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The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Printable Version

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RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-08-2022

Day 98 / 180

State of mind not great

Becoming lazy and complacent, choosing the easy way out.... Falling into temptation.

What I need is a good gym routine, some good ol suffering to shift my mind from laziness to challenge seeking mode. I often find that the struggle makes me feel waaayy more satisfied than just trying to chase highs. Soo counter-intuitive huh?

What am I willing to struggle for? What's really important to me? Im afraid I don't have an answer to that. All I can do right now is just try a bunch of shit and see what clicks. All i want really, is to create a passionate life, where I'm fully engaged with something... Everything else... the girls, money, material things, are just icing on the cake. Deep down I don't care about thay shit.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Z-Man - 01-08-2022

(01-08-2022, 03:21 PM)SaltyMeatballs Wrote: Day 98 / 180

State of mind not great

Becoming lazy and complacent, choosing the easy way out.... Falling into temptation.

What I need is a good gym routine, some good ol suffering to shift my mind from laziness to challenge seeking mode. I often find that the struggle makes me feel waaayy more satisfied than just trying to chase highs. Soo counter-intuitive huh?

What am I willing to struggle for? What's really important to me? Im afraid I don't have an answer to that. All I can do right now is just try a bunch of shit and see what clicks. All i want really, is to create a passionate life, where I'm fully engaged with something... Everything else... the girls, money, material things, are just icing on the cake. Deep down I don't care about thay shit.

Hopefully, it gets better. You have a good attitude about all the extra;s being a bonus. The important this is you feel good and are happy with your life and everything else will come. Keep it up.....

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-09-2022

99 - 4 loops Hybrid

So I booked a plane ticket, Ill be in Prague 2 weeks from now. After that, I might end up in Asia so let's see how it goes. Even though my work is inherintly unfulfilling, I figured that I can use the income and remote work as an opportunity to travel a bit. Through this process, my intention is too open my mind to new possibilities and expose myself to diverse cultures and people.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-10-2022

100 - 4 loops US

I woke up multiple times during the night. The volume was about 50% on my old Iphone 6s. Despite a sluggish early start, I got quite a bit of productive work done, much more than I thought for a monday.

I am now leaving my main phone outside the bedroom. I realised that most of my sleepless nights are a result of digital overconsumption, including relapses to porn. I expect that this simple shift in environment will have tremendous effect in the long run for my sleep, and mental hygiene. Will report my findings in due course.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-11-2022

101 - Played 4-5 loops US

I think its time to take some rest. I think 2-3 days should be enough but I'll see. Let the Auto-config do it's magic. I feel like running more loops on average than before. It just "feels right" to run more.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-12-2022

102 - Rest 1/3

I was briefly self reflecting on the changes this sub has made on me. To be honest, it's not yet totally obvious but I am almost certain that I am not the same person when i started 3 months ago. Something has massively shifted and yet it's subtle and hard to put a finger on exactly. I guess, such is the characteristic of subconscious programming, its more effective when the conscious mind isn't fully aware of the process

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-14-2022

Day 104 - Rest 3/3

I am learning to give less fucks now. Let me explain. So I recently began setting the intention of "letting go" when I sit down to meditate each day 30-45 min. Its very simple but not necessarily easy - don't seek or want anything other than what is. Since adopting this approach, not only did my meditation improve but I even started to enjoy it.

So then I thought, what If I apply the same intention when I socialise, approach women on the street, work on my projects etc. Of course, it sounds simple but it requires practice. Moreover, there are times where you do need to give a fuck so its a fine balancing act and it's never black and white.

What I'm really trying to get across here is that I spend a lot of time trying to live up to some "ideal" expectation and wishing that things were somehow different. I think that developing this ability of letting go will drastically improve my life.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-16-2022

Day 106

Skipped a day coz was high AF from alcohol and weed. I met up with some great friends and had a great time. A much needed break from IT / software work.

Gearing up for Prague now with only 5 days to go. I have never tried hostels so I thought this will be a perfect time to give it a shot. I can't wait to meet the ladies there and practice some daygame, but more importantly, meeting new people and making friends is what excites me the most. If you told me I would have this sort of excitement for meeting new people 5 years ago, I would be like "how is that even possible, im introverted" blah blah blah..

One thing I have noticed is that when I talk to people, I am less in my own head. Quite often, before I say something it has to go through 5-10 filters due to a fear of being judged for what I say. However, I think that this fear is being chipped away at, and I am feeling more sense of freedom in my social interactions now. Also, in the last week I have noticed more of a cocky, IDGAF attitude in me. I feel like I'm more confident than usual which is great.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-17-2022

Day 107 - 5 loops US

I'm in a good position financially to make an investment into real estate very sooon. Moreover, I'm confident that I'll get an even more high paying remote job and possibly keep my current alongside it, while also getting some passive income from a startup im working on. After im done with OF and 1 year of LTU, I'll switch to UMS or something like BAMM/BASE to help me retire early.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-18-2022

Day 108 - 5 loops US

Just noticed one thing. I've been laughing more and taking thing's less seriously. I don't know if OF has anything to do with it. I'm currently reading a book called "Antidote" and that has changed my perspective on what it means to be happy.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-19-2022

Day 109/180 - 3 loops US

Woke up this morning feeling quite exhausted. It took me a while to get out of bed. However, I feel like running 3-4 more loops tonight before I take 3-5 days off.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-20-2022


I was highly irritated today. Little things pissed me off. I think it might be because of too many loops. Or It could be that I had too much coffee. Coffee seems to make me anxious and jittery. I need to somehow give up drinking that shit.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - Z-Man - 01-20-2022

(01-20-2022, 02:24 PM)SaltyMeatballs Wrote: 110

I was highly irritated today. Little things pissed me off. I think it might be because of too many loops. Or It could be that I had too much coffee. Coffee seems to make me anxious and jittery. I need to somehow give up drinking that shit.

Hey bro, I notice OF V3 make you not want to put up with all the bullshit around you. So, it can piss you off and if you do too loops it won't help. I would narrow down to 1 cup of coffee not too much.

RE: The Self Actualized - OF V3 5.75G - SaltyMeatballs - 01-23-2022

Thanks, for the advice man!