and only loving me when I'm doing good. Sometimes I say absolutely disgusting things or act in a way that puts people off to see if they'll stick around and bear it. I formed a belief that it's the only way I'll really know if these people care for me.

It's rather feminine. It's pretty interesting that I put out my own shit tests, I'm not sure if it's a symptom of being raised by a woman or just a symptom of being a "Nice Guy."

I'm going to begin tapping on it and see if I can get rid of it. I haven't been experiencing any emotions when I'm tapping and I'm worried it's not working. I get relief, but I'm never sure if the belief is truly gone.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-05-2014

Graduation went well last night.

Here's some things I've been noticing about AM6 so far:

More motivated to work.

More forgiving of my failures, which allows me to get over my perfectionism and just start the task.

Positive negativity in that I get angry at myself for not living up to my potential.

A lot angrier in tone and speech.

More confidence.

Less anxiety.

Can't relate to things I've posted in the past.

Feel more like an adult.

Definitely getting more respect.

Confronting issues I've hidden for a long time.

Better body language

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-07-2014

In line with being honest with myself I've decided to begin reading the classics. Guys like Tony Robbins, David Deangelo and Mark Manson will fill up my library and my spare time. I never really read these things because I felt like they were below me, even though I've never read them.

What's really frustrating for me right now is that every time I analyze certain action I've taken, like not reading those books, I realize that what drives those actions are low self esteem, arrogance, pride or past pain. With a better understanding of myself and a willingness to change I'm confronted with the fact that I'm not the person I believed I was and being a good person was the core of my self-esteem. I'm currently tapping on the belief "I have to be perfect/good/nice in order to be loved."

I'm also massively afraid of creating huge change with tapping. I'm worried that if I release certain feelings about myself it will lead to conflict with others, so I think about applying more self control and limiting myself. Then I think that maybe the changes I'm making are necessary for my growth, and that they have to be done. I'm worried about not making the right choices because of my beliefs. AM6's naturalized has done an amazing job of making my change easier, but I want to take the power into my own hands.

In examining my motivations for getting women I've realized I've done a lot of self improvement to become more attractive but not to actually pick up on girls. I just like the validation they give me, I'm not interested at all in sex. In part I believe my anxiety is made by me so I can avoid others, especially the opposite sex. The No More Mr. Nice Guy book talks about this. In being completely honest with myself, if I had wanted to lose my virginity in years prior it could have been done with not much effort on my part. It's this fear and ability to create great lies that's keeping me back.

Right now I'm seeing that it's going to require a massive change in my beliefs to get the results I want, and that's going to require a massive change of priorities for me to get there. I've definitely stepped it up from last year, but I want last year to stop being my point of comparison. I'm going to compare this month to last month and then next month to this month and so on until I reach some limit.

Currently I plan on doing Grow Taller 5G in addition to height Excercises after AM6 because I'm young and I'd like to max out my height before my growth plates close. After that I believe I will do AM6 again to build a good base for Sex Magnet and most likely continue with the AM, SM subs for a while.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-08-2014

Hey Shannon is it advised to listen to AM6 along with your Brainwave MP3s I purchased? I'm thinking of using it long term and with a majority of the time I listen to AM. Would this cause any significant problems? Could I combine the two tracks in audacity to make them playable on my iPod? Thank you.

I'm dropping all of the personal stuff that doesn't relate directly to AM6 out of my journal and starting a blog. I didn't have the courage to do this before and Sub-Shop used to be the only place I felt like others would listen to me, but I'm now more than confident I can get an audience and I'll be able to sharpen my writing skills so I can publish some eBooks I have planned Big Grin

Why am I updating twice in one day? Some really cool things happened that I believe AM6 caused, and I'm just super happy and bubbly because I got some cool new opportunities, met some cool new people, got support from family members, and discovered some problems that once I solve will give me tremendous peace. All in all it's been a great day Big Grin

Being Fundamentally Flawed

I have a longstanding belief that I'm flawed at some very fundamental level. It was not something that I could ever put into words because I never really took time to understand it. When I mess up it's not because of things like "I didn't know what I was doing" or "Sometimes you fail, and thats just how life is" it's because I'm a bad person.

