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Hello all, been a while!

My condition (whatever it may be, not consulted a physician personally, just yet, anyway) began with a sudden bad fever.

My symptoms are as follows:

High temperature
More easily becoming breathless
Loss of appetite
Cold sores on lips
Heavily swollen and tender glands
Very tender gums making it even more of a nightmare to eat

I have purchased MIR and started running it. Will update here with results on how quickly I am healing.

Day 1: I notice my symptoms being alleviated within the first 40 minutes of listening. Also sweating more (possibly to cleanse body of toxins). It also no longer hurts to swallow.
Day 4:

Been listening as much as possible, definitely noticed it helping alleviate my cold like symptoms. Interestingly enough it's not sofar done a whole lot for my biggest issue which is stopping me from being able to eat - my sore and tender gums.
Hope you're following the instructions and running it 24/7 at max volume.
Just realised I never updated in the end. I simply was running it as often as I could at the most comfortable bearable volume. It helped me recover very quickly. MIR is a godsend and always seems to double recovery time.