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No, there really aren't mycotoxins in most coffees. BP coffee is not special, but if you like the taste - fine, drink it. If you want to put butter and MCTs in your coffee, better change your diet elsewhere or be naturally thin, 'cuz you will get fat. Also, better get your cholesterol checked beforehand, b/c yes, it can increase your cholesterol levels.
This BP coffee is bullsh*t sorry if I am sounding pessimistic here. I have it ago and it was no different to any other coffee I have tried.
I never got into it but from what I read he just sells certain things like 'special' coffee and such for stupidly expensive prices and hypes them up to be amazing.

Coffee is amazing, but probably not at the price he wants.
i don't like him for his products, rather the info and forum he has. Coffee with coconut oil does let me skip breakfast and tastes damn good but his coffee is no different than the cheap store brand stuff that's sold for $3.