Someone else, who isn't me, could have done it better, or wouldn't have messed up, but I messed up because I'm me. The simple act of being me is why I mess up so much. I can see how I would have gotten this message through my childhood, and I'm actually kind of emotional as I type. This is probably the deepest seeded feeling of guilt and shame I currently have and I'm going to get to work on releasing it.

Permission Seeking

I discovered a limiting belief that really made a lot of difference when I tapped on it. It has to do with permission seeking, and when I let it go my anxiety dropped significantly. When in conversations I could never tell if I was doing well, doing everything I was supposed to be doing, acting normally and being impressive, and trying to micromanage all of these things and my general worry about them led to my anxiety. Eventually I stopped wanting to socialize and kept to myself.

My belief was that I could never assign a quality to myself unless someone validated it for me because that would be the only way I would know I was right. I actually firmly believed this up until just two hours ago! It seems crazy to consider now. This belief led me to looking for signs of what other people thought of me so I could calibrate my own self-esteem and self worth to their opinion of me. This whole situation of having to be validated by others always led me to wild swings in personality, where I could be the life of the party when I got just a little validation, and then come crashing down when people would give me neutral or negative signals. I never could tell what I actually believed in because it was always changing, either to match peoples opinion or to give me some temporary emotional boost. I always felt hopeless because I couldn't change people's opinions of me, and once I had made a bad impression I felt like that was going to be stuck there forever, and I could never wash the memory of my bad impression from my mind or the minds of anyone else. You can't argue with a memory.

I also felt victimized by having a bad past. I felt like I couldn't truly become a man because my dad never showed me how to be a man. That I could never have a good future because I didn't have a good past, and I could never change the past. Ironically I was working towards having a good future regardless of my past, but this negative belief was still there, waiting like a rubber band to snap me back to it's own subjective reality.

Being able to assign my own self-worth and validation will probably lead me to being a lot less anxious and more stable in my view of myself. I went to a party today and I felt the least anxious I had ever felt since I started getting anxious. I'm excited to tap on this some more, but tonight I rest Tongue

I also discovered some of Steve Pavlina's articles on procrastination and motivation and they seem like they would help a lot. I've struggled to become motivated and largely ignored a lot of good advice that has come my way because I thought it was too difficult. My perfectionism and belief that I was perfectly capable of becoming productive with no system (arrogance) led me to ignoring it.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 06-24-2014

I started Stage 2 about two days. I found out very late into stage 1 that the wires that go into my speakers were loose, and my speakers were probably not having the full 20hz-20khz frequency response at that time. I'm not sure how much I actually listened to Stage 1, but I've chosen to move on. I noticed a lot of very small changes within me, but these were the main ones that will give you a good idea of what I've been going through.

My results with Stage 1:
I felt nothing for the majority of stage one.

I had only one very depressing day, where I was unable to function, besides that very little resistance.

I now have a more complete understanding of my beliefs.

I know what it takes to move forward for me now, and I'm attempting to make those changes.

My experiences with Stage 2 so far:
I'm actually beginning to feel alpha.

I'm releasing on my issues everyday with the Sedona Method.

Procrastination is down, Motivation is up.

Less fearful of what others think of me, which has allowed me to release more of my beliefs. I danced in public yesterday and it was really fun Tongue

Old beliefs I hadn't even realized were there are coming up.

I've become more vulnerable. I used to believe that being an Alpha Male meant having absolutely no resistance from anyone, that everyone would be super nice to me, all the time. That's not going to happen, so I'm beginning to internalize the belief that it's not what happens, but rather how I deal with it.

Looking forward to running SM3 when this is all over. I'll have finished SM3 at the beginning of summer 2015, and by then I should have my own place and enough disposable income to party as long and as hard as I want!

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-03-2014

Stage 2, Day 12

I seem to have broken through a significant amount of GSF last night. My fear of the world not being safe for an Alpha has gone down drastically, and its something I've been struggling with as I moved to changed.

Other than that there has been a lot of self acceptance and great changes in body language.

Edit: I also must add that either my sexual stamina is up, or my self control is up. I spent a whole hour edging last night and came only when I absolutely felt like it. It's awesome.

