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RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-03-2018

MLS, Day 38,

The commute to my workday was hectic; it had been sleat and snow for a large part of the way. T he workday was draining because of it; my brain felt clunky, slow, and unresponsive. I managed to get through it, and then drove another hour to my second location.

Read the same pages over and over, and didn't get to practice guitar. I have to go to bed now lol. I'll do some final facial exercises (part of actor training).

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-04-2018

MLS, Day 39,

Workday went well. I could've technically gone home at 1:30 pm, but I stuck around until 2:00 pm, at which point, my car's tires were caked in ice-hard slush, which would've hindered my tires rotation when rolling, and would've wrecked my suspension once they'd've dislodged, all because it was so compact. I spent 30 minutes hacking away with my scrapers (broke one of them), and a pot of hot water, and, having finally broken winter's spell, left the lot at 2:50 pm. I arrived in town as the sun set.

I did singing and guitar out of my four daily tasks. I went to BJJ though; certain joints are sore as a result, including unusual ones like toes and wrist.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-05-2018

MLS, Day 40.

Jiu Jitsu has been a little frustrating; people with fewer stripes than me have been consistently kicking my ass. I'll have to keep at it.

I accomplished the singing/guitar portions of my daily routine. I'm too draining to do the rest.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-07-2018

MLS Day 42,

Not feeling much of a difference. I realize that I could be so productive if all of my inner faculties were lined up.

The acting class that I'd been unwilling to attend (date was set 3 weeks after announce) was a very valuable lesson on the business side of the craft. It's funny that I iterate and re-iterate, but I ultimately do the 'right' thing (right is relative to what helps me accomplish my goals). It's as though my subconscious mind has not quit despite the obstacles.
My mind is jumbled, as though things are moving around. I got 3 of my 4 tasks done, and completed 10 pages for a 4th task. I should have kept going, but I stopped.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-08-2018

MLS Day 43,

Waking up in the morning is the most difficult when I have to work my Monday/Thursday shifts (which are closest to me). I wind up starting/ending later. Nonetheless, it was productive.

I'm realizing my physical limitations, which I think are becoming greater; I feel physically weaker, but my mind is still decent. I've gotten 2 of my tasks done, with 1/4 of the 3rd done.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-10-2018

MLS Day 45 (half-way)

Yesterday, I read over 70-80 pages. Today, it's about 55. I found a part of the new book that's actually useful. Did guitar and vocals both today and yesterday.

My work day was supposed to be shorter; but I stayed the full time.

The rest of my supplements have come in, so that's exciting. My next things to buy involve water/air filters, EMF eliminators, etc. This is a lot of money, but it lasts for a decade+ if you treat it with care.

Have a really weird pressure on my chest, and I drank so much coffee that it made it worse; I became very jittery from the three cups I drank. I think this pressure is usually there, but I'm more aware of it.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-11-2018

Day 46,

My brain had some issues with focusing; plus people were coming to distract me with stuff.
I got 3/4 my workload done.

Went to get axe-throwing with friends; it was fun. I won out of a group of four. I had never done it before. Then I did an open mic with four songs; it went well.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-12-2018

Day 47,

Got a performance review today; I did either 'satisfactory' or 'great' on various points.
Got my oil changed. Finished a book about political argument; it was probably high school level, but it had some interesting ideas.

I'm spending a lot of money lol; I've spent about 700$ of my car this month, and about 120 on gas. I'm about to go to a two-day workshop for acting and auditioning.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-13-2018

Day 48,

Spent a 7-hour day (+1 hour for lunch) at an acting workshop. I feel that it's worth what I've paid for, so far. There's another day tomorrow; I'm actually out of town.

I've been able to get 3/4 things done today. Didn't bring my guitar with me out of town.

I've also figured out how to fix the audio problem for Premiere Pro, I think. It's rendering now, so I'll see if it worked.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-15-2018

(Yesterday) Day 49,

Had my second day of the workshop. I feel much more comfortable relating to the audition process.
I realized that during my drive home, I was still mentally clear and had a stable energy at 6pm, despite having had a full day of learning and taking notes.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-15-2018

Day 50,

Today was a difficult day due to the
Sounds like this will be my last day on this sub before the pause period for DMSI.
All in all, there is a ton of improvement that has led me to take certain improvements for granted.

I haven't been able to get more than 1/4 of my tasks done.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-16-2018

Strange update:
I haven't been hitting the gym with any regularity. Thought I've kept my general shape, I can feel my muscles being much less taut and firm than usual. I assumed that my strength has been in a decline. Usually, when I do pushups in this state, I get to 20-25, then I get tired.

I just tried push-ups and cranked out 50 with relative ease. Interesting.
I also found that my Jiu Jitsu rolls were much easier; I felt a bit tired, but I felt like I count hang in there longer with people who could typically out-muscle me.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-17-2018

Productivity update:
The usual work place where I feel drained and tired, did not have an effect on me.
In fact, it was an enormously productive day, where I got 3/3 major things I wanted to finish.
Something similar happened yesterday at the other remote site; I accomplished 3/3 major things, where I normally get 1.5 things done with more time available.

RE: Strumming my Brain with MLS 3.0 Journal - Ampersnd - 01-18-2018

I've made improvements in Jiu Jitsu; I'm making defensive moves on people who could normally throw me around.

Doing some real legwork on acting, especially in generating emotions.