My resistance to doing what needs to be done is also fading away. I used to experience what felt like agony when I had to force myself to work, now I feel good about my work or feel nothing. Awesome Smile

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-03-2014

(07-03-2014, 07:15 AM)MannSchaft Wrote: Hi Artemis

Can you please tell us more about the sedona method. Maybe you could open a thread like the tapping one.


I honestly don't know much about it except the absolute basics but I'll post what I know.

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-06-2014

(07-03-2014, 09:18 AM)Artemis Wrote:
(07-03-2014, 07:15 AM)MannSchaft Wrote: Hi Artemis

Can you please tell us more about the sedona method. Maybe you could open a thread like the tapping one.


I honestly don't know much about it except the absolute basics but I'll post what I know.

I had almost forgotten about my promise to post what I know about the Sedona Method, I'll go ahead and post it today/tomorrow.

Day 15 of Stage 2:

I'm noticing that I'm much more stable in terms of everything.

I'm finally confronting my fear of change head on and I'm noticing more and more results, but still it scares me. I've been going very slow in terms of adjusting to things and I know I could go faster, but these damn fears are holding me back. I've been making more progress in the last few weeks of using this stage than in any other period of my life but still progress is ridiculously slow for me because I'm unable to express myself/am scared of changing/want to preserve the old me and move into the new me.

On the flip side of that I'm finding it easier to accomplish my chores, and I'm doing releasing a few times a day, every day now. I've learned to embrace what I currently am, and work to become better. I always thought the two were mutually exclusive, but now I see how I can leverage them both. My self esteem is higher, my confidence is higher, my body language has changed too. Overall this stage is showing me much more positive change than stage 1, but still it seems pretty empty Undecided

RE: Artemis does AM6 - brightike - 07-06-2014

(07-06-2014, 07:17 PM)Artemis Wrote: I've been going very slow in terms of adjusting to things and I know I could go faster, but these damn fears are holding me back. I've been making more progress in the last few weeks of using this stage than in any other period of my life but still progress is ridiculously slow for me because I'm unable to express myself/am scared of changing/want to preserve the old me and move into the new me.

Is your progress really slow? There is a thing in business and personal growth called the flywheel effect. A huge flywheel takes a lot of effort to get it to start spinning. As it starts to spin faster (growth becomes more streamlined) the amount of effort required to keep it spinning decreases and after a while it takes a small pulse of effort to keep it going. You're still in the effort phase. Soon you'll be flying in every aspect of your life! Just keep on going

RE: Artemis does AM6 - Artemis - 07-11-2014

(07-06-2014, 08:15 PM)brightike Wrote:
(07-06-2014, 07:17 PM)Artemis Wrote: I've been going very slow in terms of adjusting to things and I know I could go faster, but these damn fears are holding me back. I've been making more progress in the last few weeks of using this stage than in any other period of my life but still progress is ridiculously slow for me because I'm unable to express myself/am scared of changing/want to preserve the old me and move into the new me.

Is your progress really slow? There is a thing in business and personal growth called the flywheel effect. A huge flywheel takes a lot of effort to get it to start spinning. As it starts to spin faster (growth becomes more streamlined) the amount of effort required to keep it spinning decreases and after a while it takes a small pulse of effort to keep it going. You're still in the effort phase. Soon you'll be flying in every aspect of your life! Just keep on going

This is absolutely whats happening to me right now. Sometimes I forget to keep going when it gets really difficult, but that's when the results really show. Thanks for reminding me Brightike.

Something rather miraculous happened today. I got mad at my negative beliefs in a pretty funny way. I was reading this article by a lady named Katie Byron (awesome lady) where she stated something along the lines of "Once you've investigated your beliefs and questioned them, you don't let go of it, it lets go of you."

I began thinking "These good for nothing negative beliefs! I've cherished you and taken care of you for years and now you're going to abandon me!?" At first I was legitimately mad. In the back of my head, through the years the only thing that was constant was my negative beliefs and thoughts. If you spend enough time with anything you grow fond of it. Then I realized "Wait a minute! Aren't these the same beliefs I've been working to change all year?"

I found it really funny that in the end it was me trying to hold onto the negative beliefs and not the other way around Tongue

If you guys are looking for an alternative releasing method try The Work by Katie Byron. I've been trying loads of releasing methods and this one shows great promise.

Peace out.